Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 810: Mountain climbing elimination system

These children are underage, and the oldest is the two and a half sons of surnames and surnames Xu. |[2][3][w][x]

The mountains and rocks are fierce and the thorns and vines are blocking the road. For those who have no blessings, they are going to withstand the rigors of the test.

More demanding is the two-and-a-half-sized person, in which Xu Er took the girl with a broken leg.

It is really too difficult for the four people to come up together within the time limit.

Wu Hao’s superb eyesight has been glaring at them.

Xu Er took a girl with a sweat.

Children of this age have little difference in physical fitness between men and women. A **** the back is very expensive for his physical strength.

Can't climb much, although Xu Er took a bite to force, but it is difficult to climb up the mountain.

寇大 took the initiative to take the girl back on the back, four people climbed up again.

The unity and hard work of the four of them far exceeds the children around them. Even the screaming girl who struggled to go up the mountain took the initiative to hold the **** of the girl who hurt the leg and help the burden to ease the burden.

At first they were four slower than the other children. But by the middle of the mountain, other children are getting slower and slower, but they are not slowing down. In the end, two-thirds of the position has already surpassed other children.

Wu Hao came to the conclusion that although the physical strength of these four children is not the best, the willpower and unity are the strongest. Although they consume a lot of energy in order to fight for time, they can persist in climbing.

The mountain road and the gravel soil hinder the children's mountaineering behavior, and it is even more difficult to carry people to climb the mountain.

The girl who had injured her leg had to come down and let the other three people hurry up the mountain, but they refused to leave her, and she took turns to carry her to climb the mountain.

It’s really the toughness of Datang Ssangyong, and their surnames are the same as those in the book, but the names are different.

寇大拿, 徐二拿, 石丫头, 宋小辫儿.

Although the name is strange, the two-and-a-half-sized cognac is a trafficker who likes to gamble on alcohol and alcohol. It is also normal for them to be so named by this kind of edification. The two girls are not valued by the world, and it is very common to give a name.

Wu Hao couldn't help but think of the name of Xiao Niu who had just crossed.

Looking at the candle in his palm, Wu Hao noticed that it was about to burn to the end, and the wax oil flowed to the base.

Wu Hao reached out and pushed the soft wax oil out to help them spend more time.

However, these four people can meet with themselves. It is also a coincidence that two people bite themselves, always like the self-contained in the sky.

Just then, suddenly a strange...

"咩————" A sheep ran across the foot of the mountain.

The next few people are struggling to catch up. Some people are yelling: "Let it run again, grab it!"

Although the sheep did not move fast, it always found the best thorns to escape from the hunt, and even had the air in the moonlight and screamed at the moon. The soft, sharp snoring spreads far and is even more irritating.

Wu Hao was licking the sheep's eye. The evolutionary body gave the answer very accurately, the one that had been seen before and ran away from the kitchen.

No... That sheep is really big. Wu Hao was quite speechless.

I have no time to pay attention to the strange sheep. The children are getting closer to the top of the mountain.

But when you look close, it is the slowest time.

All children's physical strength has reached the limit, and the candle is about to go out.

The four men were still in the first place, but the two half-sizes were almost exhausted. Even if Wu Hao stood on a high place, he could hear the wheezing of their whirring.

Later, some children have given up. The orphans were weak, and Wu Hao did not reveal too much astounding ability. The few children who were too tired could not help but lack motivation.

Wu Hao himself felt that the test of climbing the mountain seemed a bit too difficult. But if the words have already been exported, stick to it.

To the end. When the candle fire is about to end, the four of them will finally get close to a small place where Wu Hao is.

The closer they are to Wu Hao. The more you feel the fatal charm that attracts them.

It was Wu Hao who quietly released a breath of vitality.

If you don't get the point out, you really worry that they don't have enough motivation to climb up.

"Where - just a little bit... oh..." 寇Da Na and Xu Erna took the injured leg girl together. The girl herself climbed up with her hand and grabbed the branches.

Behind the screaming girl, Song Xiaoying was also a hand and foot and struggled to climb up, and even helped her head to hurt her legs.

Several people were all wandering, and the newly-changed clothes were also broken. There were broken branches and thorns, but also fell and fell.

Although the candles held by Wu Hao’s hands are getting more and more bleak, the light of the mass in the palm is more and more bright.

She is quite happy and has the heart to use the meta-therapy to illuminate the four children.

"Oh. Danger!" Screaming girl Song Xiaoyan gave her a special scream.

It was on the steep **** of the last section, and the head of the stone was carrying a broken leg.

