Goryeo Navy Division Lin Zongbing was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The shells really rained down on the warship.

"Mother, don't you want money for the shells of the Ming army?"

"This is also a failure!" , General Lin muttered, no longer having the courage to continue fighting.


On the Dafuku ship of the Ming army, the red-clad cannon in the bow opened fire first.

The jack Fran machine on the side of the ship also roared.

"Horrible, terrible! Each Daifuku ship actually has a red-clothed cannon, and there are at least dozens of thousands of Fran machines, and the firepower of this warship is completely worth ten of our warships. "

The warships of the Goryeo navy, some of which had a red-clad cannon that Kong Youde sent soldiers to transport to the ship.

Some only have four jack flange machines.

As for the Phi Island water division, they are basically tiger squat cannons, only thirty-six pounds.

It is simply not comparable to a thousand pounds of Fran machine.

The Goryeo navy crushed the Pip Island sailor and faced the Daifuku ship of the Daming royal fleet, and was powerless.

A Daifuku ship fired a volley, stunned to pierce three warships.

A hundred warships rounded on the left and right wings, firing a volley.

Although the hit rate is less than 30%, it is considered to be the highest hit rate in this era.

Even with such a hit rate, a hundred Daefuku ships, a volley of stunned fire, blew up the remaining warships of the Goryeo naval division to only five or six, and were fleeing towards the waters of the Goryeo Kingdom.

General Lin was frightened by the royal fleet of the Ming army.

It's terrible.

In a volley, the sailors of the Goryeo Kingdom were proud of their sailors, and there were only six turtle ships left.

General Lin was stunned by such powerful firepower and hit rate.

The shells are still flying.

The Ming army did not seem to care about the consumption of shells at all.

Wasn't the Ming army very economical with shells before?

The rain of bullets continued, and the officers and men of the Daming Water Division only loaded and aimed at firing as they had fired 500,000 shells in a few days in Tianjinwei.

Huang Taiji on the shore is completely unsettled.

To hell?

Don't you need money for this shell?

When did the Daming court become so atmospheric?

Wouldn't it be better if you have money to build such shells, it would be better to pay us a tribute of one million taels of silver every year, and we would not hit them?

Huang Taiji was already panicking.

In the distance, less than three miles away, the Goryeo sailors were visible to the naked eye and sank one warship after another.

The remaining six ghost ships ran directly towards the place of the Goryeo Kingdom.

"Mess, General Lin actually ran away!" , Huang Taiji was a little anxious.

"Your Majesty, we should go far from shore! I'm afraid I can't take it down! "

Kong Youde knew that if he was still on the shore, the Ming army's Dafu ship approached, and with such dense firepower, it would definitely blow up everyone crying and shouting.

"Retreat, it's too humiliating! What a fucking suffocating fuck! Huang Taiji complained with a crying voice.

The surrounding Iron Hat King had never seen such a sad Huang Taiji.

Phi Island

Azige and Ao Bai, Junta, they took the remaining Eight Banner heavy infantry, rowed small boats and rolled belts to the land of Liaodong to escape.

Terrible, so fucking terrible.

Azig had palpitations.

Ao Bai turned pale and finally returned to land.

A cow record left behind was beaten and crawled by the people who rioted on Phi Island.

With the support of a hundred Daifuku ships, one of the broken Niu Lu quickly retreated to the south shore.

The defenders and people of Pip Island have long been eager to eat the meat of these Jurchen Eight Banner soldiers.

Now that His Majesty has come in person, these people are like chicken blood.

"Niu Lu Ezhen, Wang Ye and Baturu have already withdrawn, what should we do now?"

Niu Lu's heart is really heavy, and there is no way back now.

On the surface of the sea, all that can be seen with the naked eye is the Daming Dafuku ship.

The Goryeo sailors were also beaten and fled.

"Soldiers, you are all warriors of the Great Qing, and you fought with Ming Gou!"

As soon as the words fell, the Ming guards near the shore landed.

Looking at the guards wearing brand new cotton armor, Niu Lu was really stunned for a moment.

To hell? The soldiers of the Ming army guards were actually covered in cotton armor?

Aren't the soldiers of the Ming Guards the weakest soldiers? Isn't it a waste to give them such good equipment?

Niu Lu really couldn't believe his eyes.


Before Niu Luo, who was hesitating, could react, the Daifuku ship near the shore opened fire.

A dense stream of shells flew towards a Niu Lu Eight Banner soldier.

One Niu Lu has three hundred people, which in the past, their three hundred people could completely chase seven or eight thousand Ming guards to fight.

This time, a round of shelling from three Fu ships knocked down a large area.

Some were hit by shells, only to break their limbs, and they fell to the ground and wailed incessantly.

"Enjoyable, really fucking enjoyable!" , Shen Shikui was in a good mood, personally holding a long gun, and stabbed at the Eight Flags soldiers who were not dead.

"Soldiers, leave not a single wounded Eight Banner soldiers!"

"The Eight Flags soldiers want to surrender, and they will never accept their surrender!" , Shen Shikui shot through a Eight Banner soldier who wanted to surrender, shouting orders to all soldiers.

The 388 flag soldiers, under the blow of artillery fire, were all killed by the defenders and the landing Ming guards in less than an hour.

The bodies of the Eight Flags soldiers were directly burned, and their ashes were directly raised by the Ming army.

Breaking the bones, living up to the name.

Across the coast of Phi Island

Hwang Tae-ki and the rest of the soldiers and horses all stayed away from the shore and camped near Cheolsan in Goryeo.

They stayed outside the range of the Ming army Daifuku ship and did not immediately evacuate.

"Unwilling, unwilling!"

Huang Taiji still doesn't want to give up the low-hanging fruit of Phi Island.

The whole person is depressed.

Azig worshipped them with him, and finally saw Huang Taiji's Luan driver.

"Your Majesty, I finally found you!"

"It's miserable, it's really miserable!"

Azig is like a dog who lost his family.

"What's wrong?"

"Originally, we had already occupied the south coast of Phi Island, but the sudden appearance of the Ming army Dafuku ship disrupted our rhythm."

"The Goryeo navy division fled, and your soldiers and ships also withdrew back to the obedient king Kong Youdeok, and we were instantly isolated and had to evacuate!"

"But leave a cow record after the break, I am afraid that the whole army will be destroyed!"

Huang Taiji's face twitched.

One Niu Lu completely wiped out?

Horrible, terrible.

"In the Great Qing Dynasty, there has never been a battle in which Niu Lu was completely annihilated, right?"

Azig, Obai, and Junta, all knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, it's not that we don't do our best, it's really that the firepower of the Ming army warships is too powerful!"

Huang Taiji sat on the Luan drive and did not come to his senses.

How did this battle lose in vain?

The point is that now, the Eight Flags do not dare to approach the coast.

If this Ming army goes to the coast of Liaodong in the future, won't it come and go freely?

Thinking of this, he was afraid for a while, which made Huang Taiji's whole body sweat wildly.

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