Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 797: Housekeeping drugstore

The ink in the Xuanwu Emperor's mouth is naturally the Prince of ink. {}.{23}{wx}.{}

Wu Hao suddenly understood that the great prince also entered the palace. It is estimated that the two princes will participate in the consultation together, and make the most rational response to the follow-up of the dragon and the old.

Ok, then you can know who has been robbed by Long Lao? How should one participate in the senior decision-making of the Wu State? Wu Hao’s heart was finally tense.

Xuanwu Emperor took a moment to look at Wu Haodao: "After half an hour, it is estimated that Long Lao rests almost. Peng Da, you bring Zhou Yiruo to Yang Xin Dian."

Director Peng gave a quick reply. Does the heart scream that this week is going to be against the sky? Actually, it is allowed to enter the Yangxin Temple.

The master of the piano has never been to the temple of the heart. After all, there is a place where the emperor reads the official document and discusses the national events. Apprentices in the Prince of ink, the celebrity seems to have spread to the emperor's ears. The master of the piano understands why the apprentice will be called into the palace, and her heart is happy for her.

The emperor took the minister into the inner hall to see the dragon, and Wu Yi went to the tube of the house of the government with the guidance of the general manager of Peng Da.

The head of the house of the Ministry of the Interior had already seen Wu Hao when he was giving gifts to the Yuanhe Temple. He saw it from afar and immediately ran out on the run. After greeting with Mr. Peng, he immediately said hello to Wu Hao with a smile: "The master of the piano, Zhou girl. What wind blows you two?"

The head of the class is only the captain of the warehouse, not the housekeeper, but how can he forget Wu Hao? The people of the House of Internal Affairs know how Wu Hao was valued by the emperor, and even congratulated the gifts of the apprentices as the espionage leader with the emperor's meaning, personally to prepare for the inventory.

"According to your Zhaozi Liang, I know the master of the piano and the girl of Zhou." Peng Dazheng Pipeline: "The Emperor of the Emperor went to the mouth, and the House of Internal Affairs opened the drug storehouse for the masters of the piano to do whatever they want."

"According to the purpose!" The head of the house was squatting with his men. This stood up.

"Serve it!" Peng Da, a wave of hands. The head of the house and other people rushed to lead the way, and opened the treasury.

There are so many gates in the house. Wu Hao sighed in his heart.

Following the head of the class, Peng Da’s smiling face fits into the maze’s general house warehouse, and Wu Hao’s drug store is just one of many porches.

Even one tenth is not even...

All the way, although the eyes did not see, but with a sensitive feeling. Wu Hao can judge what is going on through the smell of the air and the tiny particles floating in the air.

Jewelry, and even corals. Silk satin and even ink paintings are in stock in many places.

This is something that has been transported, leaving some traces in the air. As long as Wu Yan’s body is deliberately observed, it can analyze the items that may have passed. It’s just how long it’s been passed, and it’s hard to judge if it’s still there.

There is no need to guess, how strong the Wu Kingdom is, there must be many good things in Fuku. Wu Hao began to think about it, and wanted to find a chance to be a thief in the Treasury.

Fortunately, she is also considered to have eaten the master of the child. Quite insightful, in the face of many temptations will not flow out of Hara or something.

Going through a long corridor, approaching a treasury. The closer to this, the stronger the medicinal taste.

The head of the housekeeping warehouse has found the old man in charge of the drug storehouse.

3. The old man opened a treasury with his hands and feet.

With the opening of the door, the face is always strong and strong.

"This is the drug storehouse. There are a total of 8,300 cans of medicines, many of which are not easy to describe."

More than eight thousand cans of medicine, Wu Hao heard it well. The owner of the piano was taken aback.

How does this pick the medicine?

Bantou said: "Dare to ask what kind of medicine stone is needed by the master and the girl of Zhou. Let's go to the place where the medicine is most concentrated."

"Compensation for the loss of gas." Qin Dian is a real person. Said directly about his own needs.

"There is also something useful for cultivation. Let me introduce it." Is Wu Hao not cheap? Anyway, Xuanwuhuang gave the free supermarket permission, no need to use it.

"Quickly lead the two." Pantou urged the old man.

Good guy, so many good things!

The eyes of Wu Hao and Qin Dian were dazzled, and they were filled with various earthen jars, rafts, cloth bags, etc. in the big room where they could not be seen. It is packed with all kinds of herbs.

Fortunately, there is an evolutionary body to help, Wu Hao’s mind constantly appears like a scan, and the various herbs are sorted in an orderly manner.

A lot of calculations begin in the mind, and the combination of various constituent agents is like a formula.

"Wow - so many good things!" Wu Hao fell into a cornucopia that could create countless potions, and ran back and forth across the drug store.

"芷若. Come back to support Master." Qin Dianzhuo gave a soft voice.

Like a child who is being disciplined by the parents, Wu Hao does not stand up and stand by the main hall of the piano, and reaches for the master.

The owner of the piano called her so naturally, it is not good to be reprimanded in front of outsiders, so she found a statement and let her settle down.

No rules, I have never seen anything like running around the world? The main hall of the piano said a word, but also understand the disciples of the apprentice. I was surprised, I don’t know what to take.

At the earliest, the owner of the piano was planning to take one or two ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum. In conjunction with the previous medicinal herbs of the Yuantherapy Hall, you can cook a little bit of Yuanyuan tonifying soup. But I don't think that so many medicine stones are placed in the treasury, and it is inevitable that she will be overwhelmed.

Wu Hao’s embarrassment from the master of the piano also knows that her medical skills are not profound, so she tried to volunteer and said: “Master, I learned medicine when I was a child. I have a slight remedy for medicine. Can you let me? To pick and take medicine?"

"You choose it with your heart." Qin Dianzhu nodded, and did not mean to take a deep look at Wu Hao.

Her eyes Wu Hao naturally saw, but misunderstood the other party's meaning.

The character of the piano and the owner of the piano want to tell Wu Hao: Don't be too much, just take it. Although the emperor allows you to take advantage of it, but we must not make too many times, otherwise it will inevitably appear too greedy.

And what about Wu Hao? The misunderstanding became: The emperor spoke up, let us be polite. Master, I am here, I don't know how to take things by hand, but if you are a junior, quickly pick the most expensive, best, and rare medicines!

"Yes, Master, although handed over to the disciples." Wu Hao hit the ticket, and after a little agreement with the head of Peng and the head of the class, they went to a few bags of Polygonum.

These bags are all over a hundred years of Polygonum. Wu Hao walked over and picked up the bag, aiming at an empty open raft, with the bag facing down.........

La la la, Polygonum multiflorum has been dumped into the empty wooden coffin. The bag is empty.

Then there is another bag.

In the end, Wu Hao took a few empty bags and smashed it, and went to the drug store with satisfaction. (To be continued.)

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