Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 929: Rabbit test

"The rabbit has to run!" Wu Haogang screamed, and the master of the piano had already reacted. ,

After all, the master of the piano is the holy man of the Xuan Yue, and the technique is extremely fast. Brushing the ground and grabbing the rabbit's hind legs again, dragged back to the table.

Wu Hao used to squat and tied the rabbit to the table.

Because the unlucky rabbit was removed from the limbs, it was impossible to run.

This is not a problem at all. Actually, with the steady control of this evolutionary body, let alone the rabbits are dislocated. Even with a knife, you can perfectly separate the rabbit's flesh and blood, and make a medically common rabbit skeleton.

"Why, where did this technique come from?" The master of the piano was faint.

If you remove the joints of people, many warriors will. But it is not easy to remove the rabbit's joints.

Wu Haoman replied indifferently: "Children play. When I was young, I sent my rabbits. Tossing and tossing is boring. I unloaded their joints and sneaked around."

"..." The master of the piano is speechless.

It’s not bad if the child is not bad. In the future, pay more attention to it, don't let her go astray.

The pure heart of the piano master is also worried that her **** are walking on the road. In fact, Wu Hao has long been walking on a martyrdom where others can't walk away...

"You know how to tie it tightly, but the technique is not heavier. But it can be used as a reference for the therapeutic effect of the vitality." The master of the piano touched the rabbit. After hesitating, she began to slowly enter the body of the rabbit.

Before Wu Hao dislocated the rabbit joint, it could be treated as a disease. This became a patient sample.

It is also a yin and yang, so that the owner of the piano thought of the idea of ​​clinical trials. I have never had such a cautious treatment idea before, but after all, Xuanwuhuang is not a normal patient, and she must not be mistaken, so she thought of taking the rabbit first.

If Wu Hao. There is no need to practice hands at all. Because the evolutionary body will test the probability of successful surgery.

If it is changed to Xuanwu Emperor or Du Gu Mo, I have already caught several large living people to experiment. In their view, it is definitely worthwhile to sacrifice a few untouchables for the treatment of the emperor's condition. Those few people should feel honour even if they are dead.

It’s really good, even if the few people know the truth, I’m afraid there is not such a big resistance. After all, they have long been accustomed to many social practices that sacrificed to the upper classes.

The main hall of the piano is exported. One side explained: "If you, my vitality produces an effect similar to Xuanqi. But the difference lies in the destruction, but it also strengthens the rabbit's muscles. That is to say, the three-way force is used for destruction, seven-way force. Used for active. The things to note are..."

She has been thinking about how to proceed since yesterday, and has not slept at midnight, and has been considering it. Now that he has started his hand, he has completely followed the expected plan and told his own details.

After all, it is a master of 30 years of immersive metathesis. The rich experience of the master of the piano gave Wu Hao a lot of inspiration. Moreover, it is still the general effect of on-site teaching. Wu Hao can watch and listen to the subtle use of metatherapeutics.

Similar to another world, the rabbit has once again become an object of dissection. Of course, the anatomy of the main lord is not bloody, and it is obviously more powerful than the slashing of the scalpel.

Her vitality is constantly undermining in the blood of the rabbit, but it strengthens the blood circulation and vitality to promote repair.

"If you, let's try it." The master of the piano greeted Wu Hao.

"Yes." Wu Hao responded and reached for the rabbit.

He and the owner of the piano are holding hands. On one side is the furry rabbit hair, and on the other side is the silky piano main palm. It makes Wu Hao feel a little weird.

A hair comes from a hair, and it comes in and out of the white pulp. Wu Hao thought of the famous riddle. Of course, I quickly licked my head and threw away my distracting thoughts.

"Yes. Concentrate on distraction." Qin Dianzhu noticed Wu Hao's emotions and patiently guided her.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, come in carefully. Go through the hair and go inside the meat..." The soft voice of the main hall of the piano said softly.

She instructed Wu Hao's vitality to enter the fat and tender muscles through the rabbit's rich long hair.

"..." Wu Hao is speechless. It’s easy to think about it.

Wu Hao’s vitality slowly drifted away in the rabbit body. Although the control of the piano master could not reach the level of Wu Xie’s in vitro perception and precise control, he could also detect her general orientation and say: “Be careful, keep up. My strength is on the edge. But don't be confused with my strength. Keep the boundaries clear, right, hey, be careful not to be too fast."

Rest assured, men can't be too fast. Wu Hao’s heart is in the middle. Too fast, a woman will call, and when she is finished, she will call, so I have to control the rhythm.

Lost Wu Hao can be distracted at this time.

