For Shanks’s request, Beckman did not refuse.

Although the redhead behaves kindly on weekdays, there is not even the slightest shelf.

But when doing the right thing, the redhead will show a serious side.

So everyone here knows very well that the more serious the red hair, the more important things are.

At this time, the pirate ships that followed in the distance also approached.

Some of the pirates stopped after seeing the flag of the red-haired pirates.

But there are also some newcomers who have heard of the Four Emperors but have never really seen the flag of the Four Emperors, so they don’t know what the pirate ship in front of them means.

“Captain, why did you suddenly stop?”

Seeing that the captain suddenly ordered a stop, the pirates on the deck were all looking at the handsome man in front of them with some surprise.

The captain Cavendish did not answer immediately, but looked solemnly at the flag on the top of the pirate ship in the distance that had already docked into the harbor of Fishman Island.

Not long after, Shanks disembarked with a few men, and Beckman drove the pirate ship away from the harbor with the rest.

“Leave, get out of here now.”

Watching the red-haired pirate ship drive toward him, Cavendish Xu’s handsome face was nervous, and he immediately shouted to the crowd.

“What? Captain,”

The pirate next to him wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Cavendish, only to see Cavendish directly pull out the Western sword from his waist and directly pierce the pirate’s chest.

“Young Master Ben said to leave, leave immediately!”

Cavendish seemed to have changed into a man at this time, and his originally confident and arrogant face was now covered with viciousness, and he glanced at the pirates on the deck and said a cold word.

Cavendish’s cold, slightly fearful words made everyone’s hearts tremble.

Seeing that the captain was crazy at this time, the other pirates naturally did not dare to speak more.

The next second, cramped shouts immediately sounded from the deck.

The ships of the handsome pirate regiment also turned around quickly.

On the deck of the Redhead Pirates on the USS Red-Falls.

“Huh? Ran away. ”

Jesus Bu watched the warship in front of him suddenly turn around and leave, then put down the spear in his hand and said with some surprise.

Beckman next to him glanced at the original ship and said, “It seems that the flag that recognizes us should be a pirate from the New World.” ”

Beckman was silent when he finished

The Red Fosse continued to move forward.

Although some pirate ships saw the flag and immediately turned away, some pirate ships surrounded them.

For such a pirate ship, the people of the red-haired pirate group did not leave their hands, and all the pirate ships that approached were quickly sunk.

A loud tremor passed through the sea into the bubbles, and the pirate ships, including Cavendish’s handsome pirate group, turned around and left, as if hearing the sign of death, and desperately accelerated the speed of escape.

“Boat, Captain, are you all right, that pirate ship,”

Despite having driven far away, the pirates still saw that Captain Cavendish’s body was still trembling uncontrollably, as if they had seen something that terrified him immensely.

The pirate’s cry woke Cavendish awake.

The next moment, a cold flash flashed and Cavendish’s Western sword pierced the pirate’s heart.

“Damn it, you guys listen, don’t go near Fishman Island again, if anyone mentions the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment again, I’ll be the first to kill him.”

At this time, Cavendish’s face full of cold sweat was full of madness, and it was not difficult to hear a feeling of fear in his tone.

Looking at the captain who seemed to have completely changed into a person, everyone present rushed to respond, and then quickly retreated, and no one dared to stay on the deck anymore.

This happened not only here in the handsome pirate group, but also on the other pirate ships that escaped were full of fear and panic, but Cavendish was more intense at this time.


Fishman Island on the harbor.

Looking at the red-haired pirate group from a distance, it seems that there is a fight with other pirate groups, and the fishman prince Shark Star is also a little stunned.

At the same time, for this decisive killing of the four emperors, the shark star was also entangled.

“Well, I said I didn’t have any ill will, and I helped you solve the pirates who wanted to make trouble.”

“Relax, don’t be so nervous, hahahahaha.”

Shanks now grinned and said to the fishman in front of him, as if the battle in the distance had nothing to do with him.

“Oh,” looked at the heartless and lungless red hair of the Four Emperors who were laughing at this time, but Shark Star felt some hairs in his heart.

At this time, the fishman named Golden Flag who had just left ran back.

“Lord Redhead, Captain Roa and Captain Whitebeard are waiting for you on Noah.”

As soon as the fish man came, he was relieved to see that there was no conflict, and then he quickly said to the redhead.

“Noah? That big ship? Listening to the fishman’s words, the redhead was stunned, suddenly thought of something, and asked the fishman with some surprise.

“Yes, Noah is now the Pirate Ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Although the fishman did not want to have too much communication with such a big person as Shanks, he also had to answer in detail in the face of Shanks’s inquiry.

“Huh? I actually got Noah in my hands,,, now you take me to see.” ”

Shanks heard the fishman’s answer, and was also stunned, and subconsciously looked up to find that the huge ship Noah that had been hanging over the fishman island was gone.

Shanks never expected that the two guys in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had actually gotten Noah.

Others may not know it, but when he was a pirate, he had heard Captain Roger say that Nanoah was guarded by a super-large sea king, and no one could touch it unless it was the legendary ancient weapon of the sea king.

“Is the boy of Royana still the Sea King?”

Shanks subconsciously murmured, his heart full of doubts.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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