Number One Game Designer

Chapter 584 Ordinary Taste

However, regardless of whether Shao Qiulin is one step ahead or half a step ahead, today's press conference has produced a game that is definitely half a step ahead of everyone:


When Lu Tao appeared on the stage, all the players did not hesitate to applaud him. He is also the second well-known designer after Fang Xi. He designed every aspect of the game, but it was Lu Tao who finally succeeded in turning the game from a design on paper into a game that is fascinated by tens of millions of people around the world.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see Fang Xi's cultivation of Lu Tao. Similarly, anyone with a discerning eye could also see Lu Tao's gratitude to Fang Xi.

IGN once published an article about Hongyi's successor, which was also taken as a joke by players: IGN believed that Lu Tao was most likely to take over Fang Xi's position as the chief game designer after Fang Xi.

This will inevitably make Hongyi fans feel funny: Hongyi is only more than three years old now, and it is a very young company. The boss Fang Xi said that he was a bit old when he was playing. It can be said that it is ready to run three. A game media is seriously discussing the successor of a company founded by a man in his twenties. What's more interesting is that the best successor they think is a few years older than the boss Fang Xi, which is a bit crazy .

In short, Lu Tao's aura and attention are not lacking. This innately attracted a lot of attention for his game, and this game is crowned with words such as "independent production" and "new model", and this attention will increase even more. , Success seems to have become a matter of course.

The presentation of "Hunting" at this press conference was not complicated. Lu Tao extended the concept of "fun" and "good-looking" of the game. I extended the two concepts and talked about it, mainly to show that this will not be a disappointing game, it will be a fun but maybe not good-looking game.

In order to stimulate the atmosphere, Lu Tao also released a trial version of the leaderboard. Although the players on the scene have not played this game, they can understand the huge gap between the number behind the first Fang Xi and the second place just by looking at the number behind Fang Xi. How strong is one.

"The first one to dominate the list is our boss." "If you can successfully break the boss's record during the carnival, there is nothing to say. You can make a request to Hongyi, and we will agree as appropriate."

"This promise was made by our boss himself, so let's challenge it!"

Fortunately, Fang Xi was holding Lu Wanqi's hand for a walk outside at this time, otherwise, if he saw this scene, he would probably put his hand on his forehead and sigh "how embarrassing".

In short, under the huge attention, Lu Tao went against the trend and made a wave of publicity for his game, which can be called a complete victory. Everyone can understand that in the next seven days, as long as Lu Tao If there is no problem with the "Hunting" booth, next year's excellent game will definitely have a place for "Hunting".

Kirkle and Dillon, who are also highly concerned, may be able to compete with "Hunting" when they go online in the future, but the biggest problem now is that these two games have not yet been launched, or they are still far away for the time being. Indefinitely, and "Hunting" can be played on the spot now, and the game will be launched on the Honghu platform within a week after Carnival returns, and players can buy it.

One is a pancake drawn by the developer for you. Maybe the pancake is already being baked, but what you can eat is still unknown.

One is the pancake that has already been baked, which is already sprinkled with green onion and ready to be served.

At this time, it goes without saying which one the hungry user will choose.

At this time, Lu Tao, who was so beautiful, became humble. Facing the politeness of Kirkle and Dillon, he smiled honestly and said:

"You two are welcome. Our Hongyi Carnival will be held next year. This year, you can see that I am very beautiful. Next year, it will be my turn to applaud you from the audience and shout 666."

The two producers naturally smiled brightly, although Kirkle never considered that the "Infinite Starry Sky" he produced would not be able to go online next year.

"Go to lunch together?"

"I am familiar with Hongyi's restaurant, and today I will be the host!"

"Go together, go together!"


What would an imaginary gaming convention look like?

Countless cosplayers? Outlandish costumes for the entire venue? Every store is trying its best to promote its own game?

Before coming to the Hongyi Carnival, Yu Jiashu thought that the game exhibition was nothing more than that, but he was amazed at the Hongyi Carnival last year. At that time, the AR video battle between the dragon and the Balrog, each This cool and realistic holographic projection left an indelible impression on Yu Jiashu's heart at that time.

So at the end of the carnival last year, Yu Jiashu still felt a little reluctant to part with him, because he felt that the whole venue gave him a chance to touch the future, but this opportunity was to be dismantled after a week of display, and he had A lot of reluctance.

And if last year's carnival was shocking, this year's carnival is lingering.

Last year, Carnival Hongyi placed countless holographic projection devices, arranging the entire venue as a collection of light and shadow, bombarding players' retinas with countless lights and shadows.

However, this year's carnival suddenly became conservative and cold, like a northern saint, not revealing, showing amorous feelings at the corners, using the combination of ice sculptures and holographic technology to make players feel a little fake most of the time .

And in this garden, which can be called a work of art, where a group of players understand and feel about buying consumer games, Yu Jiashu has a real sense of the progress of the times.

In an indoor exhibition hall in the northern part of the carnival, 66, Yu Jiashu and Pim got together again.

The reason for getting together is also very simple. Last year, the vlog of the carnival released by the three of them was very good, so after the news of the carnival was released this year, some players expressed their willingness to watch the three get together again.

And now the three of them are inextricably linked with Hong Yi in various aspects, so it is only natural that they get together.

"Is this year going to shoot like last year?" 66 asked while eating melon seeds. Among the three, she was the least familiar with short video shooting, so she made her position very clear. She was just a tool person. Why, not many BBs.

"I think it's okay for the time being." Yu Jiashu scratched his head, but he hesitated and said: "But I always feel that Hong Yi should have something important to announce in this carnival."

"Since when did Hongyi become an honest game company?"

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