Zhang Xiao thought about it.

All over the body, the golden light burned, transpired and sublimated, releasing all the innate qi.

The golden-armored giant was born out of nowhere.

He stomped his feet violently.

The golden light exploded.

Countless golden lightsabers shot out from the body of the golden-armored giant in all directions.

These blue butterflies are naturally powerless.

In an instant, these golden lightsabers pierced through and turned into a sieve.




There was a constant crackling of connections.

Echoed in this empty hall.

Very penetrating!


What's more intrusive is that these blue butterflies can't be killed, they can't be killed!


The quantity is super large! Super many!


"I want to know, can we deal with these things, and kill a large number of blue butterflies at a relatively low cost?"

might have.

But now Zhang Xiao couldn't think of it.

"I remember, these blue butterflies seem to be afraid of bright weapons!"

"My Tang knife should be a kind of bright weapon."

"It is stained with an ancient atmosphere, which can make these blue butterflies fly to the flame and turn themselves into ashes."

Sister Bao'er scratched her chin, raised her hand and threw Tang Dao out.

Tang Dao spun round and round in the air.

Sister Bao'er manipulated Tang Dao with her innate qi.

Make it impossible to land.

Spinning in the air all the time.

Xiantian Qi condensed a sharp long blade from the Tang Dao.

All these blue butterflies were cut apart and exploded into countless pieces of minced meat.

"Look, I just said this method is easy to use."

Sister Bao'er pointed to the blue butterflies bursting into pieces in the air, and grinned.

Zhang Xiao nodded.

Take a step towards this corridor.

It was empty inside.

It was a dead silence that was darker than the main hall.


There will be an echo!


The surrounding walls are far away from Zhang Xiao.

"Hurry up and pass through, my premonition is getting worse."

Zhang Xiao's body trembled slightly, and what Fenghou Qimen gave him was that the gate of death and the gate of life flickered, trembling alternately.


There is not much time left for Zhang Xiao and the others.

Once the light of Shengmen is completely extinguished.

Then, what awaits Zhang and Xiao will be a disaster!

"This palace is dark and big. I seem to remember someone told me about this kind of place..."

Sister Baoer nodded her forehead, it seemed hard to remember.

"I thought of it!"

She clapped her hands violently.


Crisp sound.

Echoed in the empty corridor.


A series of sharp screams sounded from all around, making Zhang Xiao break out in a cold sweat.

what sound?

Ghost scream?


We can't continue walking in such a dark way.

Gotta take a good look around!

Zhang Xiao thought about it.

The golden armored giant manifested again.


The huge ray of light illuminates a thousand-meter radius!

Sister Bao'er threw out the innate qi light ball in her hand.

Manipulating them to hover in the sky in all directions.


It's brighter here!

Zhang Xiao finally saw the scene below.

turn out to be.

He and Sister Bao'er stood on an endless long bridge.

This long bridge is seven or eight meters wide, but I don't know how long it is.

Under the long bridge.

It's the roaring waves!

I don't know if it's too dark here, or the waves are black.

In short.

Zhang Xiao had never seen such a terrifying Black Sea!

Inky black water.

It seems to be able to swallow everything in Zhang Xiao!

"Let's go! It's not suitable to stay here for long!"

Zhang Xiao hadn't heard the roar of the sea water before.

But at the moment.

After lighting up the place.

He heard the sound of the tsunami.


Rolling to the sky like thunder!




Put away the golden armored giant.

Zhang Xiao was extremely fast.

A few minutes faster than Sister Baoer!

Er Gouzi even turned into a streamer.

He carried Zhang and Xiao behind his back.

rushed out.


The long bridge is broken!

The roar of the sea is getting closer!

It is to flood this place! !

Zhang Xiao was stunned!

The sea can still rise? ? ?

An unprecedented sense of suffocation rushed over my face, as if I was about to drown and couldn't breathe.


Zhang Xiao saw the monster hidden in the sea in the strange door after the wind!

real monsters!

It was a super monster full of tentacles, eyes on the tentacles, and a huge height, which made people astonished!

The reason for the rise of sea water.

It was because of his awakening!

He stood up!

Tentacles stirred up the entire Black Sea!

The sea is soaring!

Crazy roar!


It is necessary for Zhang and Xiao to be submerged.

But fortunately.

Er Gouzi is very fast.

Take them out of here.


The water hit them.

Zhang Xiao dodged, the giant in golden armor blocked the sea water, while Sister Bao'er and Er Gouzi rushed into the palace behind.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Tentacles hit Zhang Xiao's body one by one.

next moment.

The golden light on Zhang Xiao's body dissipated.

The whole person flew backwards.

Sister Baoer successfully caught him.

"What a scary monster!"

"But the sea water and this monster cannot penetrate the abyss and come to this palace!"

"Could it be that it is a sealed monster?"

"In front of it, I am like a tiny ant."

Zhang Xiao felt that if he hadn't been flying backwards quickly just now.

I'm afraid that he will be hammered into blood foam abruptly!


"Could it be a creature that only exists in the starry sky?"

Zhang Xiao felt a trace of the power of the otherworldly battlefield from it.

It is the power in the eyes of the stars.

It is a mysterious force.

"Leave them alone, let's go through the palace and talk about it."

Zhang Xiao's mind froze.

Carrying an engineering shovel, he hurried on his way.




At this moment.

Fierce beasts rushed out from the depths of the palace.

Three black-striped arrow tigers!

The three tiger heads can shoot out raging black flames and burn everything!

The hairs on his body stand on end like sharp arrows. Once there is danger, they can be shot out in battle and used as a deadly weapon!



These hairy sharp arrows are covered with a layer of black flames!

Can penetrate all defenses!

Almost impossible to resist.

If you touch it, you will die!

Zhang Xiao didn't believe it, and took the sapper shovel in his hand.


This shovel has twenty years of skill!


It seems to dry out the air!

Slap it flat!

A ferocious tiger roared, and its thick claws competed with Zhang Xiao's engineer shovel.

Facing the shovel, he waved it up.

"How dare an A-level beast do something wrong in front of me?"

"Die you!"

Zhang Xiao sneered.

The power in the hand explodes!


The vicious tiger flew out and was smashed into a meat paste.


The sharp arrow flew out.

He wanted to shoot Zhang Xiao into a sieve.

But the engineer shovel rotated into a circle of light, completely denying these sharp arrows the slightest chance to penetrate their own defenses.

As for the black inflammation on it.

Within the range of Zhang Xiao's Fenghou Qimen.

He was instantly wiped out by the Water Gate!

"Sister Bao'er, let's settle the battle in five minutes, what do you think?"

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