One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 314 Surrounded! The puppet army that shows its skills!

"Come on, follow the invincible Katakuri brother!"

"To do such a thing, the Dark Pirates, I want to kill you all!"

"All die here, bastards of the Dark Pirates!

The other elites of the Big Mom Pirates swarmed after seeing Katakuri's shot, and Katakuri was a symbol of invincibility in their hearts.

"Everyone has gathered..." Wei Laki said inexplicably as he looked at the pirates rushing towards them.

"Then, the siege that Miss Robin said can also begin..." Fujitora also half-pulled out his cane and knife, showing a rare murderous look.

"No, don't all rush here, look behind!" The earth dragon trident picked up Yarrow's chasing wind, and Katakuri immediately roared with a bad look on his face. He who can foresee the future is also necessary in the battle situation. Pay more attention...  

"What?" Hearing Katakuri's words, the members of the Big Mom Pirates also stopped in a conditioned reflex and turned to look behind them.

"Troublesome sight..." Wei Laki tilted his head, but his eyes didn't change, "However, our abilities are even more endless..."

"Door door!" Laki on the Air Explorer 020 also crossed his hands at this time, a huge door opened in front of her, and the exit of the other door was behind the elite of the Big Mom Pirates.

Seven of the eight beasts quickly jumped into the door, followed by the iron cloud robots. These fighting forces also suddenly appeared behind the Big Mom Pirates, and they formed a siege with Fujitora.

On the deck, there are only Ides and the great ape king who ate Lion Fruit. These are also better not to participate in the war if they have to. One cannot reveal his identity, and it is not safe to have a mask, and the other needs to be kept. The stamina to keep fifty ships afloat.

As soon as the seven beasts came out, they roared wildly. Two great ape kings, two giant birds (big spirit and small spirit), a saber-toothed tiger, a mammoth, and a crocodile suddenly launched the cadres of the Big Mom Pirates. shock.

The Tieyun robot behind him also followed slowly. Compared with the perfect puppets like the beasts, their movements were much slower.

"These guys... the situation is really bad..." Katakuri felt the huge threat behind him, and his face became ugly. Those monsters and beasts, but not one Peace of mind.

"Fighting with me, you are still thinking so much, where should I put my face?" Yarrow also said angrily, the wind and waves on the wind-chasing knife expanded instantly, and as he cut out, a ten-diameter diameter A huge tornado a few meters away, with a sharp sword energy, headed towards Katakuri.

"Nothing is more important than my younger brothers and sisters!" Katakuri kicked the giant tornado that Yarrow made, and a large amount of sticky rice poured out, forming a giant foot that only covered Armament Haki .

A dozen huge soles hit the tornado, and fierce sparks flashed on the black soles, but none of them could break through Katakuri's armed defense, and Yarrow's tornado was messed up by him. .

But Yarrow's figure also appeared in the tornado. Like a ghost, it shuttled among more than a dozen soles of feet. The sword light flickered. Most of the soles of his feet were cut off by Yarrow and fell on the ground. It crushed a large area of ​​the ground, lost the soles of the feet that Katakuri controlled, and turned into balls of glutinous rice, and Xun landed on the ground.

"The strength of Me and Chasing Wind is not as weak as you think... Yarrow's whole body is wrapped in the wind, Chasing Wind points at Katakuri, the momentum is like his wind, and it is hard-edged.

"It seems that I have to kill you first before I can deal with other people..." Katakuri clenched the Earth Dragon Trident in his hand as he said that, and was really serious about Yarrow. When he got up, he still needed to respect the swordsman who could cut through his armed color.

And Katakuri is still (cccg) very anxious in his heart, as for the reason that makes him anxious...

" can this big monkey be so strong..." The ordinary great ape king stretched out his terrifyingly strong arms and squeezed it into his arms, crushing him alive. After three or four pirates from the Big Mom Pirates, the pirates who escaped could not help but fear.

"Bang!"" The exploding ape king who ate the exploding fruit hit the ground with a punch, and the ground with a diameter of more than ten meters burst apart. Pirates of the Pirates.

The other beasts also hit Kamui, who beat the elites of the Big Mom Pirates like a tiger into a flock, and only a few more powerful cadres shot, and they were able to resist.

"What's going on with these beasts, why are they so strong...

"And my attacks are useless at all. Armament Haki's weapon can't cut through their skins?"

"What to do, it's so scary..."

"Help, Katakuri-san...

"Each of these beasts has at least the strength of a cadre... 35

Many pirates from the Big Mom Pirates have lingering fears when they look at these beasts. It is not something to look at when they are more than ten times larger than them. The pressure alone can make ordinary people collapse.

"This white guy is just averagely strong..." A pirate holding a sickle slashed across the chest of a Tieyun robot, directly opening a huge hole, and pierced the chest of the Tieyun robot. The logos of the Dark Pirates were all scratched, which made him very proud.

But the next moment, a pure white sword pierced through his chest, he turned around in disbelief, and what he saw was the scene where the Tieyun Robot's chest was restored, while himself was stretched out by its hands. Killed by the sword...

"Hey, why can't these white monsters be killed...

"It's useless to pierce the chest and break the head...

"Not only will it recover, but there are still so many..."

Most of the pirates who were killed before were careless. The other pirates were elites anyway, otherwise they would not have been rescued. They couldn't beat the beasts. It was an absolute physical gap, and Armament Haki of Odd was not them either. Comparable.

However, it is more than enough to deal with the clumsy iron cloud robot...

They are also testing the weakness of Tieyun Robot, but it seems that they can't see it in a short time, and there are already hundreds of Tieyun Robots attacking. With this number, the pirates of the Big Mom Pirates have suffered casualties. normal.......

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