But the key thing is that the murderer did not leave any fingerprints. Even the ground was swept with a broom and not a single shoe print was left.

There are traces, but there are no traces pointing to the identity of the murderer.

Although everyone knew that Qin Yu should be the murderer when they saw that the exit was directly under Room 202, but where was the evidence?

What to do if there is no evidence!

As the old saying goes, reasoning alone cannot convict a criminal suspect. In the end, evidence must be produced.

It must be said that Qin Yu was the most cautious among the dozens of criminals Chen Yan came into contact with. Even in the underground pipe network, which Chen Yan had never thought of before, he used a broom to clean up shoe prints.

However, in keeping with the old saying, the sky is vast and there are no leaks. It was precisely because of his caution that Qin Yu finally exposed himself.

At the exit and entrance of the underground pipe network, the depth is about two meters, and iron escalators are installed for people to climb.

No matter how careful Qin Yu is when entering and exiting the underground pipe network, he will definitely use the escalator to go up and down, so normally he will leave footprints on the escalator, but Qin Yu also cleaned each crossbar with a broom after use.

But it was this kind of cleaning that caused some floating dust to cover the footprints left by Qin Yu on the cross arm. Such traces looked flawless to the naked eye, but by sweeping away the floating dust with a small survey brush, you can extract the traces hidden underneath. Footprints.

As Qin Yu said, he was just a decorator. If he could pass the police, he would know how to clean up such traces. If there were no such traces, Chen Yan would really have no evidence. At that time, Qin Yu can only be suspected, but he can never be convicted.

But if it is if, reality is reality.

"Qin Yu, what I still don't understand is, what is your motive for killing Wang Xu?" The relationship between Qin Yu and Wang Xu originated from the accidental death of Qin Yu's father after drinking with Wang Xu.

However, this matter had been concluded that year, and Wang Xu was not directly responsible for the death of Qin Yu's father.

It is not uncommon for drunkenness to lead to accidental death. It does not mean that whoever drinks with the deceased person will be responsible for the other party's death.

Because drinking is a proactive behavior, individuals must be responsible for their own actions. As long as illegal means such as coercion are not used to force someone to drink, the consequences of death due to drunkenness are borne by the individual. This is the case with the death of Qin Yu's father.

The two brothers Qin Yu and Qin Feng had different views on their father's death. Qin Feng had never had a similar conflict with Wang Xu, so why did Qin Yu hold on to this?

Was it really because of his father's drunkenness that led to his death?

Is there any deeper reason for this?

Qin Yu looked at Chen Yan calmly, "What happened back then was actually quite hidden."

"Back then, I was working on a project with my father. Wang Xu has always been the supervisor of our project. The relationship between the project manager and the supervisor must be good, otherwise the work will not be possible."

"But at that time I was only responsible for specific technical work, and the communication with Wang Xu was always my father."

"The reason why I keep staring at Wang Xu is because before my father died, Wang Xu and my father once resold some materials from the construction site."

I don’t know the specifics. I only know that they sold it for about 500,000 yuan. This is what my father told me personally once he drank too much. "

"But after my father died unexpectedly, the money disappeared. I went to Wang Xu many times, and he said there was no such thing."

"There's no such thing, he just wants to keep the money!"

"After my father died, my business in the past two years was not very successful and I owed a lot of foreign debt. Last month, I resold a batch of inferior materials at the original construction site and earned 300,000, but Wang Xu discovered the matter. ”

Let me give him 200,000, otherwise he will report me! "

Qin Yu spread his hands, "He took my father's 500,000 yuan in the past and refused to give it to me. Now he wants me to give him another 200,000 yuan."

I gave it to him this time. The handle of my whole life will be in his hands. Whenever he is short of money, he can come to me for it. ·

Captain Chen, what do you think I should do when faced with such a person? "

At this moment, Qin Yu was still very calm. He didn't have any fear after being exposed, but there was a little helplessness on his face. "I can only find a way to kill him to avoid future troubles."

After listening to Qin Yu's explanation, Chen Yan nodded.

The reason why Qin Yu was able to go to such great lengths to kill Wang Xu must not only be because of the death of Qin Yu's father, because this does not conform to general logic.

There are two types of killings, one is killing with passion and the other is killing with planning. From the perspective of criminal psychology, killing with passion is when the murderer is greatly stimulated in a short period of time and decides to kill due to emotion.

Plotting to kill is caused by the continuous stimulation of interest disputes or other reasons such as hatred, which makes the murderer plan for a long time to avoid being hunted by investigators and then commit a crime.

Therefore, whether a murderer kills in passion or a crime that has been planned for a long time, psychologically speaking, the external stimuli he receives must be different.

The death of Qin Yu's father obviously stimulated Qin Yu the most at the time of his death.

And when this stimulation was greatest, Qin Yu did not directly kill anyone. As time went on, this stimulation would become smaller and smaller, and the possibility of Qin Yu planning to kill people later would also become smaller.

Of course, this does not mean that the stimulation of the death of a loved one is unsustainable, but in most cases, the stimulation is greatest during the initial period of time after the death of a loved one.

Qin Yu's background statement is relatively clear. He is already married, has a wife and children.

Would a person with a family of his own get angry at someone who drank with him because of his father's unexpected death, and planned it for such a long time?

Obviously, this reason is somewhat far-fetched.

Therefore, Chen Yancai asked Qin Yu if he had any other motives. Sure enough, Qin Yu killed Wang Xu not because of his father's death, but because of the entanglement of the interests of both parties. The more direct reason was that Wang Xu threatened Qin Yu.

This was the most fundamental reason why Qin Yu decided to kill someone.

There is another question. On the night of the crime, you should have used broken wine bottles to place three piles of residue, forcing Wang Xu's car to stop, but how did you get in the car?

Wang Gang raised his own question.

Qin Yu looked at Wang Gang, "What's so difficult about this? He already knows me. I was looking at a bag and pretending that there was money in it. I gave him money and he naturally let me get in the car."

After that, Qin Yu explained the details of the entire crime in detail. The process was basically the same as Chen Yan's judgment and reasoning process.

A cautious murderer like Qin Yu is different from ordinary desperadoes. It is impossible to break through a person like Qin Yu through some interrogation techniques.

The other party was very sure that he did not leave any evidence at the crime scene, so only evidence could pry Qin Yu's mouth open.

When there was no evidence, the other party would not say a word, and with the evidence, Qin Yu no longer had any need to hide it.

This time the Binhe Road murder case is over!

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