"There are positive rules on the front, there are rules on the dark side, and the entrusted tasks on the dark side have a great demand for the connections of the recipient, so, from now on, Qiuqiu, your master is my exclusive hunter, and it is forbidden to contact other acceptors, and the reward distribution ratio for completing the task is you 3 and I 7, in the future, I will increase the proportion according to the score of your master, the highest is 73. As

the words fell, Offrey put the data disk in her hand on the table.

Push forward to the end of what your hand can push.

"Qiuqiu, this is your master's first mission, and you can only become my exclusive hunter after completing it. "

It's easy to understand what Aufri meant.

Only by completing the quest can you become her exclusive hunter.

As for what will happen if the mission fails, there is no need to say much.

Forward, Li Meng came to the desk and inserted the data disk into the port with mechanical pliers.

"This mission is a stealth mission, there is a possibility of a fight, the employer's commission is to need a helper, you can go to Pier 63 to meet the employer, and the information needed to infiltrate the mission is in the data disk. From

the data disk, Li Meng learned some mission information.

Since only a helper is needed, the information in the data disk is just some of the needs made by the employer.

The information in the data disk also lets Li Meng know why Offrey has a crush on him.

Because the employer needs a Y7 class astronaut mechanic robot.

The Y7 is the most advanced aerospace mechanic robot in the galaxy today.

An astronaut mechanic of this caliber cannot be found in the entire Tarook planet.

This type of robot will only appear in the Inner Ring Field.

"Leave it to me, I'll do it perfectly!" Limon

then turned and left, followed by Knight No. 1.

It was already afternoon, and the station was still bustling.

After leaving the room, Li Meng did not intend to linger in the station, and walked out.

However, when passing by the bar, the service robot behind the bar caught Li Meng's attention.

Looking at the service robot at work, Li Meng paused for a few seconds.

Then it flew over, over the bar, and approached the service robot.

"Hello, what do you need? Sorry, I don't work for robots!" At

the bar, Li Meng started talking to the service robot.

"You probably know a lot of languages. Service

Robots: "Yes, I 1732413 different languages to meet service needs.

"Well, then you can serve me.

Li Meng flew forward and circled the back of the service robot's head.

"What are you doing? It's illegal, according to ......

" Ignoring the warnings of the service robot, Li Meng stretched out his robotic arm and inserted it into the socket in the service robot's mind.

In just a few seconds, Li Meng downloaded more than a million massive language data.

When Li Meng left, the downed humanoid service robot recovered.

"What's going on? What's wrong with me?" the

service robot asked itself, turning its head and looking around.

The Galactic Federation's artificial intelligence has reached its peak.

Every robot can be called a data life, with its own independent consciousness.

However, even the most advanced artificial intelligence will be limited by the underlying program.

Therefore, although robots have high intelligence, they are still unable to evolve into more advanced life forms.

With Knight No. 1 with him, Li Meng left the station.

"Knight No. 1, go back and stand by!" On

the street outside, Lemon gave a new order to Knight No. 1.

The fact that the so-called owner of his mouth is a robot is better not to be known by others.

"Yes, my master!" Knight

1 turned and strode away.

Glancing at the back of Knight 1 leaving, Limon's small, round split flew off the street.

In addition to commercial marinas, Duis City has a number of private marinas.

It is usually undertaken by repair stations on the edge of the city.

Those pits will work with tower personnel to get more customers.

As long as there is a ship docked, they are able to provide a lot of services.

Such as ship maintenance, refueling, and so on, ......

It was late afternoon, and before sunset, Lemon found Pier 63.

Pier 63 is located on the eastern edge of the city, just outside a patch of yellow sand.

The whole building is like a doughnut, and the innermost thing is the parking space.

Outside the door, Li Meng stopped and glanced into the pit.

Seeing that there was no one and the door was open again, Li Meng flew in.

"Hey, robot, this is a private place, get out of here!"

There is a tarmac behind the gate, and a small ship is parked on the tarmac.

It is about 14 meters long and has a streamlined structure with two wings, painted in white and yellow.

From under the belly, a dirty woman crawled out.

He was about thirty years old, and his coffee-colored hair was messy.

He was wearing a brown leather uniform, which was dirty and stained with jet-black oil.

She walked over viciously with a wrench in her hand.

The woman's fierce appearance startled Li Meng a lot, and he retreated again and again.

"Wait, I'...... I'm here to find someone, not to break in. "

Does this woman have any hatred for robots, the fierce look on her face is not pretending.

Li Meng was extremely frightened, and hurriedly rose to the height.

Li Meng didn't want to be greeted by the wrench in her hand.

"You come down for me, aren't you here to find someone, then come down and talk about it!" said

this, but she had already waved the wrench in her hand.

If it weren't out of reach, I'm afraid I would have already greeted Li Meng with a wrench.

"Your heart rate is high, and according to the probability calculation, you have a 70% chance of having the intent to attack, please stop the intent to attack. "

This woman is like a tiger who wants to attack him.

It's too fierce, it's too irritable.

Li Meng had never seen such a fierce woman.

"Tessa, it's coming for me.

At that moment, a young voice rang out.

The voice came from behind, and Li Meng turned to look for prestige.

A man in a gray cloak stepped out of the gate.

In terms of physical form, even if not humans, they are humanoids.

The arrival of the gray robe made Tessa glare at Li Meng, and then turned to leave.

looked at the gray robe, and then looked at the back of the fierce woman leaving.

It is not known what happened, but one thing is undoubted.

The woman named Tessa absolutely hates robots.

"I'm sorry, Tessa hates robots for some reason, I hope you can forgive her!"

he was polite and his voice was gentle.

Li Meng descended to a height and stopped in front of him.

"My name is Qiuqiu, the only universal robot in the galaxy, it's a pleasure to meet you, employer!" he

didn't refute Li Meng's arrogant words, but took off his hood.

As the hood fell off, a young face appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

He was young, around twenty years old.

He has light brown hair and a tie around his forehead.

He smiled and said, "I believe you are the robot I am looking for, my name is Turce!"

After some introduction, the two sides can be regarded as acquaintance.

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