Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 691: Miss Chujia 2

sister? Who is her sister?

Wu Hao is strange.

This girl she does not know.

Just a moment when I was called my sister, Wu Hao’s heart almost jumped out of her throat.

In an instant, she thought that Xiao Mei happened to come to Wu.

Fortunately, the evolution of the body is very fast, she has no suspicious action.

Leopard and Pomegranate also curiously glared at the girl who came in.

Wu Hao naturally didn't know the girl who was screaming and screaming, but she felt a bit familiar, and suddenly remembered that she would look similar to the dead Chu girl.

This girl is Miss Chu.

She and Chu will be twin sisters. After her sister became a female general, she was not qualified enough to stimulate the command.

It is a pity that the twin sisters can't stimulate the command. Otherwise, the twin forces of the twin sisters will help each other, and the combat effectiveness will suddenly rise to a higher level.

Just walked outside the store, she suddenly felt that her sister who had passed away was still there. That feeling is very real, just like many times before I can feel the twin sister's sister is nearby.

It can be said that she has a feeling similar to the sixth sense.

So she was surprised for a moment, did not consider her sister has passed away, directly rushed in and cheered.

Of course, the moment she broke into the store, she thought it was impossible. The body of my sister has been sent back to Wuguo, and I have seen it myself. Even if you cried a few times, you know that things are true. The sister who cares about taking care of herself is indeed dead.

And the person who corresponds to the wonderful feeling in the jewelry store is obviously not the sister.

Although the two young girls in the store clearly felt that the very beautiful one was the source of feeling, but the looks and temperament were completely different from their sisters.

But the inexplicable feeling of my own heart, but always told her: the girl is the sister opposite.

So Miss Chu two stared at Wu Hao for a long time.

She even has a phantom for a while: this beautiful girl is the reincarnation of her sister.

No, it is impossible. Reason tells her that even if a reincarnation is reincarnation, it is impossible to grow so big.

"Miss Miss! Miss Two!" Several squats and descendants followed.

This is all accompanied by Miss Chu.

"You, who are you? How can there be a breath of my sister?" Miss Chu Er actually asked Wu Hao so bluntly.

Wu Hao was asked inexplicably: "Ah?"

"Miss Chu." The treasurer and the buddy quickly greeted each other. The shop's business is Chu's, and Miss Chu is equal to their host.

"What sister's breath? Who are you looking for?" Wu Hao asked.

"I... I seem to be mistaken. I can't help it." Miss Chu was discouraged.

Wu Hao secretly sighed.

She just heard the name of the treasurer and the buddy. I have already guessed that this girl is the second lady of the Chu family.

However, why did she mistake me for being a Chu girl?

Wu Hao quickly thought of the basaltic woman who was lurking in the right palm.

After the Chu girl will be self-satisfied, Wu Hao has obtained the crystal spar from her body.

Maybe the problem is here!

Although the life stone does not carry the soul, it is closely related to the body of the basaltic woman. In particular, Xuanwu female will have the ability to command. It was completely inherited by the spar.

Wu Hao’s commanding power is so amazing. In addition to the evolutionary body’s own qualifications, it is also inseparable from the absorption of the two basaltic women’s virgin crystals.

Good guy, wouldn't it be the sixth sense? Wu Hao secretly called the relationship between the sisters really not so simple, as if there is a feeling that Miss Chu can mistake herself as her sister.

"Miss, let's go back." A few Chu people came to persuade the lady. Miss Chu is suddenly out of control, don't be regarded as crazy.

"..." Miss Chu two bite her lips and go out from time to time to look back at Wu Hao.

Three steps and one walk back to the door, Miss Chu two said to the shopkeeper: "If this lady buys things, Zhang dispensers please give a discount."

"Miss Dongjia opened. Small nature listened." The shopkeeper hurriedly sent Miss Chu.

Miss Chu was gone, and Wu Xin’s heart fell on a stone.

Good guy, if she is married to Du Gu, she will be a little troublesome. I always feel that there is a radar woman who is nearby.

My own mystery is not obvious, it is an important basis for stabbing and stealth. In case there is her existence. It will be a little trouble later.

Can't you kill her? After all, the Chu girl will be a little bit dragged with her own water, wrong, hey, **** water relationship... well, no off, just a whip tutor... but that peace and harmony is also unclear.

I used to be in my heart and promised to take care of my loved ones. This younger sister is naturally the focus of care.

Wu Hao secretly sighed. Forget it, let go of this crush, don't kill it. Anyway, she just broke into a screaming sister, and she may not really have any special feelings.

Miss Chu’s intrusion was just an episode, and the pomegranate sister soon began to appreciate Jin Yufeng.

Pomegranate asked: "This is so beautiful, how is the boss selling?"

"Wait. Pomegranate sister, you see this scorpion before the light and heavy, left wide and narrow, although it seems to be a famous handwriting, but did not see where the name is ah." Wu Hao came up to pick and choose four: "And the gold inlaid jade is not very secure, what if it is used soon?"

She said a lot of Ulaula.

The treasurer and the buddy are all a little bit stunned. Missy in the impression. Why do you bargain? They are all old customers in the business field, knowing that Wu Hao is bargaining for goods.

The pomegranate face was red, and I heard that Wu Hao was helping to pull back the price. If you show yourself too much, the other party will definitely open the price.

She quickly said: "Yes, this jade scorpion is afraid that it is not very banned."

The man hurriedly said: "This girl The hand-stitched jade and jade are hand-set here. Look at this technique, it is the skill of the royal master..."

He praised for a while. Wu Hao’s mind calculated that even with the manual movement of the body, it was quite laborious to complete the engraving. If there is no template, I am afraid it is difficult to complete.

It seems that this scorpion is indeed good. The royal master of the game is also very capable.

The shopkeeper was squatting on one side, and after a moment he smiled and said: "This girl, the second lady of the store's owner has something to say, and the monks will not swear. This Jin Yufeng is only worth 80,000, how?"

"Eighty thousand two?!" Pomegranate sister screamed and shouted: "Your shop is going to kill people!"

Wu Hao and the leopard are not very active.

The old leopard knows that this dice is definitely worth the price. Wu Hao is the master who has eaten before, and tens of thousands of silver are not at all.

Just then, a middle-aged scholar came in. It seemed to have been in the door of the store for a long time, laughing and pointing to you: "I bought this nephew."

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