One Piece Talent System

Chapter 70: Navy arrival

Beth Street, the top floor of a four-story hotel.

In front of a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the center of the hotel, a figure that looks like some kind of long ostrich is standing there wearing a top hat and looking at the battlefield in the distance with great interest.

"Is it... Ghost Hand Pirates?"

He is the president of the Dark World News Agency, Molgangs, who holds a large number of news agencies and newspapers in the world, and even the world government has a little cooperation with him.

For the poet Rhodes who made a fortune in the West Sea and made a strong step into the great route, he naturally understood it and even arranged a small layout for the newspaper.

"It’s already here, and this strength is no different."

His eyes crossed several streets, and a pair of scorpions were like some kind of birds, showing a sharp eye, staring at Rhodes's position and examining Rhodes.

Moore Guns watched for a few seconds, took a teacup in one hand, took a sip of tea with his mouth, and turned to look at the place where the kingdom of Elias was near the border. His face showed a smile and said:

"If you can survive this crisis, the most dazzling supernova in the first half of the great route, the most dazzling of this era, is none other than him."

In the direction that Mogangs looked at, there were a lot of navies rushing to the streets!

The Navy G8 branch big fleet... arrived in Elias!


Beth Street.

After Rhodes wiped out a large number of pirates and a large number of gangsters, he did not go after the small fish and shrimp that were scared and mad, but turned to the position where Robin and Lafitte were located. .

After finding Lafitte and Robin on a roof, Rhodes took the record pointer from his pocket and threw it at Lafitte. "Look at it."

Lafite accurately reached out and grabbed it. When he looked at it, he said: "There is no way to judge this light. We have to wait until the magnetic volume of our record pointer is full before we can infer."

If the direction indicated by the single arrow's record pointer is one of the directions indicated by the three-arrow advanced record pointer, it obviously means that the three-arrow advanced record pointer is usable and can be directed to the three islands. It is fixed on a separate route.

"Then wait."

Rhodes nodded. Before confirming that the advanced record pointer could be used, it was impossible to throw away the original record pointer and confuse the sea. If it could not find the north at sea, it would be a very troublesome thing.

Just as Lafite put up a new record pointer and put it on the wrist of the other hand, Robin, standing not far from the building, suddenly slammed his face.


"The navy is coming."

When Rhodes and Lafitte heard Robin’s words, they looked in the direction pointed by Robin. They saw that there were a lot of navies on the streets.

The original chaotic streets have also regained order because of the arrival of the Navy. However, these navies are obviously not coming out of this battle. Looking at this scale and level, their goal is obviously only one...that is, the ghost hand. Pirates!

"It's very fast."

Rhodes stood there, looking calmly and indifferently into the streets, facing a large number of navies quickly surrounded by Beth Street.


Lafite turned his head to look at Rhodes, revealing a look at ‘whether it’s a war or a retreat’.

Rhodes looked at the large number of navies surrounded by him, and the color of his eyes flashed past, and he quickly made a judgment: "You and Robin first return to the ship, I will try the strength of these navies."

The naval base on the great route attacked, and the target was him, so most of them were led by the lieutenant general, followed by a number of naval majors to follow, and a large number of navy elite strong lineup.

Lafite and Robin may be able to deal with a group of navy elites, but in the face of multiple naval majors, and countless elite school sieges, the situation will certainly be very unfavorable.

As for himself, there is no fear of sea tactics. Secondly, he has a certain degree of confidence in his strength. Even if he can't beat it, there is not much problem in the mixed streets.

This time.

The speed advantage of the Ghost Shadow is reflected in the best. Even if you can't cope with the Navy, as long as you quickly retreat to the ship and leave the ship, then the Navy will fight for it in the back, and you can only watch the ghost disappear. At the horizon.

"Sorry, Captain, I want to play with the navy a little, and the intelligence officer will return to the boat first." Lafite shook his cane with a smile after hearing the meaning of Rhodes.


Rhodes nodded calmly.

The most prominent feature of the type of Lafitte and Robin is that they can save their minds, not get lost like Sauron, or behave like a beautiful woman who is bleeding like a mountain. In most cases, he does not need to bother. .

"Okay, you are careful."

Next to Robin calmly nodded, Lafite and Rhodes have the confidence to get out of the naval coffer, she certainly will not leave trouble, and the ghost shadow also needs her to go to the boat, do well Ready to go at any time,

The sudden navy, the block that was originally chaotic because of the gun battle on Beth Street regained calm, countless civilian aristocrats all calm down, no longer fleeing.


There are also many people who show strange expressions.

There was a gun battle just here. In less than an hour, the Navy came. The speed of this is too fast. Under normal circumstances, aren’t they all finished after they finished playing? !

"Have you discovered that the size of the Navy is too big..."

Some people looked at the row and arranged the team forward, occupying all the streets in all directions, posing the positional battle, and frowning the navy surrounded by the entire Bays neighborhood.

The person next to him seems to have just calmed down from the chaos. He shook his head: "Who knows? Maybe it is to protect what big man."

After all, this is the most famous country in the world for hot springs. In addition to disdain for the Tianlong people who live with mortals, many nobles like to come here for vacation and leisure.

"Do not."

Someone shook his head and his eyes flashed in his eyes. "I am afraid it is not as simple as protecting the big man. You look over there... The Navy has even been dispatched."

Looking down in his direction, I saw a figure dressed in a naval justice, embroidered with a lieutenant's epaulette on his shoulder, and he was walking in front of all the navy in the face of the Navy G8 branch, Dal Messia!

Behind Dalmesia, a total of three naval majors followed.

" Major General Asus, you lead the second squad, enter from the west, Major General Hirsch, you lead the third squad, enter from the south, Major General Rohan, you lead the fourth squad, enter from the north, be sure to take the ghost The entire thief group is blocked in the Bays neighborhood!"

"Remember, once you find the ghost hand Rhodes, you don't need to fight, immediately report to me!"

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