One Piece Talent System

Chapter 92: leave early

"The power of the captain... is getting stronger again."

Robin on the boat could no longer read the book quietly. She stood up and looked at the huge movement on the cliff and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The cliffs of a hundred meters are broken, and the gravel is gathered in the air, turning into a huge meteorite. This power is simply ridiculous. It seems that it is not the fruit of the 'distorted fruit'. Power.

As for the handyman who heard the sound on the ship, it has already fallen into a sluggish state.


Robin stared at the huge meteorite, and her expression gradually changed. She seemed to see a fissure on the meteorite. As time went on, it continued to increase, and there were vague signs of collapse and fall.

If such a big thing is to come down in such a close place, even if it is not the hull of the ghost image in front of it, the rising waves may be able to smash the ghost image!

Hey! Hey!

The signs of the collapse of the meteorites are getting bigger and bigger, and there have been huge and clearly visible cracks, and Robin’s forehead has a cold sweat.

And as the squint looked like it was about to collapse, Rhodes' figure flickered and jumped onto the rock, and the twisting force instantly covered the entire meteorite.


The meteorite that broke into half of it collapsed again.

"It can be controlled for about twenty seconds after the partition..."

Rhodes looked at the giant meteorite under his body, and his eyes were filled with thoughts. After blocking the medium, his twisting power could be maintained for 20 seconds.

Twenty seconds is enough, it is not a fluttering fruit and a fruit of gravity, and as the twisted fruit continues to develop, this time will continue to increase.


After judging the state of disconnecting the direct contact, the time that the twisting force can be maintained, Rhodes did not spend any more energy to maintain such a meteorite suspended in the air, manipulating its slow fall to the sea below, and finally a little bit Fall to the bottom of the cliff.

Even if it fell a little bit, it still provoked a wave, pushing the ghosts not far away with the waves rising and falling.


"Can you please don't do such dangerous things near the boat?"

Robin, who was relieved, showed a smiley expression, staring at the opening of Rhodes not far away, and there was a dangerous atmosphere in the air.

Rhodes's expression subtly avoided Robin's question, saying: "Come back to Lafitte, it's almost time, we will leave tomorrow."

Robin sighed. "Okay."


Robin contacted Lafitte through the phone bug and called Lafite back from the island.

"The magnetic force of the record pointer is only one-third stored. If we leave now, we will lose the road sign, Captain."

Returning to Lafite on board, I learned that I am going to leave tomorrow, and I am looking at Lodz with some puzzles.

"That doesn't have to worry, where we are going, the magnetic force is very strong. If you are close, you will forcibly capture the magnetic force on the record pointer. By the time, the three arrows may point to the same island." Rhodes calmly responded.

As a nauticalian, Lafitte is completely familiar with the navigation of the record pointer and the great route, but Rhodes's words still make him a bit strange, but he has no doubt.

Since following Rhodes, all the experiences along the way have proved that there is nothing wrong with Rhodes’ decision.

The day.

Rhodes exercised the newly acquired ability to distort gravity on the coast, and was familiar with the soaring physical strength and distorting power. He was almost adapted to the day and was able to master his own strength.

At noon on the second day, the ghost figure pulled up the anchor and put down the sail.

"Captain, which direction do we go?"

Since the record pointer has not been fully loaded with magnetic force, and the purpose of the trip was completely determined by Rhodes, Lafitte did not know the heading and asked for Rhodes.


Rhodes stood on the free opening of the deck. When both Lafite and Robin were inexplicably, they continued: "Let's go straight, leave Alceria's field of vision first."

Lafite and Robin looked at each other and had a feeling of being unreliable, but the two still did not question Rhodes' decision and controlled the ghost number to leave Alcaria.

When Alcaria gradually turned into a blurred black shadow on the horizon, and finally disappeared into the line of sight, Rhodes standing on the deck looked up at the sky.

"So, the place we are going next is..."

"Air island."

At the moment when the voice fell, Rhodes raised his arm, and the five fingers gently closed in front of him. The twisting force spread quickly, shrouded the entire ghost image, and then turned the direction of gravity.

Oh la la!

Nearly forty meters long ghost image, under the power of Rhodes, slowly pulled up from the sea, bringing a wave of waves.

All the people on the boat stunned. Several handymen looked around in shock and inexplicably. Lafite was a little stunned. Only Robin showed a faint color and looked up at the sky.

As a doctor of archaeology in O'Hara, she naturally knows about the existence of the empty island.

"The empty island... it is indeed a good place to take shelter from the limelight, but it is really possible to send a whole boat to the This is indeed unexpected."

After Robin stabilized his figure, he smiled. She did not doubt that Rhodes had the ability to send the ghost number to the empty island, because Rhodes never did anything unsure.

Lafite showed a strange color. After hearing Robin's words, he also showed a smile. "Is the legendary empty island? It seems to be true."


When the ship rose to a position of thirty or forty meters from the sea, Rhodes's hand gently lifted up, and the whole ship suddenly accelerated, rising rapidly toward the sky, getting higher and higher.

The empty island is a buffer space that Rhodes set a long time ago. As long as the ability to distort gravity is activated, he must have the ability to enter the empty island at any time.


On the empty island, there is something that Rhodes cares more about, that is... the natural thundering fruit!

Today is the twelfth year of the thief era. In this period, Aini Road has not yet received the thundering fruit. This fruit has not yet appeared, or it has already appeared, but it has not been found by Aini Road.

As one of the strongest devil fruits in nature, its power is beyond doubt!

It is difficult to get the strength of the thundering fruit, but it is difficult to reach the level of the navy general, but with a little practice, it will be enough to occupy a place in the king's seven seas!

Rhodes had the idea of ​​playing this fruit a long time ago. Knowing that it was on the empty island and leaving it to Aini Road is like seeing a stack of money on the side of the road.

Whether you have a chance or not, you have to take a look at it. Even if you already have the twisted fruit, you can leave it to the crew to create a strong fighting power. Even in the talent system, it is not a talent without double fruit physique, but only 5 The demand for point free talent points is too high.

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