One Eyed Monster

Chapter 80: Doomed restless night

The night quickly encircled Gulu Mountain. The night on the mountain was extremely cold. Hussetas, who had no experience in the field, was shivering with cold. At any rate, he was considered the sick number in the team, and he was the most valuable in the team. Captive, so everyone cared for him doubly.

  Stan Thor sits quietly, his eyes closed slightly, it is his habit to be vigilant during rest. For the time being, he couldn't easily set up his own defense zone like his ancestors. The powerful ancestors only need to sprinkle some dust or drip drops of liquid on their resting place to warn the opponent not to approach easily. This is the oldest technique left by hunting hunters. Sprinkling the feces or bones of fierce animals around during the night in the wild can make the offenders retreat.

This primitive skill was later carried forward by hunters. They incorporated the blood in their bodies into the bones of these fierce animals. With the fusion of blood, these bones became more terrifying. Over time, they gradually formed the unique skills and strength of hunters. Powerful hunters crush and combine these blood-mixed bones, carry them with them, and use these crushed bones and blood to form their own defense zone when they are out in the wild.

   Stanthor originally thought that this fusion blood had no technical content, wasn't it just dripping his own blood on the bones, you could try it yourself. It wasn't until he tried it that he knew it was not that simple. The blood he dripped on the bones of the beast dries up for a while, and after a little scraping with a dagger, it will fall off like powder, without any effect.

Later, when he grew up a little bit, he realized that he couldn't do it without a certain ability if he wanted blood fusion. Later, after experiencing the ups and downs of the family, he discovered that this ancient technique is actually to inject his own spiritual power to death. In the bones of animals, this is a bit like the trick of the alchemists exchanging beasts, but what the alchemists put together is alive and kicking, and what they hunt and hunters put out is still dead.

   Stanthor knows that his strength has not yet reached the level of his ancestors, so he can only be more vigilant when he perceives something abnormal around him. He is the lingering hope of the Sol family, so no accidents are allowed until he finds his brother.

   He has grabbed the weight to meet with his brother. Although this weight is missed by many messy people, he is still sure to guard it.

   The night wind passed by, bringing a burst of coolness, and Stanthor was motionless like a stone. The temperature brought by the extinguished bonfire on the ground has long been squeezed by Igor and Husitas. The sick man didn’t care about the ash after the bonfire was burned, so he lay down wherever it was warm. , Igor had to give that warm place to this patient, and he chose to rub the remaining temperature next to him.

   Baharuo naturally couldn't sleep well. Although he was defeated by Stanthor, it didn’t mean that he was a person who was waiting to die, but he didn’t want to resist Stanthor. From the bottom of his heart, it is clear that two, no, three of them are not Thor’s opponents, and four of them may barely fight with them. Although Thor released the Flame Man, this is not all of Thor at all. The ability can be judged from what Sol said not long ago.

   Baharuo struggled with all his strength and could not feel any abnormal information, but Thor told them lightly that at this moment, besides them, there were more than a group of people dangling on this mountain.

The purpose of these dangling people is also very obvious. These guys are definitely not here for Baiyunguo, because the legend of Baiyunguo has been said for so many years. In reality, none of them have appeared in reality, and even no imitations have appeared in various markets. I don't know how this bunch of people who dream of wanting to make a fortune are so obsessed with this stuff.

   So the group of guys who went up the mountain definitely came for the son of Hussetas!

Although Baharuo was tied up, he never forgot the entrustment he held in his hand. He was ordered by the hounds to protect Hussetas’ safety. As long as Hussetas returned to the Rhonedu mansion unscathed, he would be done. Entrusted, will not lose face to the hound, as for what the process is like, no one will ask, just like after he won a fight, no one asked him why he won.

With the result, who cares about the cumbersome process, even if they rely on strength to win the fight, no one cares, people only care about the result, and there will be no spare time to manage the winner's use of vile measures in the process of that fight .

   So Baharuo is also half resting and half vigilant. He thinks that if an accident happens, he, the hunter of the hound organization, can help a little bit.

   But with his spiritual power asking secret skills, he didn't notice any special places around him.

   Although the one-eyed monster Cady didn't talk much in the past few days, he saw every bit of what happened around him. Like Stanthor, he also felt that the mountain was changing. Sol perceives the anomaly with the sensitivity of the ancient hunter, which is different from ordinary people, and his own powerful strength, but Cady feels the anomaly is entirely based on intuition, more or less he can be regarded as Gulu Mountain. Aboriginal people, he was very familiar with this mountain at first, and he was a little bit strange if he encountered unusual things continuously within a few days.

First of all, a lot of small animals flew around in front of this mountain a few days ago. Although the whereabouts of these little guys are more weird and ordinary people can't find out, but Cady is not an ordinary person, he is a heterogeneous, a monster with one eye, naturally more than what ordinary people notice. more. Those little guys hurried past the mountain. Cardi couldn't tell if it was Kevin's exchange beast. He was still too tender, not as good as Kevin, and Kevin would definitely be able to tell if it was something in an instant. Exchanging beasts, but I can't, I have to look carefully to see it.

   At this moment, Cardi was lying curled up next to Igor and pretending to sleep. There are all things in his mind, and all these things are greeted with a big greeting, making him not understand at all.

  Kady just feels that the little animals rushing around must be strange. The dead peak that even ants can't climb out of Dawn Peak attracts so many animals. How can you look at it?

Another strange feeling of Cardi came from his feet. He felt a kind of trembling in the place where he was standing. It seemed that something had to come up from underneath. Cardi thought it would be fine if Kevin was there. Kevin sure I can say some inexplicable things to dismiss him. Although those inexplicable words can't help him resolve the doubts in his heart, they can certainly distract him from the entanglement at the moment.

   This night is destined to be restless, except for the two boys who sleep like wild boars, the rest of them just closed their eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

   Although the night wind is extremely cold, it can’t freeze the wave-like surging inside people...


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