One Piece Talent System

Chapter 24: Destroy the knife

Bastius did not understand the meaning of Rhodes.

Whether he feels that his rank is very high, or that his rank is very low, these are completely invisible from the expression of Rhodes.

The only thing I can see from Rhodes' face is a look like a prey, but this expression is strange and ridiculous in Bastius.


He is the base of the T4 branch base of the West Sea. It is not comparable to the naval colonel of those divisions. He once personally suppressed the sea thief who has offered more than 50 million Baileys, and more than one!

Even if it is not long before, with his merits and age, he can be transferred to the headquarters to serve, or a large base of great routes to be a branch lieutenant.

Did Rhodes dare to show him this kind of look?


Moreover, the branch navy he led has already docked two warships on the coastline. Even if Rhodes wants to escape, he will be bombarded and bombed by a close bombing.

"It seems that you are not willing to surrender..."

Bastius's momentum changed from calm to fierce, and his face under the mask of the bull's head was such a disgusting expression. No one knew.

But there is no doubt that when he held the handle of the shark's knives with both hands, the pressure of the strong man who was exposed made the Cappecki in the distance look dignified.

"The godfather, the great Wit and the Laiki are already..."

"The firearms have at least 114 casualties and the artillery team has at least 19 casualties."

"The loss is very heavy."

There were scattered gang members, and a large number of naval forces, coming over here, and the gang members reported to Cappeckie.

The Navy’s attitude towards the gang members was very unfriendly, but due to the orders of the superiors, they ignored the gang of Carpenbeki and other gangs.

"The loss is very serious, but it does not affect the overall situation."

Cappeckie sipped a cigar, and his mouth was smooth, while looking at Bastius and Rhodes, not far from each other.

Although Bastieu prides himself, he does not look down on Rhodes. Any chaotic pirate who can toss the West Sea needs to be serious.


He held the handle of the scorpion shark in his hands and slammed it at Lodz, a heavy sound, wrapped in a savage invisible sniper, stalking Rhodes.

This huge scorpion shark knife is more likely to use the brute force to make invisible sniper, not to mention that Bastius' own swordsmanship is also very extraordinary.


Such a powerful attack also has its weakness, that is, the speed is too slow, and Rhodes just avoids this embarrassment only by a slight sideways.


Rhodes's gaze was like a lion staring at the prey, calm and calm, and he stepped on his feet, and the whole man rushed to Basti.

Bastius saw a lot of information from Rhodes, knowing that Rhodes would use the shaving in the Navy's six styles and the ability to distort steel and even bullets, so when Rhodes rushed over, he didn't panic and lifted huge The scorpion shark knife is a landslide-like knife that smashes at Lodz.


Because of the close distance, this knife is more difficult to avoid than the one that was just now, because it was rushing down at Lodz.

However, when this knife fell, Rhodes's body suddenly looked like a piece of paper. Naturally, a shake, he avoided this.

Paper painted!

After shunning Bastius's knife in paper, Rhodes raised his hand and punched it at the chest and abdomen of Bastius.

Even though Bastius is extremely tall, almost twice as big as Rhodes, he does not dare to resist the Rhodes punch. He does not hesitate to show his shaving, avoiding Rhodes’ fist, and at the same time Back.


Rhodes' eyes were calm and calm, as if everything was in his expectation. He leaped gently, and the whole person turned over in the air and extended his hand. He pressed on Basti's sly shark knife. A bit.


Even for a moment of contact, the huge scorpion shark knives were twisted and shattered, about a third of the blade, twisted and cracked into a spiral.

"Miscellaneous stuff!"

Bastiyu saw that his scorpion shark knife was damaged, and he was so angry that his hands were high and he shook his broken shark knives. The whole person suddenly seemed to be divided into three, and under the knife, he actually took out three. A powerful sniper!

"What is the combination of paper and swordsmanship..."

Rhodes snorted, but did not choose to evade, but greeted one of the snipers, clenched his fist, and slammed his fist.

Originally, in the case of a one-third damage to the scorpion shark, Bastieu’s sniper power was weakened. Now, this kind of distracting attack is still being displayed. !


In the three snipers that Bastius smashed, the two blocks that blocked Rhodes dodge were directly lost, while the one with the front slanting was punched in the middle by Rhodes.

The invisible sniper, when it touched the fist of Rhodes, was fixed in the air, and showed a form, a burst of indefinite.

The collision of the power of the twist and the sniper of the swordsmanship, a powerful confrontation broke out in the air, forming a gust of wind, blowing away in all directions.


This pair has no stalemate for a long The invisible swords that Bastiyu has produced, twisted and burst under the force of the twisting force, turned into numerous small shredded swords, splashing around on the ground and walls. Leave a subtle gap on the road.

At the same time, Rhodes slammed the sniper, and the whole man jerked forward, grabbed the hand and grabbed the front end of the Bastius shark knife.

Hey! Hey!

Even though Bastius did not hesitate to take the knife back, his skull shark knife was still touched by Rhodes's palm, and the entire front end was completely distorted and squeezed into a cracked irregular iron ball. .

The middle part of the scorpion shark was also greatly affected, and the blade and the blade were all twisted and cracked, leaving only the last third of the part still intact.

"The Major's Shark Knife!"

"That is the intelligence... Superman is the ability to distort the fruit?"

The many navies surrounded by the group were surprised to see that Bastieu’s weapons were almost completely destroyed by Rhodes.

Some naval colonels are overflowing with cold sweat on their foreheads. I didn’t expect that the strength of Rhodes would not even be the base of Bastiyu’s base. If Bastius lost to Rhodes, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Sniper! Target the ghost hand Rhodes!"

"The officer above the major, with me to help Lieutenant General Bastieu!"

Several naval colonels at the T4 base looked at the situation and made a quick decision to support Bastius and join forces to suppress the hand of Rhodes.

Bastius thought he was enough to suppress Rhodes. He didn't expect Rhodes' strength to be unexpected. Even he was helpless. The decisions made by the colonel in the distance were right, although his face was a little untenable, but he was A navy.

For the Navy, no process is required and only results are needed.

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