Xu Erna and Song Xiaoyuer rushed to help, but they were hard to support because of lack of physical strength, and they would slip down.

Hey - the key moment. A red ribbon flew in the air, entangled in the arm of Pana.

However, Wu Hao threw out a mixed scorpion with one hand, and then slightly shook his hand, pulling the figure of 寇大拿 back.

Only this time, the four children stabilized their stature.

Let me do a bad job for you.

The action was extremely fast, and the other children and even the guards did not notice the action of this moment.

Only the big men took their mouths and took advantage of Wu Hao, who was a dozen steps away.

"Xian, Xianshu..." Xu Er took the knot.

They are more energetic.

The moment when the four children finally climbed onto the earthen platform, they only saw a bright light in the darkness. No, it was like a shining group of light shining in the sun. A beautiful woman like a goddess smiled at them.

"Yes, she is..." The children looked at Wu Hao with a sigh of relief, and gasped in his mouth.

I want to say the words of the fairy in my heart, but they dare not speak out.

"The candle burned out and the test ended. The rest retired." Wu Hao's voice rang across the hill.

Only the big ones and the four of them climbed up.

Despite their cumbersomeness, the four people worked together and encouraged each other during the period and finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

Wu Hao looked at the failed children on the mountain and watched them fall to the ground one by one. Although sympathy in my heart, I understand that this is a ruthless elimination.

If you want to accept your own training, you must have at least the most basic conditions of willpower. To be successful, you have to work hard without luck.

"The two guards in the Yuandian Temple escorted the children who could not climb the hillside back to the temple." Wu Hao screamed: "Then guard the mountain."

The voice released by Wu Hao with the strength of the vitality is full of majesty but not coercive. It feels like a reprimand of a strict mother, but can't afford a rebellious feeling that is forced.

"Follow!" For the master of the temple, the two guards are completely obedient.

The children on the hillside were sent away.

Of course, Wu Hao didn't think about it at this time. In fact, he didn't work too hard. He got the evolutionary body by luck, and then with his luck and his own wisdom, he was mixed to the present level.

If it is on the strength ranking of Wusong on the rivers and lakes, she is definitely within 100.

It is impossible to say that it is within ten, but it is not easy for people within ten to want to hold her. For example, Long Lao, a super-master of about ten, is afraid that it is difficult to hold Wu Hao, and he may be accidentally caught.

Wu Hao removed his vitality and the light group gradually faded. There is only moonlight on the hillside soil.

"Where--" Several children lost the radiance of Wu Haoyuan's treatment. Suddenly they felt tired and re-emerged, and they all squatted on the ground and gasped.

"Ha ha ha -" Da Nai took a laugh and gasped, and the voice became weird.

Wu Hao walked over and placed his hand on his chest.

A soft metatherapeutic force was poured into the chest of the big man, like a warm current to gradually dispel the fatigue of the whole body.

Less than 20 interest, the physical fatigue of 寇大达 has been restored to 70%.

The next few children were also infused with vitality and soon regained their vitality.

"Wow! The traces of scratches have disappeared! Fairy, it is definitely a fairy!" Both Dinah and Xu Ernao cried.

The secular people have heard of the techniques of metatherapeutics, but few have seen them, let alone these nephews. Since Wu Hao was too fairy in their minds, the first thing that comes to mind is the fairy technique.

“Will the girl of Zhou teach us this kind of fairy technique?” asked the girl who injured the leg.

"Call Master!" 寇大拿 corrected the road, climbed up and worshiped: "The master is on..."

"This is a meta-therapy Only a very small number of people can cultivate. And must be a woman, and can not be out." Wu Hao saw their expressions and knew that they wanted to learn, but they used words to scare them. .

“Hey?” Hearing and listening.

"Can't you go out of the house?" Song Xiaoyu squinted and widened his eyes: "Is it impossible to go out?"

The stone skull of the injured leg still knows some, and quickly explained: "Don't talk about it, you can't marry. Zhou girl, no, the one on the forehead of the master is the guardian sand."

"Observed the palace, it seems to have heard of it." Song Xiaoyu took his head and thought of something. Quietly squinting at the cockroach, his face was red.

Little children know so much. Wu Hao secretly turned his eyes. However, most women in this era are precocious. The eleven-year-old little girl, in two or three years, may be a mother.

"If you want to learn from me, you don't have to go to the teacher. Because I don't have the heart to teach you your studies every day, but just guide you to learn the direction of development." Wu said: "You will call me a mentor later. The helmsman of life sailing." Our goal is the sea of ​​stars..." (To be continued.)

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