"The electromagnetic field array, the thermoelectric array, and the photoelectric array are operating normally, and it seems to have been successful!" In

the main base, Li Meng has been observing the operation of the energy base.

The first acquisition of Stellar Energy was a great success, and all systems were running in an orderly manner.

Seeing that the stellar energy was successfully used, Li Meng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although in his calculations, the failure rate was only 2%.

But until it succeeds, no matter how small the failure rate is, it can't be ignored.

"Then let's go......"

For this day, Li Meng has been waiting for five years.

The time was ripe, even if it was one more day, Li Meng was not willing.

On the surface facing the star, in a sea of fire, a large square gate slowly opened.

The gate is huge, 3 kilometers long and 2.5 kilometers wide.

Behind the gate is a departure channel, bottomless.

More than ten seconds later, a small spaceship rushed out of the gate with a long flaming tail.

It is about 50 meters long, 12 meters wide and 15 meters high, boxy, like a coffin.

The whole body is smooth as jade, without a single blemish.

Its hull is milky white, and it is covered with a large number of golden runes of various shapes.

On the five sides of the hull, on the bow side, and on all sides of the hull there were a large number of golden vortex runes.

Golden swirl runes lined up neatly on all sides of the ship's hull.

There are five on one side of the bow, one in the center, and one at each of the four corners.

There are six on each of the four sides of the bow, the upper three and the lower three.

There is also a square rune in the middle of the belly side.

The four corners of the square runes have runes that resemble vortices.

The engine at the rear is a line engine, which is composed of 216 small engines.

It is arranged up and down in 12 columns, each with 18 engines.

It looks like four golden linear vents.

This design allows the ship to withstand more firepower.

Even if half of the engines are destroyed, it will not have much effect on the ship's power.

What's more, the side-by-side small engine saves even more energy.

After all, the smaller the engine, the lower the fuel consumption.

With each stage of the engine, the fuel consumed doubles.

Li Meng calculated that the power of three small engines could catch up with the higher engines.

However, the fuel consumed is only 80% of that of a higher-class engine.

The huge thrust made the spacecraft rush into space like a rocket.

The gravitational convergence of the two celestial bodies has reduced the gravity of the star Slima considerably.

Enabled the ship to successfully break free from the gravitational constraints of Slimia.

The ship that left Slima did not turn to space, but rushed to the star.

It keeps moving forward, all the way forward, like a meteor passing across the starry sky between two celestial bodies.

When close enough to the star, the spacecraft suddenly turns and flies parallel to the star's surface.

There was movement in the belly of the spacecraft in high-speed flight.

A circular hatch was opened in the square rune.

The vortex runes in the four corners lit up immediately, shining with golden brilliance.

The next moment, a transparent gravitational beam of light shot out and shot straight at the star.

A pillar of blue flame suddenly rose from the surface of the star.

The hot plasma gas was dragged by the gravitational beam and poured over a long distance into the hatch in the ship's belly.

The hot plasma gas is the ship's engine fuel, and this process is essential.

It lasted for more than twenty seconds before the blue pillar of flame broke off and dissipated.

As the gravitational beam device hatch in the belly closed, the engines in the tail of the ship erupted long flames of fire.

Under the huge thrust, the speed of the spaceship instantly increased and rushed into the universe.

More than ten seconds later, I saw a flash of blue light.

The spaceship vanished in an instant, jumping into hyperspace.

A long stream of blue light was dragged out and rushed into the depths of the universe.

"Is this hyperspace?"

By connecting to the spacecraft system, Lemon used the ship's sensor array to observe the hyperspace outside.

The outside world turned blue.

The spaceship is as if it were flying in a blue tunnel of auroras.

He's here, he's on the boat, but he's not here either.

Limon on the spacecraft is only a split individual, and can share memory data through subspace communication.

The main body is still in the super intelligence core in the underground of Silia.

Similar to data backup, whether it is Li Meng in the spaceship or Li Meng in the super intelligence core, it is Li Meng.

Even if the split individual is destroyed, it will have no effect on the ontology.

In less than five seconds, the blue aurora tunnel outside disappeared.

In its place is a golden nebula that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Outside, in the dark universe.

The spaceship jumped out of hyperspace and suddenly appeared in the universe.

A long blue streamer dragged behind it.

The spaceship that had escaped from hyperspace was still flying at high speed, dragging a long fiery tail flame into the golden nebula.

In the nebula, the ship was flying at high speed.

Golden lightning struck the ship's deck all around.

The deck of the ship suddenly flashed with golden arcs of electricity.

However, the ionizing lightning did not appear to have any effect on the ship.

Of course it won't have an impact.

Because the material used to make the spacecraft is titanium dioxide developed by Li Meng himself.

It is a superconducting metal forged from 36 elements and is capable of absorbing energy in any form.

Although it is not as strong as Sikkin in hardness and heat resistance.

However, titanium dioxide can effectively resist the attacks of energy weapons.

In particular, the most widely used explosive weapon in the Galactic Federation can reduce its original power to about 70% of its original power.

The initial use of rune technology makes the ship's attacks on electromagnetic pulses almost ineffective.

Not only is it ineffective, but all energy attacks will instead charge the ship.

It's just that the efficiency of charging is not that high.

In the cabin inside the spacecraft, there is a miniature "superintelligence core" with a diameter of about twenty centimeters floating in the air.

It is exactly the same as the image of the "super intelligent core".

The whole body is like white jade, and there are layers of golden circles on the round body.

It was an unmanned spacecraft named "Pioneer", which was given to it by Limon .

It means that he is a pioneer who explores outward.

Because it is an unmanned spacecraft, there is no need to reserve much living space inside.

But considering that carbon-based life forms will be on board in the future, this space is left behind.

The space is not large, there is a hall of about thirty square meters.

A bathroom, about ten square meters.

Five rest cabins, each covering an area of about five square meters.

There is also a cargo compartment in the rear, about fifty square meters.

That's all the space inside the ship.

As a fifty-meter-long spaceship, the Pioneer is not small.

Its armament is not low, with a total of 30 cracking cannons, that is, arc weapons.

Its power is huge, and once a carbon-based lifeform is hit, it will be beaten into a molecular state and wiped out.

There were also four ball fighters, which were placed on the sides of the bow of the ship.

The Ball Fighter is an interstellar fighter designed by Li Meng.

It is small, round, similar to the Super Intelligence Core, and is 1.5 meters in diameter.

Have two Pyrolysis Cannons, and you can link them to increase their power if necessary.

Like the Pioneer, the Ball fighter is fueled by star energy.

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