The three looked at Usopp, and Solon said, "I can't imagine that you are still a good old man, even the younger brothers have left themselves to fight alone."

Luffy moved his arm, twisted his neck and said, "Yosai, let's help too

" Nami said, "But then again, all the treasures captured by the other party belong to me."

"Why are you helping me," Usopp couldn't believe it.

"There's a lot of people on the other side," Luffy said.

"You're scared, you can see it on your face," Solon said.

"No, no, you say I'm afraid? Stop talking nonsense, I'm a brave sea warrior. Usopp stood up and pointed to himself excitedly. Although he said he was not afraid, his trembling legs betrayed him.

"Even if you are afraid, it is a common human feeling, but the other party is a prestigious black cat pirate group!" If you help me out of sympathy for me, I will not accept that kind of help, go quickly, go quickly! I don't want people to see my jokes. Usopp said.

Luffy and the gang were speechless: we didn't laugh, okay!

Solon said, "I want to help you because I think you're good,"

Luffy says, "How can anyone gamble their lives because of sympathy?"

Usopp was moved speechless.

Next, they began to discuss the battle plan.

Usopp's plan is to pour slippery oil over this slope, so that the pirates will not be able to climb up, and they can take the opportunity to attack them and eventually defeat them. Luffy knows that there are two coastal mouths in this village, and tomorrow the pirates will land from the north coast, which is where their boats are moored and where they defeat Chloe. But he can't tell the Usopp Pirates that they will land from the other side tomorrow, after all, the fact that he is a crosser cannot be exposed. But these are irrelevant, it doesn't matter if there are these traps or not, tomorrow's pirates are a bunch of rabble, vulnerable and have little impact. Luffy went straight to cultivate, he must seize the time to practice domineering, awaken domineering as soon as possible, and enter the great voyage and even the new world in the future, of course, the fruit ability development can not be left behind.

After arranging everything, everyone went to rest, waiting for tomorrow's big war.

Early in the morning, Luffy and his group woke up, and everyone waited for a while without seeing the shadow of the pirate ship. Suddenly, Nami seemed to hear something: "It's a shout, like a pirate's."

"Oops, they landed from the North Coast," Usopp realized the problem.

"There is our little boat over there, and my treasure on board!" Five million Baileys," Nami said, rushing towards the coast to the north. It was the treasure she had received from Bucky.

"If you get from here, you can get there in twenty seconds," Luffy said.

Nami accidentally stepped on the oil poured on the slope last night in a hurry, and her body suddenly slid uncontrollably, and the witty Nami grabbed Solon next to her at once, and then, they slid down together.

Seeing this, Luffy stretched out his arm and pulled the two up, and then quickly went to the north coast to rush, in order to quickly reach the north coast, Luffy used a shaving on the way. Soon Luffy arrived on the north shore and saw a group of people shouting to land, and saw that they were about to rush up the slope. Luffy's move "rubber rubber gun fight" stretched out his hands to punch quickly, and a pair of fists bombarded the body of this group of pirates quickly and forcefully like a Gatling machine gun, and soon knocked most of the pirates to the ground and couldn't get up. Soon Luffy realized something was wrong. According to his memory, at this time, Zan Gao should be directing them, but now he is missing, this is a variable, "Is it because he killed Chloe yesterday to change the course of the original event?" Luffy thought so.

Luffy felt that maybe Zangao had gone to assassinate Koya in advance, or Zangao had found Chloe's body and was scared so he sneaked away, it was possible, the former's words Koya would be dangerous, and the latter's words didn't matter. Luffy decided to visit Koya's house anyway.

Zango was the first to land, and when his men disembarked to assemble, Zango decided to go around the coast to see if there would be any accidents, and under a large tree near the coast, Zango found blood stains, which made Zango vigilant, and after walking along the blood trail for about ten steps, he found the unrecognizable Chloe lying in the grass on the side, dead and no longer dead. If he hadn't seen Chloe and the clothes on him yesterday, Zangao wouldn't have recognized it. Suddenly Zan Gao panicked in his heart, Captain Chloe was killed here so powerful, who has such great skills? The idea of retreating arose in Zango's heart, after all, now that Chloe was dead, no one would trouble him if he retreated. However, if the captain is dead, won't all the treasure obtained from this plan belong to me? Moreover, the captain is not necessarily defeated by someone, or he may have been attacked by someone or caught in a trap. Thinking of this, Zango decided to go to the villa first and get the treasure first.

On the way to Koya's house, Luffy finally saw Zango. Sure enough, as he expected. Luffy decides to follow Zango and wait until Koya knows the truth before making a move himself. Luffy didn't want Usopp to be misunderstood all the time, at least not by Koya.

Luffy suddenly leaves, and the pirates finally get a breather. The injured are lying on the ground, and the uninjured are glad that they didn't rush ahead, and the person has left for some reason, and then he has become the one who rushes to the front, then the treasure in the village is of course the first to be obtained, and he will definitely be able to grab more.

After a while, the uninjured man continued to shout and rush forward.

The "swish" wind came, and several more people fell. It turned out that Usopp had finally arrived. Usopp fired several buckshot bullets with his special slingshot, hitting them in the heart and knocking them to the ground.

"Don't step forward again, you have been surrounded by my 800 billion subordinates, hurry back quickly!" Usopp said with shaking legs.

"Nani! So many people? "Some people believed Usopp's nonsense and were frightened. But there are also people who do not believe it and continue to rush up.

Nami then arrived, she was worried that her treasure would be taken and she was running fast, but then she was wondering: Are those two guys clearly running in the front but haven't arrived yet?

Looking at the figure that continued to rush up, Usopp and Nami had a dispute over who would take the lead, and both thought that they were the weakest one, which should be their own queen and the other in front. Seeing that the pirates were about to rush to the front, Usopp took out a bag of iron tribulus terrestris from his pocket and threw it on the slope. Those who rushed to the front stepped on the iron tribulus terrestris and rolled down the slope. However, the people in front also consumed a small amount of iron tribulus, and the rest quickly rushed to Usopp and Nami again. Just when Usopp felt that he was going to be killed, Solon finally appeared, and three swords came out in unison, cutting down everyone in front. At this time, almost everyone in the Black Cat Pirate Group had been knocked to the ground. Solon was of course lost because he came so late. It's good that it's not too late, and everything is still within acceptable limits, Solon thought to himself.

Just when everyone thought that the Black Cat Pirate Group had no more troops, the members of the Black Cat Pirate Group lying on the ground were not afraid and depressed of defeat, and even faintly excited, only listening to one person said: "You are dead, originally only we made a move, but now we have all failed, but we want those two to make a move, you will be brutally killed by those two." The rest of the members echoed.

Only listening to the ship of the Black Cat Pirate Group made a noise, and two people jumped down from above.

I saw that these two people were wearing cat's claws on their hands, and there were bright and dangling blades on the cat's claws, and they knew that they were abnormally sharp at a glance. The two men were fat and thin, the same height and shortness, and both wore cat ears.

The two men jumped off the boat and headed straight for Solon, faster and faster, and at the same time as they attacked, Solon had already set up a posture.

I saw that they and Solon staggered over, and Solon cut the two to the ground with a move of "Three Blades Flow Tiger Hunt", killing them in seconds!!。

At this point, the Black Cat Pirate Group was all destroyed except for Zangao.

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