One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 32: Good captain

The ship doctor flicked a bucket of cold water, and in front of Luffy, he woke up with a "crash"...

"Ahem! Ahem, ahem!"

The water rushed into the nasal cavity flowed into the trachea, and Brucem coughed violently, like a tuberculosis patient who was dying of coughing.

"My lord, I am awake."

The ship doctor put down the wood and bowed to Lu Fei humbly...

Luffy's mouth twitched.

Do you call this method help?

What should I say? Is it a kid thief?

Shouldn't he be more sturdier?

"You did a good job, return to the team."

Luffy gave the order, and the ship doctor stood at attention and quickly stood back.

Brujam was still coughing.

Luffy gave him some time.

When Brugem's cough was not so violent, he opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry to scare you out. I don't know you are so courageous."


Brujam got up quickly and looked at the other crew members.

The crew bowed their heads, pretending they didn't see it.

Brujam's pale face was choked into a monkey **** in an instant.

The captain’s majesty collapsed...

"Since you are so courageous, I won't scare you."

"I have been in the army, not in the navy, but on land."

"A lot of bad boys come there every year, most of them are not from military academies, but vagrants from all over the place. It is not an exaggeration to say that many of them are rascals."

"They have suffered from cold eyes, disappointed their parents, and worried the society."

"It's a problem young man with all kinds of problems and one body."

"But they are not incurable."

"One year of army career, one year of hardship, one year of perseverance, one year of iron-blooded tenderness."

"In the end, they will be transformed into heroes who will defend their homes and nations."

"Do you know that if they deny him when they stole the first piece of rubber, and stamp him with the bad guy's seal the first time he bullied the weak, how many admirable names would be lost on the hero monument?"

"This number, if there is no age limit, it will be uncountable."

"You are worse than those bad boys."

"If you stay in the place before me, you will be imprisoned to death, or you will be executed directly."

"But, fortunately, this is not there."

"And I, I am willing to give you a chance."

"Or rather, a choice."

The pirate's eyes began to wonder.

Luffy smiled and said, "If I let you go now, you will continue to do everything."

"It's not your fault, it's mine."

"So, I decided to take you in."

Luffy looked at Bruce Jem.

Asked: "You believe in the survival of the fittest, and the strong is king, right?"

"In your values, can the strong do whatever they want, right?"

"We should have great differences and deviations in our understanding of power."

"So, from today, before you find values ​​that I can identify with, I will be your values."

"Of course, don't doubt that if you don't cooperate with me, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

"I think a few days ago, some of your crew members disappeared or were killed by wolves."

"I'm not sure if you found their bodies."

"However, this is enough to prove that although I am a good person, I am not a saint."

"Now, you can give me an affirmative answer."

Luffy looked around.

The pirate looked at each other, and the ship doctor suddenly shouted: "Hello Captain!"

The pirates suddenly realized, and shouted: "Hello Captain!"

This answer...

Luffy looked at Brujam.

Brujam opened his mouth, his expression sullen, "The Sapphire Pirates are yours..."

Luffy glanced at the flag of the Sapphire Pirate Group, "I don't want a Pirate Group."

"From today, this ship has no name."

"When will you get my approval and when will you be worthy of a name."

"Now, take off the pirate flag, and by the way, remove the cute skulls on the bow. I like to be low-key. That skull is too high-key."

"Don't do it yet?"

The pirates were clever, recovered, and shouted: "Yes! Captain!"

The crew left, but Brugem was still standing there.

"Is there anything you don't understand, do you want to ask?"


"Then what are you still standing here for? Why don't you help your teammates?"

Brujam opened his mouth and handed the flintlock in his hand to Luffy.

Luffy waved his hand with a look of disgust: "You can keep this backward thing for yourself. It may be more stable when you sleep at night."

Brugem's artifact gave Luffy a complicated look, picked up the gun, and walked to the bow.

Lu Fei shouted: "Movements are quicker!"

"Ten minutes later, Yang Fan set sail for Shuangyue Village!"

The pirates became nervous, and their movements accelerated.

Solving the huge skull on the bow in ten minutes is not a simple task.

[In other words, Lobo, you want to recruit these people as crew members? ]

Text bubble: Since you meet them, you can't let them go. It's too **** to kill them all, so let's practice with them first.

[Oh oh, when they come back from Shuangyue Village, will they follow it back to the base? ]

The base refers to the one established by Luffy Sabois.

Text bubble: No, I have better arrangements for them. I plan to let them join the army.

[join the army? ]

Text bubble: Yes, join the army.

The busy pirate didn't know he was going to join the army.

Ten minutes later, the Pirate Flag was removed, and the huge skull on the bow was also removed.

The unnamed pirate ship set sail on time and headed to Shuangyue Village.

But a howl of a wolf stopped the trip.

Luffy stood on the bow and looked down.

Some surprises turned out to be Erha.

There is also a newly hunted deer in his mouth!

Is this here for food?

"Go! Go! Go! A beast is here! Go!"

The three-meter-high giant wolf still had a sturdy dead deer hanging from its mouth. The pirates were all shocked by this scene.

"Don't be afraid, this is the wolf I'm talking about, he is very good."

The pirates looked at each other, which one you were talking about? The one that ate several of us?

Thinking of this festival, the pirates' faces turned pale...

This Nima is called good?

Unlike the pirate whose face was blanched, fans in the live broadcast room only cheered after seeing Erha.

[Wow, Erha turned back again, so cute. ]

[This is considered to be the master, right? ]

[I also brought meat, isn’t this here for food? ]

[Erha, who will deliver food, is so cute! ]

Lu Fei greeted Erha: "Why are you here?"

Erha leaped forward and landed directly on the deck with a "bump!"

You must know that the ship has been out for more than ten meters.

This bounce ability is really terrifying.


"You want to go with me?"

Erha nodded.

One person, one wolf communication is no problem.

The mouth of the crew member who came to report was trembling.

"Ship... Captain, those gunpowder... and... how to deal with fuel?"

The amount of fuel needed to ignite the entire garbage mountain is not a small amount.

There are thousands of people living in it, which is comparable to a small village.

Luffy looked at the old fuel piled on the deck in deep thought.

Throwing is impossible, it's all money.

Use it and not use it.

"You have been pirates for so long, should you have some trading channels?"

" mean the black market? Yes."

Erha put down the venison, and the pirate shivered wherever his eyes went.

"Well, then sell them all."

"Where's the chef? Ask the chef to come over and cook this deer."

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