One Piece: Business Empire

Chapter 227 L'Oreal! Chanel!

Ye Quan turned his eyes, and the second product immediately bounced like Ye Quan's vision.

It is a small brocade box with a blue background decorated with gay purple. From the outside, it is impossible to tell what is inside.

Ye Quan did not delay, and directly called up the information on the small brocade box.

"L'Oreal Luxe Specialty Cleanser: A luxurious, special edition of the L'Oreal Facial Cleanser that fixes common and uncommon problems on people's faces, and cleanses everything that doesn't belong to them, including scars, illnesses, birthmarks, madara, acne, Oral administration also has the effect of removing the pain in the intestines in the body, as well as detoxification and other effects (excluding toxins injected into the blood, bone and flesh injuries), long-term oral administration and external use can also delay aging and maintain youth forever.


Ye Quan looked at the back, and the half gulp of tea that had just been sent in was sprayed out.

"Are you serious? This is the first time I heard that facial cleanser is taken orally,

Ye Quan wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth and muttered.

"You can change your name, if you don't say it, I won't say it, who knows how this is used,""

The system can be said to be cunning and cunning, directly giving Ye Quan an idea.

"I'm together! Are you all a businessman like this? A black businessman, but I like it.

After Ye Quan stinks the system, he suddenly agrees with a smile, Ye Quan and the system are like a little fox and an invisible old fox.

After all, there was a precedent for a four-piece bed set before, so Ye Quan didn't have any hesitation. He planned to change the name of this thing, and he didn't need to change it too much.

Hidden cleanser, who knows how to use it, orally and externally, the effect is absolutely great, but Ye Quan thinks it's a blessing in disguise.

This thing is different from Dabao. It seems that the effect is in conflict with Dabao, but it has the functions of detoxification and anti-aging that Dabao does not have. It is a product purely for women.

This thing, if it were in the world, would definitely make a sensation in the world, attracting celebrities from all over the world to grab it, but in this pirate world, Ye Quan is not sure whether these women have such great abilities.

Of course, Ye Quan has already left enough world for himself, and he will make corresponding preparations. At that time, he will use cosmetics to subvert the three views of this world.

After learning about L'Oreal's luxurious special cleansing milk, Ye Quan turned to the next one. This time, Ye Quan immediately guessed that it was a bottle of perfume.

The transparent glass bottle contains a pale pink liquid with a slight halo. Just looking at it is enough to fascinate people.

"Chanel perfume: it can double the charm of the user, stimulate the secretion of heterosexual hormones within five meters, and has the effect of confusing people with weak wills. .

"Well, this is a little more reliable, but as a big brand in the past life, it's just a little bit of improvement, is it really good?

Compared with the previous Dabao and L'Oreal, the most famous Chanel in the previous life only gave a mediocre effect, which made Ye Quan a little uncomfortable.

"Don't underestimate this thing, it doubles its charm and accelerates the secretion of hormones of the opposite sex. It looks very ordinary, but if it is used on a female emperor, as long as you can get close to five meters, even a powerhouse of the Four Emperors level will not be able to do it. There is no escape from death.”

The system was a little speechless, how could Ye Quan not know the goods of such a good thing.

"and then?"

Ye Quan curled his lips, what's the use? You have said that before, if you don't let the Empress fight and kill, how can you still let the Empress spray perfume to challenge the Four Emperors?

"Then, this, this should be up to the individual's understanding."

The system was also at a conclusion, and in the end, it simply threw it to Ye Quan to let him understand.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? Can this thing sell for money? You think the rich people in this world are big fools.

Ye Quan also patted his head and said depressedly,

"What if?

For Ye Quan's words, the system did suddenly light up, obviously agreeing with Ye Quan's words.

・・・・For flowers・・0

"In case you MMP, it looks like it's time for a big effort. 95'

Even though he couldn't think of any use for this perfume, Ye Quan still didn't plan to give it up. Ordinary perfumes were so popular in his previous life, he didn't believe that he would give this good thing that could definitely enhance his charm to him. Played out.

Just as Ye Quan was thinking about how to sell the perfume, a dark shadow suddenly flew in outside the window.


The thing fell heavily on the floor, making a muffled sound.

Under a certain sea surface in the sea of ​​Sabaody land,

"Come on! Next, you all hurry up, don't worry about what you go, just take your weapons and stab Mr. Ye on the body. We must kill them. We murlocs swear we can't be human beings. Slaves! Murlocs are never slaves!

On the deck of the Flying Pirates, a snow-white murloc, with a mouth full of fangs, kept urging, and at the same time shouted the slogan that murlocs and humans are inseparable.

And beside the murloc, Vanderdeaken, whom Ye Quan had seen before, was constantly throwing the murlocs standing in line in front of him at will.

"Hodi! We can agree that when the time comes, we must help me kidnap Princess Shirahoshi."

Vanderdeken looked at Hody Jones, who was brainwashing his subordinates, and was a little disdainful, then disappeared, and then said to you Hody with a smile.

"Don't worry! As long as we blame the death of Mr. Ye on The fish men island, it will definitely attract a counterattack from heaven and earth. At that time, we will just wait for Neptune to be killed by angry people in heaven and earth. As soon as you die, The fish men island will definitely fall under my control, but it is really beyond my expectations that you can get in touch with Mr. Ye, how did you do it at the time?"

Huo Di nodded, he knew that Vanderdaiken was a target fruit person, but he had to get in touch, but he didn't expect this guy to actually be able to get in touch with Ye Quan,

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