On the island of Gaia, Uncle Kulikai just floated up from the sea.

"That's romance!"

He lit a cigarette. He was very happy because he heard the bell ringing from 10,000 meters in the air.

"The bell from the sky... It's amazing!

"There is only one clock that can travel so far with sound!"

The ape smiled and looked up at the sky.

After so many years of following Kulikai to find evidence of the existence of the "Golden Township", the mood at this time is really indescribable.

"We can hear the bell of the huge golden bell, and the "golden township" really exists above the sky! Our ancestor Nolando did not lie!

Kulikai knelt on the ground, laughing and crying.


Robin left alone when Solon and the others defeated the priest.

She looked at the buildings on the empty island very old, which stimulated her desire for archaeology.

She was going to look for clues to history.

After walking around the land of "Apayado", Robin found a hole under a hole.

Sure enough, when you go down to the bottom, you find an old city.

Those broken bricks and tiles, carved beams and paintings all illustrate the prosperity of this city.

Originally, there was gold everywhere, but most of it was taken by Anilu.

Robin found only part of the gold in some corners.

But that's also a considerable amount of wealth, but it's very small compared to the "golden township".

Looking at the architecture and gold, Robin is sure that this is the legendary golden city "Chandora".

However, these are not what she is interested in, she is looking for "historical texts".


"What about Robin?"

Luffy just arrived and found that Robin was not there, and now that there was nothing to do, he planned to take Robin to see the "main text of history".

Although he knew what was written in the text on the empty island, it was Robin's dream and he had to take Robin to read it again.

"It's gone since the beginning."

Others don't know where Robin went.

"Forget it, it's probably in the "Golden Township", I'll go find her."

Soon Luffy came to Robin's side.

"Robin, just now when I was ringing the bell at the top of that bean vine, I found a stone that looks the same as the one in the palace of Alabastan Palace, do you want to go and see it."

The "main text of history" is inside the bell tower of the golden bell, that is to say, at the top of the huge bean vine, hundreds of meters above the ground of "Apayado", which most people will never imagine that there will be anything important there.

"I just said how come I didn't find the legendary "Golden Bell" in this city, is it really there!"

After thinking about it, Robin also thought about the most likely place for the "Golden Bell".

"But there is also a "historical text" in the bell tower, but I didn't think of it, and I wanted to see it."

"I can't find the "main text of history" that I can't find without looking for it, and I'm going to give up on it..."

Luffy directly rolled Robin's waist with his hand and flew towards the top of the huge bean vine.

Originally, Luffy planned to take that bell tower down.

But it was made of gold, which was very heavy, and the volume was relatively large, so it was difficult to move.

Directly knocking down the huge bean vine is afraid that the bell tower will be broken, which is a pity if it is broken.

So I could only fly up with Robin in my arms.

"We are the ones who make history, together with the bells of the Great Bell Tower..." Having

just arrived at the bell tower, Robin couldn't help but begin to interpret the text when he saw it.

"It turns out that this "historical text" records the whereabouts of the "ancient weapon" "Poseidon" with the name of God."

Robin pointed to the words on the stone and explained it to Luffy.

"This is what the Sandians have guarded for eight hundred years, and although their descendants have forgotten why they should protect it, they still fight for it generation after generation."

"Because that's proof that their ancestors existed!"

As an archaeologist who studies history, Robin has great respect for history, and the Sandians deserve credit for preserving it for generations.

They are all real fighters!

"However, it is only a weapon, and it is different from the "Hades" recorded in the stone of the palace of Alabastan..." "

I didn't expect that such a dangerous thing is still lurking in this world, I really guessed wrong, what I want to know is not this."

What Robin wanted to know was actually the truth of the blank hundred years, but the "text of history" he saw twice was about weapons.

This disappointed Robin's expectations once again.

"Robin, look, there's a word engraved next to it!"

Luffy pretended to have just found out and quickly told Robin, who was a little disappointed.

"I'm here to guide these words to the end!"

"Pirates, Gore D. Roger,

"One Piece...!?"

"Could it be that he has been to this empty island before?"

"How could he write such a script...!?"

Robin looked at the words left by One Piece Roger, but fell into deep thought.

"Although I don't know how he got here, the indelible evidence is right in front of my eyes."

"In this way, there are two kinds of "historical texts", which are stones that possess intelligence and stones that indicate the whereabouts of stones."

"Then, this stone is the stone with intelligence."

Robin analyzed the words left by One Piece Roger and came to this conclusion.

"I'm here to guide these words to the end!" Robin whispered the words again.

"Lead to the end..."

The real "text of history" that records a hundred years of blank space is..."

Robin thought to himself. Luffy stood and didn't bother.

"It should be so, several "historical texts" with intelligence are scattered around the world, and only by reading them all once can they be turned into an article that fills the "blank history"."

"Linking them together into documents that have never existed until now is the real 'text of history'."

"And One Piece Gore · D. Roger has delivered the text to its destination. In other words, I must also lead the "text of history" I have seen before to the end of the great voyage, Raftel.

"Luffy, do you know what the D in your name means?" Robin looked at the text of the history and suddenly asked.

"I don't know about this."

This Luffy really doesn't know. Oda didn't reveal it when he crossed over, how could he know!

"Okay, let's go down!"

Robin has already read this "historical text", and there is no point in staying here.

Out of admiration for the Sandia family, Robin came to the ground and told the chief of Shandia about the main text of history.

"Mr. Chief, this piece of history has completed its mission, and you don't have to fight anymore!"

"Is it? Don't we have to fight anymore? Have the wishes of the ancestors been fulfilled? The

elderly chief was already in tears when he heard the news.

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