Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 760: Fighting the first question

Although Princess Qing was born in the home of the martial arts, her mother knew that she would return to the court sooner or later, so she asked the strict teacher to teach. Therefore, a temperament is proud of everyone.

Her mother is a famous beauty in the neighborhood of Baili, near the hometown, plus the excellent gene of Xuanwu Emperor, the princess of the fifteen-year-old is like a beautiful peony.

If there is not a beauty level caused by Wu Xing's evolutionary body, the Qing Princess is definitely the most dazzling flower on the scene, and even the rivers and lakes ladies who can be ranked as Lingbo Fairy.

The Princess of the Qing Dynasty came to power and set up in the central station of Fujian and Taiwan. It slowly said with the sound of Xuanqi: "Because the princes will join the team, Zhaofu will start now."

Her voice is not big, but with the help of a little sneak peek, it is quite clear in the audience.

A simple opening remark, isn't the princess who attracts the horses debut? Everyone didn't know the princess, she thought she was an embarrassment of ordinary clothes.

The ceremony was simple, and the Princess Qing did not intend to make it luxurious.

The princess of the Qing sent a beckoning, and some people lifted up a few tables.

The number of tables is arranged according to the number of people enrolled.

Everyone understands that this is a literary test.

The princess of the Qing Dynasty put her hands on the waist with her lady's manners. Slowly, she said: "In the first round, the poetry is only fighting. Please snorer, describe the unswerving love with poetry. Or one or two sentences, or three or four sentences. The quatrains are five words and seven words, or both long and short sentences. Good and bad, decided by the Qing Princess."

In the words of this era, love is not a universal vocabulary, and most of them are called love. Of course, the word love in another world has changed a bit.

This topic is not difficult to be a person. There is no poem that specifies which rhythm to make, and even a sentence or a sentence that is not a poem or a poem can be used.

This is so great, the vast majority of people on the stage are also frowning.

At the gate of Sanshengzong, most of the people who can stand here are martial arts people, not the poor scholars in the market. They are naturally not good at writing and writing, and it is much easier to pick up a hundred-pounded blade to swing a pen.

Also, how can men in this era be good at expressing love? Despite the pursuit of the girl's sayings and habits, the marriage of men and women is based on the words of the parents and the media. Even though everyone can understand the word love, they think about it. Love? Can you eat as a meal? Can it be used as a basis for marriage of a man and a woman?

Fortunately, the sayings of love for the children of the rivers and lakes are much higher than the acceptance of the market. The people have a little brainstorming and immediately understand.

No wonder the public is mainly in public, and everyone is not surprised. It is so straightforward to mention the word love, it turns out that she is longing for her own choice of Hummer, rather than basically obeying Xuanwu Emperor's arrangement like other princesses.

A good opportunity, everyone immediately knew that this was a good excuse to show love to the Princess, and immediately began to dig into the words to form a gorgeous rhetoric. Even if you are not in the ring, you can't help but try to figure out what kind of words to use to impress the Princess.

Wu Hao is more trouble than this old man. I copied a lot of verses to the world in Qi State, and I dare not write any duplicates here. Fortunately, the memory of the evolutionary body will not go wrong, and the things written are even more memorable, otherwise I am afraid that it really fell into the design of the princess.

The princess of the Qing Dynasty makes people write such words, that is, they hope to find Zhou’s feet in it. As long as the style of writing is similar to that of Xiao Ruoyao, even if there is a similarity, it can be concluded that Zhou Ruo is Xiao Ruoyao.

In the understanding of the princess, the literary style of any one person will always have characteristics that cannot be separated. Therefore, the verses of Xiao Ruo Yao, such as "Lin Jiang Xian", which have already been obtained, have been refined. The Qing Princess feels that she can master Xiao Ruoyao's writing characteristics. In particular, the heroic singer-songwriter who sprinkles more than one million words is undoubtedly revealing an old-fashioned brushwork.

But the Qing Princess never imagined that Wu Hao was a literary thief. There is a poem in another world that allows her to plagiarize, so there is no need to worry about the same style.

Princess Qing said in public: "Time is limited to a fragrant incense, and the fragrance is stopped. Please open the pen."

The former little cockroach held a small incense burner with a scent of black sand on it.

Several people in the squatting station stood in front of a small writing desk, full of pens and inks ready to write poetry.

The solitary brand was deliberately stood by Wu Hao.

Several other people who participated in the war broke down and did not know much about Wu Hao. I only know that she seems to have a lot to do with the Prince of Mo, and it seems to be a disciple of the Yuandian Temple. There have been more disparate words in the past, indicating that she has a relationship with the solitary brand. Therefore, they are all alone to Wu Hao, the men's beauty, they are only envious and do not dare to pursue the heart, no one is alone with the singer.

