Chapter 0093 – Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms!!!

The system refreshed all of Li Yueming’s personal information.

Li Yueming looked at it, and the skills he exchanged to improve were not much.

In order to prevent the popularity of the exchange from becoming high, generally speaking, Li Yueming will only consider the exchange when necessary.

Therefore, the system interface is except for a few items.

Nothing has changed in the other skills.

After extracting the skills, it was a huge surprise for Li Yueming.

Flipped over, and there was also a extraction prop that was useless.

[Do you use random skill item scrolls×1?] 【Extraction…】

【Successful extraction, congratulations on getting the perfect carbon fiber diving swimsuit ×1! 】 【Rewards are being distributed…】

【Reward distribution completed! 】 】

[The diving swimsuit has been automatically generated in the host’s backpack! ] A flash of light flickered.

Li Yueming found that he actually drew a set of diving swimsuits… Good guy, what is this letting him do?

It feels like a bit of a chicken rib!

But after thinking about it, chicken ribs are chicken ribs! Better than nothing anyway.

The props extracted by the system will be placed in a fixed position for him, so it will not be exposed under the public.

After explaining everything, Wang Ye left the live broadcast scene.

In the afternoon, the designer has to go.

As the chief manager of Li Yueming’s live broadcast room, Wang Ye immediately went back to prepare for the live broadcast room, and a group of viewers were anxious to watch it.

One after another, they sent a barrage: “Why isn’t the camera close!” Can’t hear the sound, look lonely? ”

“Who can speak, you translate for me!”

“Where did Designer No. 1 win?”

“I feel that Linlin’s face is very bad, is it a house that is not easy to remodel.”

“Damn, bring a knife and hack the director of the program group to death!”

In the afternoon, helicopters were stationed in Modu Square.

Li Yueming had already packed everything.

The black technology props in the hotel have also called a special car to send him to a new place.

Under the watch, Li Yueming and eleven other designers boarded the helicopter together.

Before the 550 plane took off, a group of people silently glanced at each other.

The fighting spirit is very strong.

Obviously, after the first transformation, many designers finally realized that they were not only designing, but also competing with other peers.

Only if the transformation is fast and good can it get a higher score from the judging panel and more love from the audience.

The helicopter passed all the way over the magic capital.

In the end, Li Yueming was safely sent to Hongqiao Airport.

Li Yueming saw Huang Li’er and Ye Bingbing in the airport, and a group of acquaintances

They are all Li Yueming’s auxiliary team.

A group of people got on the plane, and Wang Ye had already put Li Yueming’s mobile phone away.

For the second round of its twenty-five days of renovation about to begin, the designers were naturally not allowed to continue networking.

In the afternoon, the plane went directly to Hainan Airport.

After getting off the plane, Wang Ye found the last commercial car in the parking lot.

After sitting in, he smiled at Li Yueming: “I’m here as a driver again, Teacher Li has to take more care of me!” ”

Li Yueming also smiled and said, “It’s almost the same that you take care of me, how dare I take care of you!” ”

A group of people are quite happy.

After all, after nearly half a month, they gathered together again, and it was always inevitable to be a little excited to see familiar faces.

The oriole is still a pair of canvas shoes, and the clothes she wears are a floral dress. A pair of light eyes are spotless, like two calm lakes.

Ye Bingbing’s face was a little proud.

Originally, as a host, she should not be allowed to be sent abroad.

But because her current identity is relatively special, coupled with Li Yueming’s decisive influence in the program group now.

The program team still hasn’t survived her soft and hard bubbles.

In the middle of the two camera brothers, a host was added.

That’s right, in order to be able to continue to follow Li Yueming, Ye Bingbing gave up the job of chief host with a good salary.

came to Hainan to prepare to follow Li Yueming to give a live commentary.

A group of people drove for more than an hour along the Ring Road. Finally, led by the navigation, the upper group came to the side of the sea.

to the place of positioning.

Li Yueming found out that it was actually a port.

Although it was almost evening now, the two camera brothers turned on the camera very dedicatedly.

After the broadcast, Ye Bingbing still made a simple opening statement.

The sea breeze blew her black hair, and Ye Bingbing was as beautiful as an elf on the shore.

“Hello everyone, now our No. 1 designer has come to the beach in Hainan.”

“Now the staff of our program group is contacting the client!”

“Do you feel the same expectation as we do?”

“Today is a special part of our program, starting from tomorrow, the live broadcast time will still be from 8 am to 12 noon every day, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm!”

Some time ago, Li Yueming had registered a Weibo account under the gesture of the Jieyue Group.

On the day of opening, the number of fans rose to more than one million.

Until now, Li Yueming’s meager number of fans has reached more than two million.

And all this fan data is real.

Li Yueming has no fans, so he brushes one up.

And now, Li Yueming’s meager account is Huang Li’er, who is an assistant, in Baogang.

In this way, you can communicate with fans more barrier-free.

It is precisely because of this that when he got off the plane before, Huang Li’er had already released the news under Wang Ye’s signal.

And it has already communicated with the audience.

There will be a special session at five o’clock in the evening.

So Li Yueming had just started the live broadcast a few minutes, and the popularity of the live broadcast room had directly soared to more than one million!

“Finally waiting for you, fortunately I didn’t give up!”