The patriarch of Qi Guofan’s Jianzong taught Wu Hao carefully in some moves, although he did his best, but he was not as patient as the master of the piano. Because Wu Ruo, who was the identity of Xiao Ruoyao at the time, was a genius, and the tricks did not need to be taught the second time to learn. Even if you want patience, there is no chance.

In order to avoid being suspected, Wu Hao deliberately pretended to be stupid in front of the Lord. The lord of the piano still does not have to worry about it, and patiently guides it with soft voice.

Gradually, Wu Hao was embarrassed to think about it.

How can this kind of person who is really good to himself feel yy? Even if the other party is an old woman who has not left the cabinet, don't think about it. Wu Hao was thinking positively and carefully treated according to the guidance of the master of the piano.

The master of the piano noticed the emotional changes of Wu Hao, and said with pleasure: "Well, if your mind is gradually condensed. Keep this state, you must converge your mind for treatment. My main attack, your lord. 哎? 凝神, Mo Going away!"

She also thought that Wu Hao was a young girl, and it was difficult to gather her heart in a short time. Or it is a little nervous, the emotional instability caused.

Where can I know that when she attacked and recovered, she immediately reminded Wu Hao of attack and acceptance, and her mind ran again.

It is very natural to follow the test of the novice.

At one hour, the two mentoring and apprenticeships were not a small gain, and gradually developed a good cooperation with one person and one person. Just bitter the rabbit, tossing and being weak, although the muscles were finally treated, but still can't move there. Untied the rope and did not move.

"Oops, how is it just a little tremble, can't move?" The main hall of the piano pushed the rabbit two hurried roads.

She is afraid that her theory is flawed. After all, it is a rare trick. If the trial fails, Xuanwuhuang’s illness is afraid that there is no cure.

The idea of ​​a quest for the master of the piano is a precedent for the opening of the metatherapeutic technique.

Wu Hao has long had this kind of thinking, mainly because the other world has many thoughts such as breaking the back and standing. It is used to the plot of the main character of the novel to repair the body after the heavy damage, so it is easy to think of a similar concept.

The master of the piano is completely based on his own ideas. He did not stand on the height of his predecessors. He came up with such a way. Of course, if there is no cooperation with Wu Hao, her conception may only exist in theory.

Because the selection of similar precision control is difficult to find, in addition to Wu Hao, perhaps only the Qi Yuan's temple of the temple can be matched.

But that is absolutely impossible. The two lords have always become rivals because of the white elders, and with the rivalry of the enemy, how can they be healed for the Xuanwu Emperor, isn’t it a tiger?

"No, Master, we should have succeeded." Wu Hao had already had a fixed number in his heart. He still confirmed on the surface and reached out at the joint of the rabbit. "It has recovered its joints. No. The use of external force reclamation is only our strength, prompting its joints to repair itself."

“Really, really?” The master of the piano was overjoyed.

"It's true. It's just that its physical exertion is not small. It is estimated that it will not move for a while. We still have to find a solution because there is a problem..." Wu Hao frowned.

The master of the piano understands: "Is it because her limbs can be temporarily destroyed to stop the blood flow, but the heart of Xuanwu Emperor is difficult to stop to let us treat?"

"Yes, Master is amazing!" Wu Hao raised his thumb and said that Jiang is still old and spicy.

The owner of the piano smiled: "It’s awesome. I thought of this at a young age."

"Haha, let's praise each other with the mentor and the apprentice." Wu Hao joked.

The two smiled and Wu Hao said again: "There is no such thing as Master. It must be counted in my heart."

"Yes, Master has greatly improved his understanding of power after he has been on the realm of Xuanyue. So this puzzle has already thought of a solution." Qin Dian said: "The treatment of heart and heart can be done by the master himself. Make a tortoise let the body enter a state of near-fake death."

Wu Yiyi: "Is it almost suspended? Isn't it a fake death?"

The main speaker of the piano smiled and said: "Is it true that the Xuanwu Emperor is willing to enter a state of suspended animation? It is said that he is willing, but I am afraid that the inside guards will not be willing. After all, the emperor has stopped the heart, and whoever changes it has no bottom."

"Ah, yes, so he can only slow down the heartbeat, and then we will treat it." Wu Hao thought for a moment and said: "But in this case, the difficulty of our treatment has increased a lot. Losses are also inevitable."

"If this method is feasible, not only the illness of Xuanwu Emperor can be treated, but even the old dragon has a better chance." Qin Dian said: "Dragon's injury, although the physical strength is irrelevant, but the heart is disordered. One piece, the bleeding is very heavy, and it will fall sharply in the future. I am afraid that the power of the Xuanyue step will not be played."

Great, there is one less threatening enemy. Wu Hao was greatly happy in his heart. Long Lao is not good to deal with, is it an unhappy to lose an enemy? (To be continued.)



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