The starry sky was endless, dark, cold, and deadly.

In the darkness of the universe, a cold gray planet floats silently.

It has existed in this universe for an unknown number of years.

Although it is often visited, it will only cause endless damage.

The craters scattered across the planet's surface are the best proof of this.

Looking at the surface of the planet, in the northern hemisphere, there is a ravine about hundreds of kilometers long.

A badly damaged ship lies quietly at the end of a ravine.

The spacecraft is huge, with a relatively symmetrical structure, and is over three kilometers long.

Its shape resembles that of a whale, and it is relatively flat and sleek.

The violent impact caused severe damage to the bow and front half of the belly area.

The entire hull was disconnected from the middle, twisted out of shape.

The crash seems to have been a long time ago, and the hull is covered with a thick layer of dust.

At this time, in the bridge, it was dark.

Whenever the sun rises from the other side of the planet.

A ray of sunlight streams through the window, dispelling the darkness in the bridge.

Today, the stars rise in the east as usual.

It was a blue giant, so huge that it took up almost a tenth of the sky.

It glowed with blue, like a big blue fireball.

As a ray of sunlight shone through the window into the bridge, the darkness in the bridge was dispelled.

The space in the bridge is huge.

The control terminals are distributed layer after layer.

And on the top floor there is a wide seat, which is the captain's seat.

Looking towards the captain's seat, a skeleton can be seen sitting leaning.

The clothes on his body have long been decayed, and only a white bone is left under the baptism of the long years.

The answer to why there is a layer of dust on the ground of the bridge and the control terminal is finally clear.

The sunrise is bright, the sunset is dark, this is the original scenery of the bridge for thousands of years.

But today, everything has changed.


At that moment, a mutation struck.

The long-dusty bridge suddenly sounded with the sound of "buzzing" machinery.

The indicator lights of some control terminals suddenly lit up and flashed.

The whole ship seemed to come to life at this moment.

But the movement did not last long, and in less than ten seconds, calm returned to the bridge.

Only an electronic eye above the bridge shimmered with a faint red light.

"Are you dead?" Li

Meng said secretly in his heart looking at the skeleton on the captain's seat.

What happened to him, Li Meng knew nothing.

He had just woken up and had some basic knowledge of his existence.

Yes, he died, but he didn't die either.

His consciousness is digitized and becomes the ship's AI.

He's swimming in a sea of data, and it's an amazing feeling.

It was as if the crashed ship had become his body.

The electronic eyes that dotted the ship were his eyes.

The ship's data terminal server is his brain.

He can control any device with mechanical, electronically controlled power.

"What the hell is going on?" Lemon

remembered what had happened a long, long time ago.

According to the ship's logs, that was 20,000 years ago.

Earth, home to all human beings.

One day, a comet entered the solar system and crashed straight into Earth.

A monstrous wave of fire swept through every inch of space on Earth, and no one survived that catastrophe.

But that's not the case.

As the waves of fire swept through his city, he saw with his own eyes that Sister Yuhan, who was waiting for him, turned into white light and dissipated.

In the past, although he didn't know what it was, he would even think it was a miracle.

But now, with a lot of scientific and technological data, he sees the world differently than before.

It wasn't a miracle, it was some kind of advanced teleportation technology.

And he's on the teleportation list.

Unfortunately, he had already died of illness at the moment of teleportation.

Only the corpses appeared in the bridge of the ship.

What happened after that, Li Meng couldn't remember clearly.

Surveillance video from the bridge also did not detect anyone touching his body.

When he woke up, 21942 years had passed.

I don't know what happened to Sister Yuhan.

Li Meng remembered the girl he would never forget.

From long-term companionship to hazy feelings, it's a pity that fate makes people, and the two are destined to be inseparable after all.

Although he rejected her, she was still by his side until the last moment of his life.

"Even if she had survived the disaster, she would not be gone now. "

Twenty thousand years have passed, and time will erase all traces.

Without thinking about the uncomfortable memory, Li Meng looked at his own skeletal body in the captain's seat.

"If you're dead, you're dead, what should you do now?" didn't

care too much about his own life or death, and while muttering to himself, Li Meng checked the condition of the ship.

"It's really terrible......"

This inspection scared Li Meng a lot.

The entire ship broke into two sections, and the four fusion reactors in the rear half of the ship had melted down.

Fortunately, the energy chamber is well protected.

Although the fusion reactor melted, it did not cause much damage to the hull.

And each area of the spacecraft has additional energy storage batteries as a backup energy source.

Even if 20,000 years have passed, its remaining energy can still revive Li Meng.

"It's okay, it's okay, these things aren't damaged......"

in the ship's Harbor 1.

Looking at the engineering equipment unit fixed in the storage area with electronic eyes, Li Meng was relieved.

"By the way, there is

also STC...... "STC, automated construction module, also known as universal factory.

It can be used to make any tool needed from existing ingredients.

From wrenches, industrial machine tools, small transport boats, and all kinds of armed vehicles can be produced in modules for assembly.

It can be said that STC is a kind of all-purpose tool developed to serve colonization.

Li Meng hurriedly went to the STC factory to check it out.

Seeing this, my heart sank.

The STC has suffered some damage, but it is still within repairable range.

But in order to start the STC plant, sufficient energy is required.

At present, all four fusion reactors have melted down and cannot be repaired.

Without fusion reactor functionality, the energy in the energy storage batteries in the individual zones alone is simply not enough.

Li Meng also did not dare to use the energy reserves of the various districts.

Even if you use it, it won't last long.

"How to get enough energy?" In

the sea of data, Li Meng quickly calculated.

The fusion reactor has melted down and cannot be repaired.

Make a new fusion reactor out of existing materials?

No, it's not going to work.

Even if all the energy reserves were used, a small fusion reactor would not be built.

In addition, the more sophisticated things are, the materials required are also extremely complex.

Although the ship was a colonial ship, it did not have the materials needed to build a fusion reactor.

"That's right, the transport!" While

checking the ship's list of supplies, Lemon found the key to solving the problem at hand.

It is a colony ship, although it is not known which alien civilization built it.

But one thing is undoubted, the alien civilization that rescued humanity has extremely advanced technology.

However, compared to the advanced technology of light teleportation, the technology used by this colonial ship is a bit backward.

With the exception of controlled nuclear fusion, the technology on board is about two centuries ahead of humans.

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