Of course Zeng Fang knew about roosters, but that was all knowledge she had learned from books. It was the first time she had seen a live rooster in reality, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhao Yazhi is similar to her, full of interest in big cocks whose feet are tied and cannot move.

"Is there any difference in taste between rooster meat and hen meat?"

"From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the rooster belongs to yang and belongs to warming and nourishing, while the hen belongs to yin and belongs to nourishing. In terms of taste, the quality of rooster meat is more tender and delicious, suitable for cooking, while the quality of hen meat is woody, with high fat content, suitable for stewing soup."

Zeng Fang was a foodie, after listening to Yun Mo's explanation, she immediately asked, "Momo, should we braise this rooster for lunch or braise it?"

"Let's see what side dishes are available."

With that said, Yunmo turned around and asked Yang Xinghua what kind of food they had at home.

Yang Xinghua replied cheerfully: "There are freshly dug potatoes, and the taro is almost ready to eat. There are also jicama and rabbit melon. These are delicious for roasting chicken."

Yunmo turned around and asked everyone what they wanted to eat.

Zeng Fang wanted to eat taro chicken, Zhao Yazhi wanted to eat braised chicken with potatoes, of course Yao Cheng was on Zhao Yazhi's side, but Jian Xun wanted to eat rabbit melon, because he had never eaten this kind of dish.

In the end, Yunmo decided to divide the chicken into three parts and make three flavors.

After killing the chicken, Yang Xinghua dug out a large piece of old bacon from the granary.

Before the beginning of spring, the bacon is wrapped in layers of dried banana leaves, tied tightly with hemp rope, and buried in the dried grain, which can be stored for one or even two years without spoiling.

Moreover, the old bacon preserved in this way has a strong meat aroma and a golden color, which is the ultimate delicacy that people in the city can hardly buy even if they have money.

Chicken with bacon, plus a delicious scrambled goose egg with bitter gourd, the five dishes and one soup were cleaned up by Zeng Fang and the others.

After eating and drinking enough, Yang Xinghua cheerfully cut up the big watermelon picked from the field in the morning to relieve everyone's boredom.

Liu Zhi cleaned up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them, while Yun Mo and Huang Qingning went upstairs to tidy up the three rooms and put on clean sheets and quilts.

After the four of Zeng Fang had settled down for a nap, Yun Mo went downstairs to find Yang Xinghua and Liu Zhi, and talked about building roads and building new houses.

When they heard that their family was about to build a new house, Yang Xinghua and Liu Zhi were both surprised and delighted.

After building a new house, they will be able to marry a daughter-in-law (granddaughter-in-law) for their son (grandson), and maybe they will be able to have a grandson (great-grandson) in two years. This is undoubtedly their greatest wish.

After talking about the family affairs, Yang Xinghua asked Shao Lin again.

"Momo, who is your father? Your mother refuses to say anything, except that your father found the door. I'm always worried about it, for fear that she will be confused again."

"Grandma, don't worry, let me tell you slowly..."

Yun Mo briefly explained the matter of Yuan Jia impersonating Huang Zhiqiu and Shao Lin's identity.

Yang Xinghua and Liu Zhi are both kind and traditional rural women. Let alone encountering such an unimaginable thing, they had never even heard of it. They were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a while.

Huang Qingning listened with gusto, "Cousin, aunt and uncle are not together because of Yuan Jia's interference? What about now? Will aunt and uncle get married?"

These words can be regarded as asking Yang Xinghua's heart.

The important event of the young girl's life is the only heart disease in her life.

The clothes are not as good as the old ones, and the unmarried men and women are unmarried and have granddaughters. It would be great if they can start a family.

Yun Mo once probed Huang Zhiqiu's tone and knew that Huang Zhiqiu had no intention of reconnecting with Shao Lin, but she didn't want Yang Xinghua to be too worried, so she comforted her:

"Grandma, mom and dad haven't seen each other for twenty years, even if they liked each other before, after so many years, things have changed, and all feelings have faded.

Mom has suffered for so many years because of me. I don't want her to forcefully do things she doesn't want to do and live a life she doesn't like because of the worldly eyes.

If Mom meets someone who is willing to love her and take care of her for the rest of her life, I will naturally support her in forming a happy little family.

But it's okay if you don't meet, with me and Ling Chuan here, mom won't be without support for the rest of her life. "

What she said made Yang Xinghua both dynamic and gratified, and she let go of most of her worries.

"Momo, you are a good child, it is not in vain that your mother risked her life to give birth to you."

"When a woman gives birth, half of her foot has stepped into the door of ghosts. Momo, your mother's life was too hard for the first half of her life, and now she's finally making it through."

Liu Zhi lowered his head and wiped the corners of his eyes. They were all mothers, and he couldn't help being touched when he said these things.

Even Huang Qingning couldn't help expressing his feelings, "No matter how bad it is, there are still me and my elder brother. My aunt has loved and cared for us like our own since childhood. When my aunt gets old in the future, we will definitely not ignore her."

Hearing what his daughter said, Liu Zhi was not unhappy, but felt relieved and proud.

After everyone calmed down, Yunmo talked about Yunyao again.

Hearing about the numerous crimes Yunyao committed and the possible fate of being sentenced to life imprisonment, none of the three mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandson spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Zhi sighed.

"If you do your own crimes, you can't live."

Yang Xinghua looked out of the room with tears in her eyes, with an expression of sadness that could not be concealed, "How did she come to this point?"

Huang Qingning didn't speak, but the expression on his face showed that he was also shocked and saddened by Yunyao's imprisonment.

Yunmo can understand that Yunyao and Huang Qingning grew up under the same roof, and the sixteen years of sisterhood is not a fake.

It's just that she didn't know how the Huang family would feel when they found out that Yun Yao had kidnapped Huang Zhao, her cousin, to the Black Coal Cellar.

After finishing the matter, Yun Mo and Huang Qingning went upstairs to take a nap.

Huang Zhiqiu had lived in the room for more than ten years, and even the bamboo mat on the bed exuded Huang Zhiqiu's unique fragrance.

Lying on it, smelling the faint fragrance, Yunmo felt extremely comfortable and peaceful inside.



"How did Huang Yao become like this? She used to be lazy and talk back, but she wasn't that bad.

I still remember that once on the way home from school, she picked up five cents, went to buy a popsicle, and gave me half of it to eat.

I still remember the taste of that popsicle to this day, it tasted like mint, it was cold and sweet, it tasted sweet in my mouth.

Just because of this popsicle, even if she prevented me from continuing to go to school, I didn't hate her that much. I felt that my fate was bad at that time.

Cousin, I know you won't lie to us, but I still can't believe she would do those things.

When she was at home, she didn't even dare to kill a chicken, so how could she dare to kill? He even killed his own sister..."

Huang Qingning babbled on for a long time, wiping tears while talking.

After Huang Qingning finished speaking, Yun Mo turned sideways and reached out to rub the opponent's head.

"She chose the path herself. There is evidence for every evil thing she did. It is not wrong for her to end up like this."

Huang Qingning turned his head to look at her, his eyes were as red as a bunny.

"Cousin, is there still a chance for Huang Yao to come out?"

"If she is willing to reform herself and be a good person, she still has a chance."

But with Yunyao's competitive personality, she probably has no chance in this life.

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