“I haven’t seen the transformation of Designer No. 1 for half a month, can I finally get in close contact with Designer No. 1 again today!!”

“I am Mr. Li’s food broadcast fan, may I ask when will Teacher Li continue to make food broadcast?”

“Li Yueming: A designer who will not do his job is not a good designer!”

“Teacher Li has been eating food broadcasts for half a month, I haven’t met him by chance, Jian You is too a failure!”

“Mr. Li, the company has been listed, I can pack. Raise you? ”

“Enough upstairs, my dad is Magic Capital Ten. One of the richest people, Mr. Li has been booked by Miss Ben! ”

“It’s terrifying, is what you said true?”

“Sisters… I’m hungry and want to eat too!! ”

Countless fans were all excited the moment they saw Li Yueming appear in the live broadcast room.

Although I often saw Li Yueming some time ago.

But at that time he was either eating or on the way to eat.

Naturally, it was not as serious as it is now.

From a distance, even his eyes are cold.

It’s like a soldier rushing to the battlefield.

The audience was still discussing, and not far away, Wang Ye walked to the side and made a call.

Not long after, two couples who looked to be in their thirties walked over.

Wang Ye hung up the phone and waved hello to the couple.

Seeing this, the two couples hurriedly trotted all the way over.

The man shook hands with Wang Ye and said, “Hello, you are the staff who dream of transforming the show, right?” ”

Wang Ye nodded and took out his employee ID card from his pocket: “My name is Wang Ye, and I am Mr. Li’s assistant!” ”

The two shook hands, and the man introduced himself: “I am the client Wu Nanfeng, and this is my daughter-in-law Wang Meimei!” ”

A few brief chats.

Wang Ye came over with Wu Nanfeng and his wife.

When he saw Li Yueming, Wang Ye spoke: “This is Li Yueming, the designer of our transformation, and he will be fully responsible for this transformation!” ”

Wu Nanfeng looked Li Yueming up and down a few times.

The clients selected by the program group did not know the designer, so Wu Nanfeng also met Li Yueming for the first time.

Obviously, Li Yueming’s unimaginable youth surprised Wu Nanfeng.

He thought that designers should be the kind with long beards or hair, very artistic.

I thought that this designer in front of me was more handsome than the star.

After being stunned for a moment, Wu Nanfeng immediately stretched out his hand and spoke, “Hello Mr. Li, my name is Wu Nanfeng!” ”

Li Yueming also stretched out his hand and shook it.

After a simple greeting, Wu Nanfeng is a typical image of a sea people.

One face was a little blackened by the sun, and his fingers were a little hard because of long-term manual labor.

I copied a mouthful of Mandarin in Hainanese and had snow-white teeth when I laughed, which was very hearty.

His hands were different from those of the workers on land, and his mouth and fingers were covered with calluses.

This is because it rubs out when fishing in the sea.

After the pleasantries, Wang Ye parked his car in a parking lot of a nearby hotel.

This is done so that the car can be picked up once disembarked.

With Wang Ye’s understanding of Li Yueming’s style.

There will definitely be a time when this car will come in handy in the back.

After parking the car, a group of people embarked on a fishing boat.

This fishing boat was named ‘Riding the Wind and Waves’ by Wu Nanfeng.

That’s right, as an authentic fisherman, this is Wu Nanfeng’s private fishing boat.

Many of the staff were amazed.

Apparently they were all on a fisherman’s boat for the first time.

On the Internet, a group of netizens were even more stunned.

“I’m leaning, where is this going?”

“Just listen to the outrageous, can’t the transformation project assigned to the No. 1 designer this time be in the sea?”

“Maybe it’s the Undersea Dragon Palace!”

“Upstairs, why don’t you say it’s Pai Daxing’s round cabin?”

“How is it possible, Beechburg is at the bottom of the beautiful sea!”

“It’s a string of frequencies, I think it should be to go to the island…”

“Island transformation? What kind of engineering is this, it sounds outrageous! ”

“Idiot? There are people living on the island, you see that the two husband and wife of the client are fishermen, and the renovated house must be an island house! ”

Many viewers still don’t know what house Li Yueming wants to renovate, so they can only guess with some clues.

Wu Nanfeng’s fishing boat is a small fishing boat, about eight or nine meters long and four or five meters wide, divided into two layers.

A crowd of people crowded on it doesn’t seem crowded.

Because the official renovation will not start until tomorrow, this evening’s live recording is a special program.

So it’s not too hurry.

In the evening, the sea level is full of burning clouds.

Standing at the bow of the ship, the sun looks like it has fallen to the bottom of the sea.

The entire sea surface is covered with golden glow.

The endless sea breeze blows by, accompanied by the roar of fishing boat engines, including the staff and all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Everyone felt a sense of relief.

The endless wide sea.

It always makes people feel comfortable.

“The golden ripples at sea level are connected, it’s really beautiful!”

“The designer was so lucky, it happened to happen to be in this weather…”

“It’s so beautiful, I also want to take a fishing boat to the sea!”

“I don’t know what kind of project the designer is contracting this time, if only I could see such a beautiful sea view every day!”

“Woo-woo, so envious, at this time, the main thing is to be with Brother Yueming, I will die of laughter directly…”

Facing the sea, spring blossoms, this is my dream!

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