One Piece Talent System

Chapter 28: Pirate Port

Point out the talent skills of the moon step, Rhodes is naturally going to experiment.

Although the ability to point out in the talent system is activated by both memory infusion and physical reinforcement, Rhodes has the ‘not trying uncomfortable skies’ symptom.

Push the door open.

Rhodes came to the corridor railing of the cabin. At the foot, the whole person jumped up and landed at the top of the cabin.

Robin was sitting at a table in the direction of the deck reading a book, and noticed the action of Rhodes. She turned her head and looked at it. Seeing that Rhodes had not given any orders, he had to regain his gaze.


At this time, she saw that Rhodes suddenly jumped and jumped into the air, almost as high as the position of the stern at the top of the sail.

Immediately afterwards, Rhodes did not stop, nor jumped to the position of the sentry, but slammed into the air under his feet, as if stepping on the real air, making a slamming sound, the whole person vacated again.

Teng! Teng! Teng!

Rhodes is like stepping on an invisible staircase and climbing up into the sky. Although the distance of elevation is not very high after every step, but after a dozen steps, it is still turned into a small black spot in the air.

"Is that... month step?"

Robin looked at Rhodes, who was on the air, and couldn’t help but look a little.

She knew that Rhodes would use the shaving in the Navy's six styles, and even knew that Rhodes would use paper, but she was the first to see it in the month.

And the Navy Six-style thing, she has been unclear exactly where Rhodes learned from it, although most of the navy from the naval headquarters recruits will be a few naval naval, but will use the moon step It is still very rare, because the difficulty is much higher than the shaving.

In the air.

Rhodes stepped on the twenty-five months in a row and came to the position of thirty or forty meters from the boat. He felt a numbness in his legs and feet, so he stopped.

This kind of trick of the moon step is not really to make a thing that can be stepped on in the air, but to slam the air with strong force and extremely fast speed, so that the air becomes something that can be trampled.

Not only is it extremely labor intensive, but it is also very difficult to control.

He jumped on the ground, and one step was enough to vacate more than ten meters, but stepping on the moon in the air, you can make every effort to pull up one meter.

If the ability to point out in the non-talent system, all of them are real memory infusion and physical reinforcement, he may not be able to climb to such a high position.

Shortly staying in the air close to 50 meters from the sea, Rhodes overlooks the sea below, feeling the sea breeze blowing in the face, revealing a smile.

"That is the country of flowers?"

At an altitude of 50 meters, looking into the distance, Rhodes faintly can see the end of the sea level at the far end, with a small island shape.

Since it can already be seen, it means that the distance is not very far.

After looking at it, Rhodes took his gaze back and fell to the boat below, eventually falling back to the top of the cabin.

However, due to the lack of control over the power and the drop point, he broke the top of the cabin and almost got stuck in it.


Rhodes’s mouth was slightly pumped, and he squinted to the left, just to see Robin’s slightly strange eyes not far away.

However, Robin just looked at it and consciously took back his gaze and continued to read her book, a calm expression that I didn't see anything.

Rhodes came down from the top of the cabin and commanded the handyman on the ship to repair the cabin. At the same time, he came to the deck and breathed two breaths before reapplying the moon.

This ability of the moon step, used to exercise, is an excellent means of practice for him today.

What is weight-bearing, in his current physical condition, is already in a very awkward position, too heavy a ship can not withstand, too light, then no effect, and the moon step does not require any weight, cast Still very labor-intensive ability, it is better to exercise.

Many of the handymen saw that Rhodes could go to heaven. When he was shocked, he was even more awesome to Rhodes. He did not dare to be lazy. He hammered the cabin with Loziz.


The country of flowers.

This is a country of pirates. Because the king is qualified to participate in the World Conference, the Navy rarely visits this country, and this country often has a large number of pirates.

However, the pirates gathered here have erupted at most some conflicts with each other, and did not dare to disturb the order of the country of flowers.

The iron head of the green pepper of the 500-year-old Babao Shuijun leader is not a joke. It was once the existence of a great route. Even if it was beaten by Karp, it was not a problem for the children to kill them. problem.


Not mentioning the leader of the green pepper, just saying that the pirate group of the Eight Treasures of the Flower Country has as many as a thousand people. Among them, the cadres are all practicing the eight-punch fist that has the impact of manipulation, even if they are powerful. Going to the great route, staying in the West Sea is enough to suppress the order.

The pirate ship of Rhodes gradually approached the port of the country of flowers.

"Sure enough, like the intelligence, it is a country of pirates, so many pirate ships, so blatantly parked at the dock port."

Looking at the port of the country of Huazhi, a large number of pirate ships with flags hanging, Robin looks calm, but the tone is a little unexpected.

Rhodes stood beside her and looked at the pier in the distance and smiled. "Maybe it is rare in the West Sea, but on the great route, such a country is everywhere."

"The captain has been to the great route?"

Robin turned around and looked at Rhodes. He was keenly aware of the rhythm of Lodz, the degree of understanding of the great route as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Rhodes touched his chin and said, "Okay."

As his ship slowly entered the port terminal, the port terminal also caused a sensation. The prestige of the Ghosts and Pirates Group was famous in the West Sea.

Many pirates on the pirate ship, as well as the workers on the dock, looked at the pirate ship coming in, and they all looked shocked.

"It is the ship of the Ghosts and Pirates!"

"I heard that not long ago, the ghost hand Luoz killed a naval major, was rewarded with 64 million Bailey, but this is 5 million more than the double sword pirate group!"

Many pirates watched the whispers of the boat in Rhodes.

What the world government is doing in the news newspapers, in the process of chasing the pirates, was swindled by the ghosts of Rhodes, and they deceive the ordinary people. Which pirates will idle and take the initiative to attack the navy? !

Undoubtedly, it is certain that the Navy is actively pursuing Rhodes. As a result, the strength of Rhodes is beyond expectations, and even the Rear Admiral can't cope, and is killed on the spot!

The 64 million Bailey reward is not a random addition.

of course.

For the ghost pirates to enter the port, there are also people who are not afraid, that is, the plains are called the water army, but in the dark are the eight treasures of the official pirates of the country of flowers.

"Ghost Hand Pirates..."

"I have a heavyweight guy today."

The people of the Babao Shuijun looked at the Ghosts and Pirates Group and entered the port with their hands. They talked and laughed at each other with cigarettes, and they were not worried about any troubles.

Even if it is withdrawn from the great route, the bounty is as high as 890 million or even hundreds of millions of pirates. It is not dare to come to the country of flowers, let alone the ghost pirates who have never been to the great route.

To provoke them to the Eight Treasures, even if you hide on the great route, it is useless!

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