One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 193 Rebuilding the Hibernian

In the shipyard, Tom was followed by all the members of his studio, Henggang, Espagu (Iceberg), and Cocoro, walking towards Charlotte and his group.

"Dangdang guest, what are your requirements for this ship?"

Tom asked Charlotte, and the female secretary Cocoro behind him was ready to record all the requirements.

Charlotte pointed at everyone behind her. Her meaning was self-evident. Everyone who had been waiting for a long time spoke.

Mitis raised his hand and said: "Mr. Tom, library, I want a library!"

Lina thought calmly: "I want a navigation drawing room! And a small garden by the way."

Jillian spoke without hesitation: "I want a medical room, a medicine storage room, an operating room..."

Mork: "I want a fancy kitchen and dining room!"

Pende: "Mr. Tom I need an animal room, yes an animal room! And an aquarium."

Forehead? Fishman Tom broke out in a cold sweat. What kind of request was this? It was so outrageous!

Beta: "I want, I want, I want a luxury bar, a luxury lounge..."

Barrett: "The artillery fire needs to be fierce, and it needs the power to move forward in the windless zone!"

Charlotte's eyes lit up, it had to be Barrett! Look, this request is not outrageous and suits his heart.

Jin scratched his head: "I want a training room!"

Kekoluo's gentle expression turned a little ferocious, and his recording hand couldn't help but tremble. This was not building a ship, this was clearly making a wish!

Can you please be more reliable?

"Well, um, guest, can this requirement be lowered?"

Charlotte tilted her head and said calmly: "Two billion Baileys! If it's not enough, add more."

"How many, how many!!!" Cocoro screamed instantly.

"Two...two billion!" the young Espagu said with his tongue a little tangled.

Kokoluo changed his face at the speed of light, greeted him with a smile, and twisted his body directly into a C shape, with amazing flexibility.

"No problem, guest, you are so discerning in choosing Tom Studio. I guarantee your satisfaction."

Tom laughed heartily. Building unique boats has always been his determination as a top shipbuilder, and he is not afraid of any challenges.

"Guests, rest assured, as a well-known top shipbuilder, I will definitely build a unique pirate ship for everyone!"

Tom's eyes were blazing, he looked very motivated and full of endless confidence, which indeed fulfilled his life motto.

——A man must have confidence in the boat he builds!

Charlotte smiled, it’s good to be in such good spirits! His ship must be luxurious, comfortable and safe.

"Mr. Tom, I need Adam branches to make the keel of the hull. It would be best if all Adam branches are used. No matter how much it costs..."

Tom was a little dumbfounded. That thing about Adam's branch is not a big cabbage!

Kokoluo said directly, "We will do our best for our guests. At least the keel of the ship must be from Adam's Branch."

What is the concept of twenty baileys? Today, it is an astronomical sum of money. Even if Adam branches are difficult to get, it is more than enough to buy a hull keel with this money.

Charlotte nodded. It was true that all Adam branches were used. It was too much. I could only say that I tried my best.

After all, there are too many Adam branches that are really difficult to deal with. There are only a few branches in the world, and only the largest one is called "Adam".

Tom also nodded, it would be much easier to handle now.

Seeing Tom's statement, Charlotte continued with great satisfaction, "We also need a cannon room, a storage room, a customized lounge for the crew, a tea room, a lounge, a screening room, a banquet hall..."

Facing Charlotte's series of demands, Coco Luo didn't have the slightest bit of temper. How could he not ask for two billion Baileys!

Not too much at all!

Cocoluo just wants to say that it is the duty of the wealthy Tom Studio to invite more such wealthy bosses.

"The ship also wants to use the legendary dragon head. I will give you the detailed drawings..."

"Okay, that's it!"

Charlotte patted the dust on her body and said lightly. What seemed to come to her mind the moment she stood up?

"By the way, Mr. Tom, no matter what kind of technical work you are doing, come to me and use all your strength to show it. Apart from those requirements, you can do whatever you want. Money is not an issue!"

Where's that much gold? Money is not an issue at all!

Flowers, beautiful flowers, dead flowers!

Tom felt Charlotte's determination, and his heart surged for a moment.

With sufficient funds and free play, this will definitely be an amazing ship!

It will definitely be a famous pirate ship in the future.

He felt his enthusiasm burning, and the image of a unique ship seemed to have been sketched in his endless mind.

What a blessing for a top boat builder.

Soon the entire Tom Shipyard was plunged into passionate busyness.

Under the command, members of the Hiberfield family came and went, carrying various materials in an orderly manner.

You even need to purchase a large amount of various materials. Fortunately, this is the capital of the Seven Rivers, so you can easily find shipbuilding materials.

Of course, except for the branches of the precious tree Adam, which need some time, everything else is not a problem.

Charlotte has a panoramic view of everything. From the looks of it, this time will not be short!

It would be more appropriate to say that the Hibernian ship was rebuilt rather than renovated.

As for the subsequent gold exchange, we can only leave it to Mitis and the others.

The news that Charlotte and others exchanged gold for a large amount of Baileys spread out for unknown reasons.

For a time, it attracted a lot of snoops from young children and caused some minor troubles, but fortunately it was not a big problem.

Early the next morning.

"Today is the Mask Carnival of the Seven Waters Capital! You can go and have a look."

Kokoro said with a smile on his face.

This is a super VIP customer of Tom Studio! We must let our guests feel the unique charm of the Seven Waters City.

"Oh, that sounds interesting!"

Beta and Pande's eyes shone brightly, and their desire to play was clearly visible.

Looking at the agitated crowd, Charlotte also said, "Then let's go have some fun!"

Barrett said with a serious face, "Boss, I won't go. I don't like to join in the fun."

Charlotte knew what Barrett was thinking. Someone attacked yesterday, which made Barrett a little worried.

Before Charlotte could speak, Jhin also said, "Boss, I'm not going either. My status is inconvenient. I'll just stay here with Barrett."

Charlotte nodded. These two guys were so sensible. At first glance, Beta was really infuriating.

"Then it's hard work for both of you."

Soon, on the streets of the Seven Waters Capital, people wearing masks were coming and going in all kinds of ways.

Even Pan De also rarely transformed into a panda form, walking on the street on four legs wearing trousers.

Fortunately, the special festival "Mask Carnival" did not attract anyone's attention, except that he was a human wearing a mask.

"Charlotte, look!"

In front of the mask stall, Lina pointed at a white fox mask and said.

"This, it looks great!"

Charlotte nodded, not to mention it was really good, the Mask Carnival always had the atmosphere of doing as the Romans do.

"Okay, let's each pick one!"

A group of people looked excited, choosing their favorite masks, and Charlotte naturally chose the white fox mask.

I hope you all will support me, and thank you all.

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