Wu Hao did not pay attention to the one-of-a-kind, and the fastest written. With the words of Wu Zetian, dozens of words have fallen on the paper.

[Golden style jade dew meets, but it wins but there are countless people. If the two sentiments are long-lasting, they will linger in the dynasty. ]

Another world songwriter in the Song Dynasty, these two classic words were excerpted by Wu Hao unceremoniously.

She was the first to finish writing and was the first to finish writing. Others are full of ink but have no pens, and there are even pens that are not picked up and still not poems.

The old man named Bi Jianfu stood aside, and his brow was wrinkled, and he couldn’t think of it for a long time.

Bi Jianfu, reminiscent of Bi Ye, the age is also suitable as the grandfather of the fifteen-year-old princess? Wu Hao’s heart sneered a sentence.

It is not bad for you to use blue pills at this age. What kind of poems to express love? Wu Hao is idle, and it is interesting to look at the old man’s ugliness.

Bored left and right, Wu Hao took a look at the words on the table next to the monologue, almost fell down.

[Wearing the most suitable shoes, it is easy to use gray iron pots...]

The ugly man's literary literary genius is so shocking that he is so horrified that Wu Hao is so straightforward. Why don't you write [blackened fungus loves water, easy to use gray iron pot] ah?

If these words are not eliminated, it will be completely unreasonable. Wu Hao is looking at whether he wants to help.

I don’t think about the princess of the Qing Dynasty. If I can let the solitary brand no longer entangle myself, it is not a good thing.

"With these two poems, the solitary brother in the literary world must be able to take a moment." Wu Hao slyly said to the two-step outside the two alone.

"This... I am not good at poetry." The old-fashioned old face is red, knowing that Wu Hao is ironic, and simply sticks to the weakness.

"If the solitary brother is not good at it, how can other people dare to say something?" Wu Hao smiled: "I have an nickname to send to the solitary brother."

"Ya number?"

A few people next to me erected their ears to listen, but they heard Wu Hao said with irony: "The solitary brother can claim to be [the poetry ghost sees you]."

"..." alone is silent.

The people around me are comforted. You don't have to look at what this monologue has written, you will know that it must belong to the poor poetry that the level of ghosts can't be adjusted.

When a few people around the moment relaxed, Wu Hao said lowly: "It used to be difficult for the sea, except Wushan is not a cloud."

What is the Xuanwu repair? Although Wu Hao’s voice is extremely low, he is already well-informed. After stunned, I immediately understood that she was helping herself.

There is nothing in the solitary singer's predecessor. After a while, I turned over the paper I wrote myself, and wrote two lines on the back: [I used to make the sea difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud. ]

Wushan does not exist in this world, but there is a place called Wushan, which is also known as Wushan, which is called Wushan.

Wu Hao did not consider the meaning of Wushan, but he was alone in listening to Wu Yu’s words, and Wushan was naturally heard as Wushan. Although the texts of the two worlds are different and the pronunciation is different, it is quite coincidental here.

"A musk time has arrived. Please stop the pen." The clear princess of the Qing Princess sounded.

Two of the seven people have not yet written a half-word, and they can't help but scratch their heads.

Xiao Yan put down the incense burner that was gradually scattered, and went to the table in front of the seven snorers to take paper.

In a sequence, they are stacked one by one, and the first one is the one that is solitary, and then Wu.

But when he received the third person, the young man glanced at Wu’s verse and trembled. He did not dare to hold down the paper from Xiaotun’s end and took a few glances, then opened Wu’s Paper, took a look at the pen and ink underneath.

"Hey--" He sighed and moved his hand, and took up his paper, and jumped straight down to the stage.

A few people on the stage were a little surprised, and the two of them who failed to write down also left.

This time, there were only four people left in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yan went to and received the old man named Bi Jianfu.

The old man also looked at the paper of the top Wu Yi first, and his face sank.

The other man, who also took a look at Wu Hao's paper when he received himself, suddenly changed his face.

They all saw Wu Hao's poetry and sentences, knowing that this round is definitely not a victory.

Another world has reached the Song dynasty in the realm of literary literary, but the language is not surprisingly endless. The people who have studied Xuanwu, what kind of words can they come up with? It is not a realm at all.

Xiao Yan held several pieces of paper in both hands and held it in front of the princess.

Princess Qing Qing took the paper to the wind and spread her hands to the scene to take a casual look.

After she had intended to glance at it, she turned to enter the background of the ring and made a look for the princess.

But casually flipped through the last four sheets of paper, her eyes could not be moved. R1152

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