"As long as I don't have you, I will still be the god of this world!"

Anilu still couldn't recognize reality under the beating.

A person who has been high for so many years suddenly makes him accept that he is actually a member of the general public, and it is a difficult thing to meet an invincible enemy.

Anilu uses the "Heart Net" to try to dodge Luffy's fist.

Although his "Heart Net" can listen to anything within the entire empty island range with the help of the radio waves generated by the fruit ability, its intensity is not very high.

Luffy's intensity of sight and smell will not be lower than that of Anilu, and he still can't escape the fate of being beaten violently.

"What's going on, I can't judge the action of his punch," Anilu sighed darkly.

"All these years you have always been high and careless about the lives of ordinary people, and when your life is threatened, do you also feel fear?"

Having said all this, Anilu still thinks about being the god of this world, Luffy feels that he still doesn't fight hard enough, he should let him feel the threat of death, otherwise even if he joins his team in the future, he still treats life as a mustard.

Gotta tweak.

"Second gear"

Luffy punches again, each punch making Anilu feel that death is imminent.

Although the "Thunder Fruit" has been developed to the extreme and can theoretically have the speed of thunder and lightning, the Anilu in front of him is obviously not so fast in the air, and it is far from it.

So it was difficult for Anilu to dodge Luffy's fist.

"You'll really be killed if you go on like this!" Anilu felt his physical condition, which was quite bad.

"Obey? Do you still do it or not? At

this time, Anilu no longer had the strength to move, and Luffy asked with a punch.

"All said, what is the point of dreaming in this small place all day long that the tough guy who can beat you on the sea below grab a handful?"

Luffy still gave Anilu a breath, and he couldn't really kill him.

"I, I promise to go to the Blue Ocean with you, don't fight..." Anilu's

voice was so small that it could barely be heard. The injury was too bad.

"After experiencing the feeling of death being imminent, Anilu should be in awe of life!" Luffy thought.

"What you said, when the time comes, I will beat you to half death, and then let our ship doctor cure you, and then beat you half to death, heal, and beat you to death!" Just ask if you are afraid?


laughed strangely.

"You're the devil, aren't you?"

Anilu was scared, and he believed Luffy could do something like that.

After Anilu obeyed, Luffy lifted the immobile Anilu and went to find Solon and the others.


Once upon a time, Gaya did have a "golden town" where the Sandia were inhabited.

The Sandia family has guarded the "Golden Township" for generations, and at the same time is protecting the "historical text" hidden in it.

Four hundred years ago, the Shandian tribe suddenly broke out a terrifying infectious disease, and the Shandian people in the tribal civilization had no way to fight the disease, and many tribal people died.

Finally, the superstitious Sandians intend to take the form of "living sacrifices" to sacrifice the maidens of Sandia to the great gods, praying for shelter, breaking the "curse" and making the disease disappear.

However, the god in the population of Sandia is nothing more than a large serpent.

Just as the serpent was about to swallow the sacrificial maiden, Nolando, an explorer who happened to come to the island, appeared in time and slaughtered the serpent.

But this act angered the Sandians, who believed that Nolandu had broken their ritual and that they would be punished by the gods.

At that time, the most powerful warrior of the Sandians "Kargara" rushed to Nolandu, he wanted to kill the invader who had trespassed into the island of Gaia.

The two soon fought together, but there was no difference between victory and defeat.

In the end, Nolandu promised that he could get rid of the "bad luck" that the Sandia family was suffering, and Calgara stopped.

It turned out that the infectious disease obtained by the Shandians was called "tree fever", and it had long been a special medicine in other civilized countries.

With Nolando's help, the Sandians eventually defeated the "plague".

The great warrior Kargara and Nolandu also became close friends.

After this incident, Calgrada also began to believe in the progress of human science and technology, became cherishing life, and no longer regarded people as sacrifices at will.

Calgrada also gave Norlando a large amount of gold.

The extremely precious gold in the eyes of outsiders is similar to the paper used in the eyes of the Sandians, and there are too many such things in the "Golden Country".

Later, in order to completely eliminate the "tree fever" virus, Nolandu cut down all trees with "tree fever" without authorization.

But those trees are what the Sandians see as the dwelling place of their ancestors' spirits. Nolando's action once again angered the Sandians.

The angry Sandians want to drive Nolandu out of the island, and the helpless Nolandu has to leave the gold that Calgara gave him and leave the place with his crew.

Calgrada, who learned from her daughter the reason why Nolandu cut down the tree, understood that the people had misunderstood Nolandu.

By the time Calgara ran to the coast, he saw only a pile of gold left on the ground, and Nolando's ship was already far away.

At this time, Shandia's golden bell was rung, and Calgara shouted at Nolandu: "Nolandu!! Definitely come back! I will be waiting for you in this land, and I will always ring the bell here so that you will not lose your way when you return here one day, so that you can see the island even in the storm!

"I will ring the bell and wait for you forever!"

"One day, I must see you again!"

"My dear friend, will you come again?"

Nolandu, who heard Cal Gram's words, couldn't help but shed tears: "And... Come back! One day, we will definitely see each other again! However

, not long after, an unprecedented ocean current erupted, washing the entire "Golden Country", the homeland of the Sandians, into the sky of 10,000 meters. The huge "golden bell" was washed up on the huge vine of the "empty island".

Since then, ringing the bell has become the eternal luxury of the Shandian people!

When Nolandu came to Gaia again, he could no longer find the "Golden Country".

Nolandu was also dubbed the "Great Liar" and was finally executed by the king.

The Sandians who washed up in the sky were invaded by the "Angels", the indigenous people of the "Empty Island", and were driven out of their homeland that they had guarded for generations.

Since then, the Sandians have been trying to retake their homeland and have waged a centuries-long war with the "Angels" until now.

Nicknamed "War Ghost", Wappa is the most powerful warrior of the Sandia clan today.

After hearing that Daigo had been defeated by invaders from the Blue Ocean, he realized that this was a good time to reclaim his homeland, so he led his people to attack the Angels, who were about to overthrow Anilu and the Angels.

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