One Piece: Business Empire

Chapter 270 Serving the Society

As soon as they heard that it was a technology product, everyone's expressions changed, some were happy and some were worried, and Garp's face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Damn it! This guy actually has a new product, so he should have asked about it in the first place. Luo

At this moment, in Marineford, in the high-level meeting room, Sengoku's face was even more serious than Garp's, and he slapped the table with a slap in front of him and shouted violently, since Ye Quan appeared, every time there will be a storm. Quan-related matters cannot be faced calmly.

"Sengoku, calm down."

Crane Vice Admiral, who was sitting on Sengoku's right hand, frowned, then relaxed again, and said softly to Sengoku.

"But, that guy,,,""

Sengoku wanted to say something about Akainu, but because there were other generals next to him, Sengoku didn't say it.

"Let's wait and see what happens. At present, the relationship between that guy and everyone in the Four Emperors is not very clear, so we can't act rashly. 35

Crane also didn't expect that Ye Quan's ability to take advantage of the situation was so strong that he didn't have to show it deliberately at all, attracting the attention of all parties in the world with new products, which was enough to make Marine jealous.

"A new technology product developed by the R&D Department? Excuse me, Mr. Ye, what kind of existence does that R&D Department exist in the world?"9

Ma Xiaoteng is worthy of being the number one in the journalistic world. The questions he asks have always been very tricky and hit the key points.

After such a question, everyone in the audience was breathless. Ye Quan mentioned the technology research and development department many times, which made everyone curious about this department in heaven and earth.

The Four Emperors also held their breath subconsciously, wanting to know what kind of existence this technology research and development department is, and it can actually develop something magical like a game warehouse.

Even in the Naval Headquarters conference room, Sengoku instantly suppressed the anger in his heart and listened carefully, waiting for Ye Quan's answer.

Since the last time Ye Quan came to Naval Headquarters, he mentioned that the heaven and earth have their own scientific research team, which also made Sengoku very curious, and even guessed whether Ye Quan was a Master and had some leftovers or clues about history. .

Otherwise, how could there be items that even the scientific research department of the World government could not parse.

As Marshal Marine, Sengoku is not very clear about history, but he has some understanding of it over the years. For example, there may have been times of peace and prosperity. It is precisely because of this that he deliberately did not understand it deeply. Knowing that the justice he stands for is at odds with peace and historical peace.

Mary Joa, Five Elders was also apparently attracted by Ma Xiaoteng's question.

"Scientific research department? It's interesting, this little guy has me more and more interested".

One of the Five Elders was still looking at the monitor indifferently, with no emotion in his words, no one was thinking what he was thinking, and the other four Five Elders didn't speak either, just nodded and remained silent. Waiting for Ye Quan's reply.

"Oh, it's just a scientific research team in heaven and earth. It's a team specially formed by us in heaven and earth to better serve the world and let creatures all over the world live a more comfortable life. 35

Ye Quan chuckled lightly, glanced at the phone bug beside Garp, and then said softly, the whole paragraph was filled with joy, even the murlocs, who have always been hostile to humans, saw what Ye Quan mentioned: All creatures, not just human beings, suddenly made them feel a little favored towards Ye Quan.

"Wow! Not only are there talents in the world, but Mr. Ye's speech is also very good. I like it very much, Mr. Ye, I love you so much!"

Many people in the field began to cheer.

"It's really special that this human being speaks of all living things. 35

Outside, some murlocs watching the live broadcast couldn't help but say.

"Idiot! You don't know yet, but in the real world, everyone is equal, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as it doesn't affect the safety of other people's public property, absolutely no one dares to touch you. "

A murloc who had been to the land of Sabaody immediately said with disdain. He was full of excitement when he spoke. At first, he saw with his own eyes that the guards of the heaven and earth drag a nobleman who insulted the murloc out of the land of Sabaody. In other places, I am afraid that no one would dare to offend a noble because of a murloc, or even make other nobles dissatisfied.

As a public figure, most people are afraid of making other compatriots dissatisfied because of this. Ye Quan can say such words, which many people can't do.

Human beings and murlocs have been hostile to each other for a day or two. Friendship with murlocs will inevitably lead to smearing by some people with intentions.

This also makes many people deliberately put aside other races other than humans when they talk about these, but Ye Quan is not afraid of these, he is just advocating fairness and equality in heaven and earth, if he deliberately put fish people Aside from that, it would really be a blow to yourself.

"" "This little devil, with this mind alone, has surpassed most people. It is indeed extraordinary to be able to achieve such achievements at such a young age.

After a short contact with his own video on the phone, Ye Quan's evaluation in the hearts of the Five Elders also rose, and at the same time, it also made the Five Elders begin to take the heaven and earth seriously.

But despite this, the Five Elders quickly returned to their original state of calm and tranquility, like a lake in their hearts.

"Mr. Ye, let's talk about (Zhao De's), what new products do you have?"

Shanks is also a little impatient, serving the society has nothing to do with him, he is more interested in Ye Quan's products.

In response, Ye Quan smiled slightly, without delaying, he directly waved his hand towards the giant monitor behind him.

"Huh! 35

The screen on the display changed instantly, and it was familiar. Looking closely, it was the price of the product, but there was no product on the price, and it was empty, making people feel that something was missing.

"First, let's take a look at the prices of the products we will talk about later.

Ye Quan turned around, looked down and said softly.

"Wow! Ten million baileys? The cheapest one is only ten thousand baileys, what is it?! The price is so different!"

When I heard that it was really the price, it boiled again.

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