Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 905: The old man is in debt and is reported to the child.

"The letter of the solitary letter, actually written as if he is the leader of the Wu Guowu. At least the angle of doing things already has this feeling." Wu Hao will send a letter to the elders and several other confidants.

The content of the letter is naturally a solitary name. As far as I know, the Wu Kingdom will no longer pursue the Qi people. Please ask the elders to take care of the embarrassed old people and others, and believe that the character of Qi Guofan’s swordsmanship will not be embarrassed.

At the same time, the independent brand also said that he is not a person in power, can not redeem the old man on behalf of the country, but will certainly report the situation to Xuanwu Huang and San Shengzong, naturally there will be people to negotiate.

The elders said: "If you do this, you can still be regarded as the leader of the Wu Guowu leader."

The white elders bowed to Wu Hao: "The old man’s injury is heavy, but if he is not treated, he will have no life."

"When the injury is heavy, we will treat it again. Otherwise, is it not a cheap enemy?" Wu said that he was being watched in the direction of the old man.

The white elders are just gentlemen, a little unbearable: "They entrust us to take care of..."

Wu Yan smiled and said: "There is no problem in taking care of it. However, we will have to pay for the care in the future. There are medical treatments, and there is no need for silver."

In this respect, Elder Elders and Wu Hao have the same taste, applause and appease: "You are welcome, knock them again! The Prince was also very fat. So accumulated, tens of millions of two silvers were sent from Wu."

"This time can't be cheaper than Xuan Prince." Wu Hao smiled and seemed to have a silver flash on his teeth.

"Xuan prince and old man are all caught by Ruo Yao. They have made great achievements and brought such great gains." The elders smiled and said: "If the Yao nickname should not be a woman, it is a woman." Correct."

Everyone laughs.

"Right. Grand elders, please don't forget to write a few hundred copies of this letter, arrange for people to quietly distribute them to the major families of the country." Wu Hao finally folded the letter and handed it to the hands of the elders. .

"Well? What is this?" The elders hesitated.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "There is a leader in the style of the singer. This is the style of work. Let's not help him publicize it. I am sorry for his tyranny. Let's advocate in the country of Wuzhou in accordance with the way of spreading rumors. The one-of-a-kind has a royal style. Actually, on the way to retreat, he can still do things that are not humble and protect his comrades."

Everyone was puzzled for a while. But the elders suddenly slap a slap like they want to understand something, and directly smiled and bent: "Ha ha ha, Ruo Yao, you are really bad!"

Not the elders and other people have slow brains, but they are all righteous gentlemen. It’s like a cloud injury, not used to thinking about it.

"Hey, let's talk about what happened?" the elder asked curiously.

Elder elders smiled and said: "You ask Ruo Yao. This girl is really bad. Revenge for the old mother and the child are not moving the knife. Have you forgotten what is called the secret?"

"It turns out that right, right, and secretly!" The elders opened the door once they dialed.

Everyone understands this.

The solitary singer is one of the descendants of one of the three saints. Although he is famous in the three saints, he is even a leader of the younger generation of warriors. However, he did not have enough status as a leader.

The Three Saints are the first major gates of the Wu Kingdom. One of the shortcomings of the bulk is the faction.

Although the power of the old and the alone is not small, there are many enemies in the Zongmen. Plus the Zongmen people are mixed. It is very easy to ignite the hurricane.

The solitary letter sent this letter, the intention is to take care of a smuggled old man. In fact, as long as it is slightly exaggerated, it is easy to cause the illusion of others: the solitary brand is the leader of the Wu nationality!

Although the letter of the letter was humility. The cultivation of Xuanyue is also very rare, but what is your turn to speak to a younger generation in his twenties?

How many people who are planning to make waves are waiting for the mistake of being alone? Is this not the pain of sending it to the door?

This kind of thing will not happen in the past. The old man was shackled, and there should have been a contact between the Wu State Royal and the Qi Guowu.

However, Xuanwu Huang was sick and he was greatly confused. Even if he issued a command that no longer pursued the order, he did not care about it for a while.

I did not expect Wu Hao to use it. Just thinking about a chase in the sand, there should always be a statement to Qi. The result did not want to be written by Wu Hao on this. The debt owed by the old man was taken up here...

Wu Guowu told the Qi Guowu that there was a scene of Qingshan not changing and green flowing, and then gradually receded.

There are also some moon-level masters in the Wu State who are self-respecting and standing on the scene for a long time. Seeing that the Qi people are getting farther and farther, they each sighed away.

Although it was a river and lake person, some scenes were left in accordance with the law, but the words that were not too much for each other were spoken. This time, the higher level fighters fought, and there was no big feud of seeing blood. After all, it is not a market affair, and proper courtesy is maintained.

However, the morale of the Wu State is low.

In any case, the Wu people can't stop the Qi people, and they always feel that they are falling.

Fortunately, it can be said that it is the reason of the Xuanwu Emperor's decree, and with the participation of the Jin Dynasty Wusong, everyone can face the past.

The long county owner has been tossing for a long time and has fallen asleep on Lu Yourong’s back.

Wu Hao took the time to carefully check the body of the long-time county, and also explored her body with mysteriousness and vitality, confirming that she had not been poisoned or poisonous.

Although Wu Hao felt that Xuanwu Emperor should be free and did not mind to do so, but still safe first.

The elders also checked it again, but it was an extra waste. There is an examination of the evolutionary body, but it does not require her to work harder. Even b-super ct is not a means of Wu Hao.

The elders and others waited for the number of people to check and check the staff. The loss is not large and is within acceptable limits. In contrast, it can be estimated that the Wu State is also the same, the oldest is the biggest identity ~ ~ and the next month of the warrior is the most injured, and there is no death of the master of the saint.

This is also one of the reasons why Wu Guowu did not kill the red-eye, but the good masters took the initiative to speak ahead and eased a lot of room for the two sides.

In a short time, Bo Chang and others came to meet.

The road leader marveled at the growth of Xiao Ruoyao and did not need to elaborate. The helpers from Jin Guo went north together.

Close to the border, the people used the martial arts to avoid the interference of the border army.

There are dozens of miles away from the place where Wu Hao is negotiating. She can retreat to a new identity at any time.

Now Wu Hao just wants to wait for the sovereign to come back and meet Master.

But when I saw the sun begin to slant, I still did not see the return of the sovereign. (To be continued)

Ps: This chapter is chapter 906, accidentally mistyped the chapter number... stumbled...


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