One Piece East Blue

Chapter 398 Captain John's Treasure

With Xi Ge's current strength, of course the wind here can't really hinder him.

After a while, Xi Ge had already arrived on the middle island.

It's not very big here, only a hill that looks rounded stands upright.


Xi Ge poured out the Buggy that had been smashed into powder, and asked him to reassemble his body.

Taking advantage of this time, Xi Ge squatted down and reached out to touch the ground under his feet.

The expected hardness, the hardness of the ground here is simply more exaggerated than steel.

However, this is in line with the situation here, and only such a hard ground can withstand the raging wind.

"The treasure should be there." Xi Ge said, pointing to the hillside of the distant hill.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see a stone cave halfway up the mountain.

"You go find your treasure first, I'll look around."

Compared to treasures, Xi Ge is more interested in this island.

He was really curious about how such an exaggerated wind was formed.

Xi Ge did not rush to climb the hill, but was wandering around in the nearby area.

"Huh?" After turning to the back of the hill, Xi Ge suddenly saw some familiar things.

A variety of mushrooms.

"This is a laughing mushroom." Xi Ge reached out and pulled out a mushroom with green and black patterns on it.

This kind of mushroom is relatively common and grows in many forests. Once you eat it, you can't help but laugh. It is a kind of mushroom with mental toxins.

"This is red umbrella mushroom..."

"This is white stalk mushroom..."

"This is Libanban mushroom..."

Xi Ge looked all the way, and there was a big mushroom growing here, and there were all kinds of mushrooms.

"This is!" When Xi Ge looked up, he was stunned when he saw one of the mushrooms with a strange pattern.

The mushroom's umbrella was bright red with a dark red pattern like the sun, and it looked pretty good.

"This is ‘the mushroom that grows on the body’!"

Before Luffy was photographed on Nine Snake Island, it was because of eating this mushroom that he was covered with mushrooms and almost died of being soaked up by the mushrooms.

As far as Si Ge knows, this kind of mushroom is only found on Nine Snake Island!

Xi Ge looked into the distance: "There should be Calm Belt."

This is on the edge of the Calm Belt, next to the Calm Belt.

"There is no wind in the Calm Belt, but the wind here is so terrifying, is it possible..."

A bold guess appeared in Xi Ge's mind.

This is due to the piece of intelligence history text that Robin interpreted before, allowing Xi Ge's thinking to completely spread to the sky.

The Red Line can essentially be a chain that locks a mysterious object. The reason why the Calm Belt has no wind is it because all the wind has been sucked away.

And the wind that was pumped away was discharged from here in a unified manner.

If it is really like this, it would be really interesting. The formation of the Calm Belt and even the Grand Line is definitely not formed naturally, but created deliberately by someone.

"I have time to go to Thunder Island and see what secrets are hidden in the Grand Line." The more I learn more, the more mysterious things I feel in this world.

The surrounding situation was basically seen, Xi Ge raised his leg and walked up the mountain.

Walking up the road, he found nothing unusual, until he reached the top of the mountain, Xi Ge finally found a huge stone here.

And scattered around this stone are a pile of tattered broken blades and hundreds of bones that have already been thoroughly dried.

Without exception, the tips of those broken blades have been smoothed, completely lacking the sharpness they should have.

On the stone, there is a short text.

It seems that the writing on the stone should have been carved by these bones before they were alive, and the broken blades scattered around should have been worn out for the purpose of lettering.

"Able to engrave words on the rocks here, even in New World shouldn't be a weak person anymore"

The land here has gone through countless compressions and has become extremely hard, let alone stone.

‘Sea Circle Calendar, April 1482, we encountered a white dragon...’

Sure enough, there was no mistake, the people who left this text were Captain John and his men.

After the collapse of Rocks Pirate, Captain John took a large amount of treasure and fled to another place.

However, his good days did not last long. During a trip to sea, he encountered a huge white Uzumaki white dragon.

Their entire fleet was instantly destroyed by the White Dragon, and everyone who survived, including Captain John, was swept here by the White Dragon.

They were clearly in the New World, but after waking up, they appeared in East Blue.

Sure enough, as in the legend, after being swept in by the white dragon, it will appear in the incredibly distant waters.

Xi Ge had just left Moria and ran into the White Dragon. Fortunately, Perona was there, otherwise they would have been destroyed by the group.

The latter thing is also very simple. With the intensity of the wind here, it is impossible for most people to rush out.

There is nothing here at all. The only thing that can satisfy the hunger is the various mushrooms. As for how many people died of eating mushrooms, and how many people died because of the lack of fresh water, it is unknown.

If you look at it this way, Captain John probably managed to escape. As for other people either waiting to die here or fighting to the death, Xi Ge didn't know.

In the face of various natural disasters, human power is really extremely limited.

Stronger than Captain John and Golden Lion, they also end up like this in the face of natural disasters.

Don't talk about them, even if it is the current Xi Ge, if he really encounters a natural disaster, although he is sure that there is nothing wrong with him, he will probably not be able to protect everyone.

"Mr. Seago!" At this moment, Buggy's voice came from halfway up the mountain, and he was working hard to support a huge package.

It can be heard from Buggy's voice that he is very satisfied with the harvest this time.

Xi Ge knew that most of Captain John's treasure was lost by the white tornado, and the treasure that was really left here was no more than one-tenth at most.

"Where did you get this package?" Apart from the abyss, there is nothing worth exploring for Si Ge.

He has other things next, and he is not ready to go deep into the unknown abyss for the time being.

Buggy blinked, "I was in the cave."

"Open me and take a look." Xi Ge said flatly.

When Buggy heard this, he almost jumped up.

"Isn't it right? This is my treasure. Although you brought me in, I have already paid you the shot fee!" Buggy defended anxiously.

Xi Ge gave him an angry glance: "I don't want your treasure, I just want to look at this package."

This parcel was definitely not left by Captain John and the others. After all, nearly forty years have passed, and a piece of cloth cannot be so intact.

It should have been someone who came here recently.

More importantly, Xi Ge could feel a special power from this piece of cloth, a power he had never seen before.

Hearing what Xi Ge said, Buggy spread the package on the ground suspiciously.

Xi Ge was originally only interested in this piece of cloth, but when he saw one of them, his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's here!"

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