"The storm seems to have stopped!" Usopp found that he could no longer hear the wind.

When everyone came outside, they only saw a calm sea.

"It's such a sunny weather," Solon stretched and yawned, "this weather is really good for sleeping." "

Oops, we're already in the windless zone" Nami suddenly realized the danger, and fear was born.

"You see it's still windy and rainy over there, but we don't have any wind and rain here, it's amazing

" "This is the windless belt, I experienced it so quickly, the world is really wonderful."

"When are you going to discuss!? Hurry up and put the sails away, and hurry up and row the boat back for me! Nami commanded as she punched each of them.

"All the nerves one by one, there is no reliable one, I really broke my heart for this ship." Nami thought to herself.

Suddenly, the Meli shook and Nami was about to fall when she was unsteady on her feet, when Luffy came out of the room and helped Nami. It's a pleasure to watch these people play around Luffy every day, what kind of wonderful life would it be to have such an interesting group of companions become a reality in this world, sailing the world with them and going on all kinds of adventures?

There is no pressure in life, no various loans to repay, no need for all kinds of people, no workplace intrigue. At least not on this ship. Although the world is full of dangers, Luffy still enjoys this life after crossing over.

"Is it an earthquake? Shaking so much. Solon stood firmly in place.

"Stupid, how can there be an earthquake in the sea" Sanji taunted Solon.

"Yaga, do you want to fight, curly eyebrows!" Solon gripped the hilt of his sword and glared angrily at Sanji.

"Who is afraid of you, Green Algae Head!"

These two really quarrel at the first opportunity.

Just as Sanji and Solon were about to pinch up, many tentacles sprang up around the Melly, which held the entire Meli and lifted it up. The Melly was completely out of sea.

"What's going on!" Akin wondered.

"It's an octopus, an oversized one!" Usopp saw the octopus head.

Luffy just thought that there would be no danger, but he had just entered the windless zone, so he could just row the boat back. After saying a few words, another accident happened, this octopus has not appeared in the pirate world that Luffy knows.

"What to do, what to do, will it be eaten!" Usopp said as he hid behind Solon.

"Chop it!" Solon drew his knife and jumped up.

"Such a big octopus, is it better to braised or steamed, otherwise make a barbecue!" Sanji was already imagining what the octopus would look like as food on a plate.

"I'm so hungry! Can this thing be eaten, well, smell it first, it seems to be very difficult to eat ah, but I'm so hungry, how can I eat it? "

Who's talking? Luffy knew that this was not what his partners said, but he didn't see anyone else around, could it be this octopus?

"Hey, did you hear anything?" Luffy asked everyone.

"Huh? What's wrong Luffy, isn't it just a few of us? Solon asked.

"What did you hear, Luffy?" Nami apparently didn't hear it either.

Luffy had a bold guess.

This octopus is a sea king, a purebred sea king. Only Luffy can listen to the voice of all things, Luffy can understand the words of the sea kings, and the others cannot.

"Sanji, go and get something delicious, I heard it talk, this octopus it said it was hungry, and now it was hesitating to eat our boat, although it was a little unbelievable, but I did hear it." Luffy Road.

This is a thing that breaks ordinary people's cognition, but everyone wants to believe it when it comes out of Luffy's mouth.

Sanji immediately went to the kitchen to get busy. Luffy, on the other hand, began to try to communicate with the octopus, hoping that it could understand people too.

"Hey! Are you hungry? If you understand me, put our boat, which is the thing in your hand, on the sea, gently put it down, so that we can give you good food. Luffy came to the edge of the deck and looked into the octopus's huge lantern-like eyes and said.

After waiting for a while but no response, just when Luffy thought that the octopus didn't understand, the octopus's voice sounded directly in Luffy's mind: "Really? Don't lie to me, I'm hungry and hungry right now, and if you lie to me, I'll eat you all. The

octopus gently lowered the Melly. Only then did everyone see it in its entirety.

It's huge! The Melly was only half the size of an octopus's head.

"What about delicious? Take it out! "The octopus had just put down the Melly and started eating, and it looked really hungry.

From the sound of these words in his head, Luffy speculated that this octopus should be a juvenile octopus.

"Wait a minute, my partner has already gone to get food, I still don't know what your name is, can you tell me?" Luffy treated it completely like a child.

"My name is Xiao You, how long does it take for your partner, I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten for a long time." I just wanted to come out and take a look, it's too boring at home, but I forgot my way back, can you send me home? I feel like you're different from them, not just because you're the only one who can hear me, but I can't tell exactly what it is. "

It's really a juvenile octopus, and it's a runaway kind.

"There are so many fish in the sea, why are you hungry, can't you catch fish?" It stands to reason that it should not be difficult for an octopus to prey on such a large size, Luffy asked the doubts in his heart.

"Those small fish are not delicious at all, and they are not full, our family still likes to eat large sea beasts the most, but I can't fight them now." Xiao You said with some grievances.

Also, if you let a hungry tiger eat insects one day to fill your stomach, it is probably not realistic. Little tigers cannot catch large prey on their own.

After waiting for a while, Luffy and Xiao You talked a lot, and the food Sanji made was finally good.

Sanji made a barbecue from a large fish he had bought in Rogue Town, and the fragrance could be smelled from far away.

Xiao You looked at the fish that Sanji took out, it was not the usual type, but it didn't look delicious. But it smells good. Xiao You really wanted to taste it.

Usually Xiao You feels that the fish that is difficult to eat is only because it is raw, and there are no fish in their family's recipes, which has led to Xiao You not liking to eat fish.

Ordinary fish and Yamaji's craftsmanship are different. Xiao You quickly finished eating a whole fish.

Xiao You felt still hungry after eating.

There are no such big fish on the boat, and there are not enough small fish to plug between the teeth.

"I can catch fish and let your partner make me delicious." Xiao You said to Luffy.

Through this period of contact, Luffy discovered that the IQ of the sea king class is indeed at the level of a human.

Xiao You sank below the surface of the water and soon caught some large fish two or three meters long.

Yamaji was preparing to cook the fish when a shell landed next to the Melly, and the explosion shook the ship violently.

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