Dozens of meters away, the two Skrit soldiers seemed to have been grabbed by an invisible hand and pulled at Turce in the air.

Turce swung his lightsaber and slashed.

The Skrit soldier who was pulled in front of him was split in two by a lightsaber.

It's like slicing tofu, and the armor on the Skritmen doesn't do anything in the slightest.

For a while, a bloody scene came into Li Meng's eyes.

Looking at the Skrit Rat Man who was split in two on the ground, Li Meng was not only not afraid, but subconsciously analyzed the wound.

This made Li Meng quite inexplicable.

It also made Li Meng aware of his changes.

He is no longer human, he has been freed from the shackles of the physical body and has become a data life.

How much emotion is left when he was a human being, even Li Meng himself does not know.

Although he was a little distracted, Li Meng did not forget his mission.

After the corresponding data was downloaded, Li Meng withdrew the mechanical pliers.

"Tours, the data is downloaded, we need to get out of here as soon as possible, the support in the base is arriving!"

The alarm has been sounded at the base, and a large number of Skrit soldiers are pouring in this direction.

Although Turce is strong and has inhuman strength, he may not be able to cope with attacks from all directions.

As can be seen from the way Tours fights, the gray-robed warriors are strong, but they cannot face attacks from all directions.

If two teams were shooting from the front and back, Tours would have had a hard time parrying.

It is only possible to quickly assault one side and then leave the battlefield.

Even if he was fighting, Turce did not forget to confirm: "The information of the base

has been obtained?" "Yes, it has been obtained!"

Hearing this, Turce's face was overjoyed.

Instead of defending, he charged towards the Skrry.

The lightsaber in his hand was dancing like a wheel.

The few remaining Skrit soldiers were instantly hit by the deflecting blast beam and fell to the ground.

"Ball, let's go!" Tours

ran up in the passage, followed by Limon following closely behind.

Follow the path you came, rampage all the way.

The Skrit soldiers he encountered were slashed by Turs under his lightsaber one by one.

Before the Skrit soldiers at the base could help arrive, the two burst through to the gate.

"Tours, there are twenty-four Skrit Ratmen outside the door, standing on the left and right, a hundred meters apart. "

Came to the control panel on the back side of the gate, and Li Meng invaded the system of the electric control door.

Gates are a network of independent systems that are directly controlled by the Scurry soldiers guarding the gates.

It can only be opened from the inside, and can only enter but not exit.

"Qiuqiu, open the door, go straight to the hoverbike after you go out, don't wait for me!" Behind

the gate, Tours stood straight in a gray robe with a lightsaber in his hand, he was ready.

There was no time to hesitate, and neither would Li Meng.


I heard the sound of "click", and the heavy metal gate sounded the sound of "click" metal running.

The metal door rolled open to one side, revealing the darkness outside.

"Ball, go!"

Throwing the words, Tours rushed into the darkness outside the door.

"It's an intruder, fire, fire!" The

roar of the Skrit soldiers rang out outside.

Accompanied by fiery red beams of light dancing.

Rushing into the darkness, Turce did not have a love affair.

He wielded a lightsaber in his right hand and flew away, deflecting the beam of blast energy that came at him.

With his left hand, he pushed the Skrit Ratman hidden in the shadows on his left.

In the darkness, several Skrit ratmen on the left seemed to have been smashed by an invisible hammer and flew out in the air.

flew out for more than ten meters before rolling to the ground in embarrassment.

In the dark, Tours was extremely dexterous.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he rushed out and approached the cliff.

I saw that he jumped close to the cliff and rushed onto a protruding rock more than 30 meters high.

Then he jumped up and down on the rock wall, as dexterous as a monkey, and in a short time jumped to the top of the cliff.

"This is too exaggerated...... right"

In the night sky, Li Meng looked at Turles, who had jumped to the top of the cliff below, and muttered in his heart.

The existence of the gray-robed samurai is simply contrary to common sense, it is simply a supernatural phenomenon.

But when you think about it, the presence of the gray-robed samurai doesn't seem to be so surprising.

The universe is very large, and the direction of development of civilization is not the path of physical science and technology.

What seems inconceivable and violates the laws of physics has its own set of cosmic laws.

"Qiuqiu, where are you?"

rushed all the way back to the hoverbike, and seeing that Li Meng was not there, Turce was a little anxious.

"I'm here!"

Lemon slowly descended from the sky above Tours' head.

Blue light burst out, forming a fan-shaped light curtain that scanned the lightsaber in Tours' hand.

"Qiuqiu, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Qiuqiu was scanning the lightsaber in his hand, Turce turned off the lightsaber.

For a moment, darkness enveloped the place where the two of them were.

"I'm interested in the lightsaber in your hand, it's very delicately structured, it has an eclipse crystal, but the energy it emits is not a laser, nor is it plasma. "

The structure of the lightsaber has been parsed by Leemon.

But that kind of structure can never release the laser, let alone make the laser shape and stable.

Tours got on the hoverbike and said, "Qiuqiu, let's go, say on the way!"

Forward, Lemon used the magnetic force to fix himself to the front of the car.

The engine roared, and the turbojet engine spewed out dazzling orange flames.

In the moonlight, the hovercraft rushed out like a tiger on the mountain, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

The night was deep, and the full moon was in the sky.

In the endless desert, a pillar of light was moving rapidly.

With the roar of the powerful engine, the hoverbike travels at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

"The ball, it's not a lightsaber, it's a phase sword, and the sword body is not a laser, but the energy reaction between psionic energy and the eclipse crystal, with high temperatures, the ability to decompose matter, it is indestructible, only Sikkim in the known universe can resist its edge for a short time. "

Phaser Sword

, Psionics

?" "There is no data to parse psionic energy, please explain what psionic energy is?"

Turce smiled.

"Psionic energy is a very wonderful power, whether it exists in the form of energy, this question, the Templars have been exploring for 10,000 years, so far there is no answer, we only know that psionic energy exists between all things, it is like water in the sea, as long as you are in it, you can feel its existence, and Lingji is the key to unlock psionic energy, every person, every life, any form of race can give birth to individuals with Lingji, such individuals can become psionic users as long as they are properly trained.

"Some Templars believe that psionic energy is a kind of spiritual energy, which exists between all living beings, so that the sensing between psionic energy can ignore the distance, even if they are tens of thousands of light years apart, they can sense each other's existence, and they can see some prophetic fantasies through the throbbing of the heart.

"There are also some Templars who believe that psionic energy is the power of emotions, and it is easy to be swayed by emotions, because good and evil make psionic users have two sides, the light side and the dark side, and it is difficult to balance the way of balance!"

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