One Eyed Monster

Chapter 163: mission

Estov squinted, enjoying his unique habit.

Years of tolerance has allowed him to develop many habits, and these habits have become a good way for him to waste time.

Estoff took out a roll of shredded tobacco and stuffed it into his pipe, and then struck a match from his boots. There was little smoke. After a while he was immersed in his second habit.

Logically, he shouldn't smoke. At this juncture, he should recharge his energy and maintain sufficient energy and strength to deal with the upcoming unknown. It's a pity that he is also a gambler in his bones, he always believes in his luck blindly, and doesn't take these advices in his eyes.

Therefore, the rare caution only lasted for a while and then disappeared cleanly.

Who made his third hobby be gambling luck? Squinting, smoking, and gambling on luck, these three habits have accompanied him for more than ten years in Estef, helping him through the difficult days and nights, from the early morning when the dew came to the dusk of the sunset, he was silent Waiting, waiting for the arrival of this day.

This day seems to be his judgment day, and it will determine the significance of his existence over the years. Although the result is predestined for him: either lie down or stay standing, he is still looking forward to it. He looked forward to this day, because it also meant relief.

Estoff took a breath of cigarettes with a face of enjoyment. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the hump-backed boss who was dipping his fingers on the wine table. He couldn't help but feel emotion.

The years were silent, taking too many things away. The hunchback boss was once a scholar of the mainland, but now he can only play a poor hunchback boss in this slapped pub. What made them let go of themselves and hide themselves in the crowd willingly, day and night, month and year.

Estoff spit out a smoke ring. He knew that he and the tavernkeeper were the same kind of bird, squatting on the branches of this continent with his wings, and dedicated everything he had to order.

Estef and them are spirit guards, an ancient forgotten profession.

No one will remember what the guardian looks like, only the secrets behind the guardian.

With a thick bag tied to the shoulder of the guardian, he is always ready for Judgment Day no matter when and where.

Only when Judgment Day comes, can the watchman put down the heavy bag on his shoulders.

Everything is for proper order.

Estov muttered silently, as if reciting his beliefs.

Everything is for the proper order, yes, the secret they guard is related to the replacement of the strong on the entire continent. Once this secret seal is cracked, then this Uvern continent will usher in an unprecedented disaster.

"Why do you think this day is coming?" The hunchback boss still circled his fingers on the wine table.

"Because of Willem." Estef's answer was simple and clear, like his own dealings.

"William, haha, he was also a member of our team before." The humpback boss laughed dryly.

"Traitors are generally difficult to deal with. What's more, he also has a lot of internal information about us." Estoff spit out a smoke ring again and said slowly.

"Bijiasi is here too, it seems you are betting right again."

"I have always believed in my luck."

"I'm ashamed. I have been here for so long, but I haven't noticed any recent abnormalities. It seems that when I am old, I am old and useless." The hunchback boss has a bit of self-blame. He is the front line of Gulu Mountain, but he But he was not the first to discover that the secret they guarded had been coveted. If it weren't for Estef, he would have to sit in the tavern and wait for his guests as usual.

"I was also lucky, but Bigias came so fast, which surprised me a bit. When the team split, they were very clear."

"They are radical and always feel that the world revolves around them, so I am not surprised by the arrival of Bigas. Behind him is the powerful alliance of wizards, and it is enough to compete with Willem. But it is us, now more and more. It seems weak."

"Huh, we are ancient fossils, playing our value in the dark."

"Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?" The humpback boss asked softly.

"From now on?" Estef was puzzled.

"I said before that we have been guarding things for too long, and now it may be time to see the sun." The humpback boss's circled hands finally stopped moving, his eyes were shaking, looking very contradictory.

The eyes of the humpbacked boss seemed to contain the ease of relief, but there was also a trace of reluctance to leave. Those eyes were excited for a while and then sad, making Estoff feel very at a loss.

"I know what our mission is, Estoff." The hunched boss stood up, his rickety waist not only did not bring the slightest sense of decadence, but gave people a sense of fulfillment.

"If we give up early, what should there be order?" Estov was silent for a while thinking about the pros and cons, but still couldn't figure out the hint of the humpback boss.

"You misunderstood, Estef." The hunchback boss smiled. "You are still as innocent as you were when you were young, straight forward."


"We are spirit guards, and we must not let the secrets we guarded leak out anyway."

"Yes, either stand or lie down. There is no third choice." Estoff told the hunchback boss about his destined ending.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and it seems that there is an unrequited grandeur.

"You are right, but some things are not what you imagined. Many things are connected in a chain. Once they happen, they will cause a chain reaction."

"I don't understand." Estef shook his head, and the pipe in his hand was almost half drawn.

"Some changes have taken place in the order of this continent. Although we can keep secrets, we cannot interfere with the changes in order."

"Order? Change?" Estoff felt weird. UU reading

"Yes, a new thing is emerging on this continent. My old friends often mention it in letters, but I am getting old, and I didn't remember what that thing was."

"Could it be that you are talking about mail birds or something?"

"Yes, yes, that's all, the appearance of these things will cause a change in order." The hunchback boss said very excited, and the stars flew everywhere, for fear that someone would not know what he was talking about.

"Our mission..." Estef was even more confused.

He doesn't know what the humpback boss is talking about, but in his mind, his mission has not changed. In any case, he is a guardian, as long as he breathes, he will guard this secret.

"I know, what I said is a bit obscure. Maybe you should show you my deduction. After reading it, I think you can understand it at a glance."

The hump-backed boss walked back to the previous wine table, and the traces of his fingers on the table were still there, which looked like a painting...

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