This day.

Doomed to not be calm.

Countless people were invited to the royal capital square of the Takri Kingdom.

On the square, there were soldiers from the Kingdom of Takri, specializing in maintaining order, and they also carefully carried out huge telephony worms.

There are also a large number of reporters, all of whom have arrived early, holding cameras and notebooks, waiting nervously.

The supreme commander of Derma 66-Vinsmoke·Iji returned to North Blue, and this huge evil war organization must make big moves!

This is big news, of course you can't miss it.

The same thing does not just happen here.

In the entire North Blue and Calm Belt surrounding kingdoms, islands, and towns that have been controlled by Djerma, countless residents have been gathered on the local square, and huge telephone worms have also been deployed.


In the restless waiting of countless people and reporters.

In the phone bug, the supreme commander of Djerma, Vinsmoke·Iji, was incomparably majestic, wearing a gorgeous white military uniform for the first time.

Behind him, those kings and royal families were still standing.

"Today, to gather all journalists, friends, and the people, there is a solemn and important thing to announce to North Blue and the people of the world..."

"I, the supreme commander of Djerma 66-Vinsmoke·Iji solemnly announced that starting today, Djerma Empire is officially established!!!"


"Eight hundred years ago, twenty ambitious kings formed a huge organization and used powerful force and various despicable means to oppress and lure other kingdoms on the sea to join it..."

"The sea is the sea for everyone! But those twenty careerists brazenly portrayed themselves as some creators, but they are just the creators of the world government. Everything in the world is there. What kind of creators are they? Called a god?"

"For hundreds of years, the World government has tried every means to cover up and cover up its evil deeds in the past, erasing the facts of what the 20 kings did to this world 800 years ago, and even not allowing any individual or organization to do so. Examine this history..."

"Twenty years ago, Ohara, I believe everyone knows that West Blue was once world-famous and the premier archaeological sacred site, with the world's most scholars and the most book-collecting library-the tree of omniscience. Some people may be wondering, Why should I specifically mention Ohara, an island that has disappeared from the world map..."


"At that time, Sengoku, Marine Admiral's marshal, was the culprit who issued the'Buster Call'! Yes, Marine, who has always been insisting on defending justice, is the biggest accomplice of the World government! Bloody executioner! Former Marine Admiral Akainu Sakazuki, even the people They never let go of the refuge ship, and directly ordered the warship to sink the refuge ship into the sea. This is their'justice'!"

Countless reporters and people widened their eyes, and they couldn't help but shed cold sweat.

No one has ever dared to really say that about World government, and even Marine Marshal Sengoku and the sacrificed former Marine Admiral "Akainu" Sakazuki were involved in it and played a disgraceful role.

"What I want to say is that Ohara's incident is not an exception!"

"You may know East Blue, but most of you don’t know that East Blue also has a'country of labor', also known as'country on the bridge'... The innocent citizens of the countries joining the World government are treated as the most inferior slaves, forced to work there day and night. These poor people end the end, they are either tortured to death or exhausted to death! No freedom , There is no future, no hope...there is only despair ahead of them!"

"These kinds of cruel acts are countless, too numerous to list! It can be seen that the so-called justice is just a slogan used by the World government and Marine to fool the people! What they want to maintain has always been the supreme power of themselves and others!"


Far in New World.

The G-1 branch has become the temporary center of the World government.

The top of the Red Line, the sacred place Mariejois is undergoing urgent reconstruction, but it is expected to take too long.

Long meeting seats.

Celestial Dragons such as Jels Saint and Anthony Saint, as well as their retainers and escorts; Five Elders, General Army Commander Kong, Garrison Marshal Adrian, CP0 CIPHER-POL Supreme Commander "Zero" and other strong people are all listed. , Sat on both sides of the conference table.

In front of them, a huge phone bug projected that Vinsmoke·Iji was in North Blue, issuing a declaration of the establishment of the Djerma Empire.

"Celestial Dragons, the descendants of those careerists, who claim to be the bloodline of the creator, are born with supreme privileges...every year, they are only the'heavenly gold' for Celestial Dragons' fun and consumption, and even far surpasses the World government to the major franchise countries. The taxes levied, and these heavy donations and miscellaneous taxes, are all bloodied on the people of the world..."

"Throughout history, what have the so-called world nobles really paid for the world for hundreds of years? No! They are just aloft, high-sounding, and constantly claiming and squeezing the wealth created by the people's hard work in the name of the world government. Rampantly overbearing, just having fun..."

"The World government regards itself as a god, but forgets the truth that water can carry and overturn a boat. Today, Djerma will challenge this cruel and corrupt behemoth..."

"Stand up! The suffering people who have been oppressed and tortured! The road ahead may be difficult or even dark, but that is not a reason to retreat. Think about your relatives, children, and future generations of children and grandchildren! Jie! Erma is willing to lead you to overthrow this decadent and evil World government together!"

"... War has never been evil, it is just a means to defend our rights!"

"I am convinced that war is only temporary, and the world will finally usher in true peace! This is just the darkness before dawn!"

Celestial Dragons, Five Elders and others were present, their complexions were completely pale!

"Delma Empire? The ambition is really big enough..."

Jels Sheng clenched his fists, creaked, and breathed fire in his eyes.

"Overthrow the World government? Rescue the people from water and fire? Are you trying to judge us?"

"It's so brazen, Djerma 66 is just an evil war 950 organization, notorious, dare to say such things..."

Watching Vinsmoke·Iji’s speech at the empire inauguration ceremony, talking about those high-sounding and provocative reasons, constantly discrediting the World government, as if Djerma was sent to save countless oppressed people like the savior of the world. , Whether it was Celestial Dragons, Five Elders, Kong and others, they couldn't help but gritted their teeth and became furious.

What they don't know is if Vinsmoke itself is a royal family.

You can’t do things like killing local tyrants and dividing fields. You can’t chant the slogans of eliminating the aristocracy and eliminating exploitation. It is impossible to attack yourself. It is for nothing. Iji’s words will only be more provocative. Can make North Blue fall into complete chaos.

"Immediately call reporters to issue a press conference to announce the reorganization of the World government!"

Taking a deep breath, the Whitebeard's Five Elders stood up and said coldly to the officials who were sweating coldly nearby: "The credibility of the world government must be restored as much as possible, and it must not be damaged anymore!"

Fortunately, they have just formally reached a general agreement with Celestial Dragons. The negotiations that have lasted for several days have basically ended. The disputed aspects are not big and can be discussed slowly in the future.

Don’t hurry up to reorganize the World government and hold a new round of World Summit. God knows what uncontrollable things will happen next?

Those kingdoms that had been suppressed by the World government in the past and were not weak in strength, but were a little eager to move, but they were still waiting and watching.


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