Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 821: Appreciate paintings like flowers

These two paintings are not ordinary works. {

Not to mention the beautiful lines on the paintings, people can see that they are the first-class beauty, and the long-term construction of a variety of painting techniques on the painting technique has already made many people in the painting and calligraphy world stunned.

Wu Hao has fully utilized his expertise and evolutionary body.

When she closed her eyes before writing, the idea of ​​the evolutionary body began to work.

The ability of the computer category is not as good as the computational power of natural creativity, so Wu Hao needs to close his eyes and start to resemble meditation.

There was a piece of rice paper in the mind, and the princess puffed for the action of the wasp and began to form slowly on it.

Even around this rice paper, there were many video replays of that period of time. At the time, Wu Hao’s every move in the eyes of the princess was reappeared without any difference.

Is there more vivid image playback than this? Wu Hao only needs to combine his own feelings, a little processing, and can be formed by painting and brushing.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to comment on the two paintings that have reached the unprecedented climax of the era of painting.

And not only the level of the workmanship, but also the artistic conception of the two paintings.

In the comments of the later Lily Circle, the pioneers of countless female and female lovers mentioned the two paintings and they must provoke a thumb: "The Holy Scriptures, this is the most precious treasure given to the mortal goddess by the goddess. Unfortunately, the original paintings have never been able to Looking at it, but the level of imitation has been dazzling. These two paintings fully demonstrate the pure feelings of the first love between the goddess Lily and Ai, and they also guide a direction for our lily world, even leaving The commemoration on the etiquette."

Words such as these are repeated over thousands of years. Wu Hao’s inadvertent two plays are already destined to become a classic treasure of a generation.

"Complete, receive the work!" Wu Hao brushed the pen. I was told to let the palace lady standing on the side come to catch the pen.

The ladies looked at the paintings in a daze, and they took a long while to react.

These laymen can see it, and see how much the two paintings of Wu Hao have reached.

Even many palace ladies think in their hearts:

"There are people who paint people like this."

"God, is there such a wonderful picture frame?"

"This is true love, or how do you paint the princess so much as it is on paper?"

The princess of the Qing is more shocked than these laymen.

A brushstroke that I have never seen before, a painting that I never thought of. The picture that I have never experienced is wonderful.

These are so intoxicating to the princess.

Appreciation of paintings such as flower viewing, these two paintings are enough for her to look tired all day long.

The more you look at it, the more joy you have in your heart.

As the thoughts of the previous ladies, she felt that Zhou Yuruo’s impression of herself was reflected in the paintings.

Looking at the painting, I will paint myself beautifully.

The action of the bee sting, the shyness of being kissed by the heart, if not carefully observed and even deep in the heart, how can it be so repainted so perfectly afterwards?

"Princess Qing, get ready soon." The palace lady who was arranged to prepare for breakfast was coming back.

"Ah." The princess of the Qing Dynasty took the heart, but she was reluctant to take her eyes off the frame. Just waving his head and not waving: "Quickly put it aside, please ask if the girl is eating."

"Thank you." Wu Hao did not mind if she did not lift the head of the Qing Princess. In fact, she was quite happy that her paintings would completely attract her.

The performance of the palace ladies around him, and even the new lady who came in, had already caught the paintings on the table, and Wu Hao had a good sense of the limelight.

In particular, the princess of the Qing princess and the red lips, the look of the painting with a sense of horror makes Wu Hao think again and again.

What is the feeling of touching such a lips? The restless mind began to sprout in Wu Xin’s heart.

However, Mu Mei's figure flashed through his heart, making Wu Hao suddenly calm down a bit.

Keke, she is an enemy. And the wisdom is extraordinary, you must not let the color faint.

The reason why Wu Hao is to display such painting ability. The key purpose is to make the princess color faint.

She has already seen that the princess is very interesting to herself, and she is still a lily that can be cultivated, so she can use her feelings to reduce her IQ.

Isn't there a saying, okay? The intelligence and emotional depth of a smart woman are at the same level. If there is deep feelings in the mud, then no matter how smart the woman, her IQ will fall into the ground.

As for a woman who is not smart, IQ is not on the ground. Do not mention it.

"Princess Qing, you look slowly." Wu Hao sat next to the table and began to eat early.

The early morning in the palace is really good, but it is much more delicious than the outside. And without adding flavors and other things can be soft and crisp, Wu Hao feels admire those cooks.

The princess of the Qing Dynasty bent slightly. Look at the painting carefully at the table.

Good shape. Wu Hao couldn't help but praise the Qing Princess while eating.

Dina's waist is more obvious in the movement of the lower body, and the whiteness and tenderness of the neck and cuffs make people want to take a bite. Not a small chest bulge under the wrapper, but also like a picture on the table, people can not move their eyes.

Such a beautiful opponent is really a thought that people can't afford to assassination, or whether they are wise or wooed. Wu Hao’s heart is awkward.

Qing Princess is her enemy in the action of the armed forces. Wu Hao is now not satisfied with the chaos of the Wu State, but more wants to maintain peace in the three countries.

Such a goal can be harder than the previous spy destruction plan. I don’t know how many times it is. Some of the Saint Seiya comics erosion reform plan of Xiao Shuanglong will not be effective in four or five years. Make long-term investments. The key is how to build a balance in the dark.

Opportunity and luck are very important, and Wu Hao hopes to bring the princess to the side. If possible, if the identity is exposed, try to get her to stand on her side. I don’t want to help her.

After all, I have no intention of causing damage to the country, such as the massacre, and the wisdom of the princess is not necessarily under me. It’s just that she didn’t have the golden finger of the evolutionary body, and the centuries-old culture of another world has precipitated, so she was at a disadvantage.

"If you, your paintings will open my eyes. Fortunately, I didn't offer ugliness in front of you, otherwise I really have to be ashamed to die." The princess had only straightened her waist for a long time, and she still had a backache.

At this time, there is a palace lady outside the study to report: "His Royal Highness, there is a father-in-law in the palace to report. Said that there are books from the north, ask if you want to marry?"

This is the time when Xuanwu Emperor is optimistic about the "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and sighs on the high court. (To be continued,!

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