Return to Wang Fang’s old house.

Four of the family of five have gray hair.

Plus a granddaughter, who is still in elementary school, living in this old and old house.

Life in ordinary times is very inconvenient.

But even so, they still did all their best to entertain Li Yueming, a guest who came from afar.

The old man trembled and rummaged through the cupboard under the TV for a while, and took out a bottle of Wuliang, which had been treasured for many years at a glance. Liquid.

Li Yueming took it and poured it for the old man first.

The old man was eighty-nine years old, his ears were not very good, and he basically couldn’t hear the voice.

In 20 days, the 90th birthday is about to pass, and Wang Fang hopes to renovate the house before the old man’s 90th birthday.

Let the elderly have a happy birthday in their new home.

Because of the hot weather, the family cleaned up the old man’s bedroom.

Five people huddled in the small house and clinked their drinks.

Wuliangye tastes very spicy to the throat.

The sound of the air conditioner outside the unit rumbles and the cool breeze is very limited.

But Li Yueming ate the taste of home in this meal.

In fact, as long as you learn to satisfy, people don’t need much at all.

A bed that rolls freely.

A bright bedroom.

A comfortable chair.

A book that I love to read.

And the people around you who love themselves, or who they love.

The rest, more or less, can be ignored.

At least, Li Yueming felt the warmth of this family in this cramped little house.

Because his father-in-law couldn’t hear it, Wang Fang and his wife carefully prepared a small blackboard for him.

My mother-in-law likes to play mahjong.

The two set up a mahjong table in the already crowded living room.

Every night, I would accompany my mother-in-law to play mahjong for entertainment.

And the old couple, when the father-in-law went to the toilet, in order not to disturb the sleep of Wang Fang and the two in the living room, they would rather go to the toilet in the dark.

Although her mother-in-law lost her labor, she still sewed a little embroidery every day to subsidize her family.

The family lives in a small building, although there are many inconveniences.

But they can feel the warmth and care of each other all the time.

In this increasingly fast-paced society, there is a home that is heavy but as soft as the sea.

Even for Li Yueming, it is a luxurious enjoyment.

Accompanied the grandfather to drink two glasses of white wine, and listened to Wang Fang nagging for a while.

Li Yueming’s behavior after entering the old house has completely won the respect of Wang Fang’s family.

This designer looks young, but he is very calm when he does things.

Not only that, there is no shelf, there is no hypocritical politeness with them from beginning to end, and I have never looked down on them because of their good conditions.

The old couple liked it very much.

If it weren’t for the fact that his daughters were married, maybe he would have to find a way to match them on the spot.

Li Yueming ate several bowls of rice, and the dishes were not less.

Finally, he put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to several old people: “After my investigation just now, there are two precautions I need to discuss with you!” ”

He took out the memorandum from his pocket, looked at it, and then spoke: “First of all, the load-bearing walls on both sides of the old house have begun to deform due to disrepair! ”

“Secondly, the eaves of the roof are seriously curved, and I also found some safety hazards, the roof tiles are too heavy, and the force part of the entire house is concentrated on the load-bearing walls and beams on both sides!”

“I don’t know who designed it, but it’s really surprising that this structure can be strong for so many years!”

Listening to his complaint, Wang Fang, who was originally eating, stopped the movement in his hand and looked at his father-in-law who was drinking silently on the side.

There was a trace of reminiscence in the original vicissitudes of his eyes.

It seems that the past of a long, long time ago sounded.

“This house was built for us by our father-in-law when Lao Li got married!”

“At that time, the magic capital was still a city in the development stage, the land was yellow mud land, and the wall was yellow mud wall…”

“In order to let Lao Li take back my scenery, my father-in-law bought a tricycle that was very fashionable at that time, and after working every day, he pulled the tricycle to the construction site on the other side of the new city to pull waste bricks that people don’t want!”

“It takes twenty miles back and forth, and after dinner, I pull a tricycle out the door, and I can’t come back until after ten o’clock in the evening.”

“My father-in-law has been pulling for a year, and every day after work, he will pull bricks back to build a house!”

“Our little house is the first foreign brick house in the old town!”

“I remember when I got married, the neighbors came to the scene, it was called a bustle!”

As he spoke, a trace of remembrance appeared in Wang Fang’s eyes, whose hair had been dyed white.

The memory in my mind seems to go back to that day more than thirty years ago.

Big red wedding dresses, beautiful brick houses, envious eyes of neighbors…

It’s all slowly streaking in front of you like a movie.

On the other side, Lao Li had already cried red eyes.

Some things seem to have passed a long time.

But I can’t stand the memory, and it seems to be yesterday.

Thirty years have changed this once beautiful small western-style building.

He also completely dyed the white hair on the head of his father-in-law, who was once rich and powerful.

The years are like a knife urging people to get old, and a generation of old houses is replaced with a new house.


After Li Yueming listened, he raised his glass again and clinked glasses with the old man.

The old man was silent.

He couldn’t hear clearly now.

Basically, he also lost the ability to speak, and he could only make some slurred sounds when he opened his mouth.

Once you naturally know what a group of people are discussing here.

Only when I saw Li Yueming raise his glass did he understand the meaning of this international gesture.

An old man and a young man touched a cup.

In the clear sound of the wine glass, two men who were half a year different in age drank a glass of wine.

It’s all in the middle of nowhere.

Behind him, the photographer recorded it all.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage gradually decreased.

“Tears, in order to give the child a beautiful home, a person dragged a three-wheeled trailer and transported bricks back and forth for more than 20 kilometers…”

“I can’t imagine what kind of love this is!”

“Upstairs, this kind of love is called father!”

“When the designer clinked glasses with the grandfather just now, I seemed to see the alternation of the old and new designers of this old house!”

“So, that’s really how it feels!”

“The old house is too old and there are many design problems to afford the family anymore…”

“So Li Yueming is here, as a new generation of designers, his mission is to rejuvenate this place that carries the love of three generations of the family!”

“I want to cry!”

“Homesick, daddy, mom…”

“I think of my dead grandfather!”


Many people were moved by Wang Fang’s experience.

In the live broadcast room, there was a sound of crying and choking.

(Guys, your support has been received!)

Because there are old books that need to be updated, I may not be able to update the new books for a long time for the time being, but I will definitely cheer up!

One more chapter tonight, but probably late. )

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