Omnipotent Data

Chapter 167 The island nation team, here we come...

"It's okay, I still have a chance, I still have a chance..."

Blind God forced himself to calm down and stabilize his mentality that was about to collapse.

As long as the game is not over, it means that he still has a chance to come back!

Blind God decisively gave up this group of blind twisting, and took over the second set of blind twisting Rubik's Cube from the assistant.

The blind god with trembling hands was sweating profusely, his eyes fixed on the three Rubik's cubes on the table.

He kept muttering something in his mouth.

In order to win, to be able to attack tonight, Blind God has already exploded his small universe at this time!

In stark contrast to the extremely tense atmosphere on the Blind God side, there was another picture of the relaxed figure of Cheng Nuo on the stage.

A set of blind twisting questions, three third-order Rubik's Cubes, glance at it, put on the blindfold, and start solving.

The movements are smooth and flowing, and the garden is strolling.

One minute later, the successfully restored Rubik's Cube appeared on the competition stage.

Then, the international team's time on the big screen was suddenly subtracted by six minutes.

Cheng Nuo, on the other hand, didn't show any excitement on his face, as if he had just done something trivial.

Even, if you listen carefully, you can hear Cheng Nuo shaking his head and sighing softly.

"Hey, it took 54 seconds this time, which is more than two seconds slower than the last set. No, try harder next time and see if you can break into 50 seconds!"

All audience: "..."

Pretentious offender, please, stop pretending to be coercive, okay? !

If it is reinstalled, shall we call the police?

54 seconds is too slow!

Look at the Blind God of the international team, they haven't finished a group yet!

But you are lucky, you have already finished six sets of swishing. That's too slow.

If the Blind God heard Cheng Nuo's words, what should he think?

The audience felt that the only purpose of Blind God, who crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, flew millions of miles, and worked so hard to come to China... was to be abused by Cheng Nuo!

Originally, before the game started, the audience was worried that Cheng Nuo and Chen Chen would be abused too badly.

But now it seems...

What they should be worried about is the pair of troubled brothers Feishen and Blindshen!

The two brothers came all the way from a thousand miles away, but instead of pretending to be fake, they were brutally abused. In this way, it seems...haha, it seems to be not bad!

Since we are catching up to challenge our players from Huaguo, we must be prepared to be "received" well!

After all, the title of the "State of Etiquette" in China is not for nothing.

No, Cheng Nuo has served several "six-minute set menus" now, and his mentality collapsed after eating.

two minutes later...

Blind God finally completed the memory stage of the second set of Rubik's Cubes.

He took a deep breath, moved his fingers, and was full of ambition to bring back the lost time.

But suddenly...

Two voices rang in the ears of the Blind God one after another.

"Team Hua Guo completed a set of blind twisting!"

"The international team's time is set to zero, and the game is over!"

The movement of the blind god's hands that had just picked up the blindfold stopped abruptly,

He stared blankly ahead.

This is... the end?

The end of the game left the Blind God almost defenseless.

He hasn't started his blind screwing show yet, and the time is over.

On the other side, Feishen, who has been obsessed with blind twisting and unable to extricate himself, also looks bewildered.

Originally, according to his estimation, this match would take more than 20 minutes to end at the fastest.

So he retained some physical strength at the beginning and was ready for the long-term stand.

But what I never expected was that this Rubik's Cube time-killing competition would end so quickly.

How long has it been since the game started?

It's only been more than eight minutes!

But the Chinese team has won by virtue of a huge advantage!

The time of their international team has been wiped out.

But look at the remaining time of the Huaguo team, there are still more than 30 minutes...

This gap...

God Fei felt ashamed for himself!

Those sad eyes kept falling on his good friend Blind God.

Blind God wants to cry now.

He was aggrieved by Feishen's inability to understand himself.

It's not that I don't work hard, but that it's their opponent... It's too perverted!

Seeing the speed at which Cheng Nuo solved three third-order Rubik's cubes in one minute, Blind God wondered if he had won a fake world champion.

If you don't play like this, there is no chance for them to resist at all!

"Okay, the results of the competition have come out, let the four contestants come to my side."

In this Rubik's Cube competition, the Huaguo team won with an advantage of more than half an hour. Although it was just an entertainment match, it also put Teacher Jiang in a good mood.

He called the four contestants to his side and said to the audience with a smile. "As you can see, in this match, Cheng Nuo and Chen Shu of our Huaguo team won the Rubik's Cube Time-Smasher match! Everyone applauds and encourages them!"

clap clap ~~

More than 300 audience members applauded in unison, and the applause resounded throughout the studio.

Many people clapped their palms red.

Not for anything else, just because Cheng Nuohe's performance today deserves such applause.

This battle completely brought out the momentum of their Hua Guo team!

No matter how awesome your international team player is, whether he is a Filipino god or a blind god, when he comes to our country, he still kneels!

"Of course, the performance of Feishen and Blindshen today is also worthy of our study. Under such a huge disadvantage, they did not give up lightly! Everyone applauds their perseverance!"

clap clap ~~

Feishen and Blindshen both grimaced, accepting the applause from all directions helplessly.

To be honest, they would rather not have such consoling applause.

What they want is the cheers that belong exclusively to the victors. .

but no way...

When they met Cheng Nuo, a pervert, they could only accept the fate of being suppressed.

After the papa papa, we entered the interview session.

Teacher Jiang first interviewed the two members of the international team, "Blind God, I saw that you failed to solve a set of Rubik's Cube blindly twisted today. What is the reason?"

What else could be the reason? Of course, Cheng Nuo's mentality was blown up!

Of course, even though you think this way in your heart, you can't say it out of your mouth. So he forced a smile and said some more official answers.

The God of Fei is the same as the God of Blindness. He simply said something and then kept silent.

Teacher Jiang handed the microphone to Cheng Nuo, "Student Cheng Nuo, you have contributed a lot to winning this competition. So, how do you evaluate today's performance?"

Cheng Nuo waved his hands again and again, "Don't, don't, the word "great contribution" doesn't suit me. After all, this is a teamwork game."

This sentence made everyone in the audience look sideways.

The pretentious criminal has changed his personality, and he has changed so much that he is no longer pretentious!

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

"Oh?" Teacher Jiang asked with a smile, "Then Cheng Nuo, what word do you think suits you?"

Cheng Nuo tilted his head, and after thinking for two or three seconds, he slowly replied, "Suave and suave, with the talent of heaven, like a descendant of God, with one against two, invincible, neither arrogant nor impetuous, do whatever you want!"

All audience: "..."

Sure enough, this guy's temper can't be changed!


In the remaining two games of the three entertainment games, the Hua Guo team won one and lost one.

So far, the official recording of the entertainment competition before the official three international competitions has been completed!

Cheng Nuo and Chen Chen walked back to the hotel talking and laughing.


And at this moment, on the other side.

At Haiyan City Airport, a plane flying from an island country to Haiyan landed slowly.

The cabin door opens.

Six teenagers with black shoulder bags and baseball caps came out from inside...

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