Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 656: 1 situation caused by female serious injuries

Mu Qingya asked the white elders: "Master, the disciples consider whether Ruo Yao is seriously injured, do you need to urgently inform her parents and sister?"

"Qi Du and the southeastern border there, I have sent people to urgently send letters.

After a moment of silence, Mu Qingya nodded.

This is what the White Elders have taken down and is good for her family. Xiao Yu Xiao Niang is afraid that she can't afford this blow. Who can afford to see a child become a coke?

After Mu Qingya came out to meet with the White Elder, he immediately returned to the room to take care of Wu Hao.

Not long after, the two masters of gold and silver came out and sweated.

"This girl's life is still alive, and the pulse is getting stronger." Jin mother saw a group of men looking at her anxiously, and quickly gave everyone a reassurance.

The old man of the winter asked: "How is her promotion to the monthly order? Can it be successful?"

"Not very clear, I can't feel the fluctuation of mysteriousness, even the induction of the core of Xuanqi disappeared. The instinct that we instilled in her did not play any role, and even did not get much feedback." Jinmao shook her head: "It’s not bad to be robbed by this day. Can you still hope that the skill has been promoted?"

Everyone is silent.

Shi Zidao: "As long as she is safe, these things are urgent."

Zong Zhilian glanced at the world, and felt that as a member of the royal family of Qi State, he could not pay attention to the martial arts situation of such a genius, and he was considered a conscience. Members of the royal family are expected to pay more attention to martial arts involving national interests.

Yin Po Po saw that the mood was slightly stable, and said: "For her personal, the skill is second. Poor her skin is all smashed. Even if she is a high-level warrior, it is difficult to restore the original appearance and skin. ”

Jin mother-in-law continued: "But in the future, martial arts is afraid that it is not optimistic. The skin has been ruined."

"The girl's skin is ruined..." White elder sighed.

"Remove all the mirrors!" Shizi quickly reminded him.

Zong Zhilian immediately wrote it down and later did what he told him to do.

"Right, if there is a one-of-a-kind drug, it will not make her skin regenerate as new." White elders.

The rest of the people nodded: "There is such a saying."

Jin Po Po said: "It's just that medicine is hard to find. You can't ask for it. Anything like medicine. It's all in the book, but the real thing is often difficult for me to see in my life."

The white elders are silent.

Jian Jian and Qi Guozhi. Did not find a drug Jane. Otherwise, the lord will be served to break through the full moon of the month-old saints.

Common medicinal materials are millennium ginseng, Wannian Polygonum multiflorum, and Yaozhen is Wannian ginseng, 100,000 years of Polygonum, how can I find it?

Ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and other herbs that can absorb the essence of the earth can naturally become the best medicine with the passage of the sun and the moon. However, Yao Zhen needs to be in harmony with each other. It must be accompanied by Reiki to grow.

For example, the Jiuhua Ganoderma lucidum mentioned in the drug book classics requires a thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum to undergo nine times of shelling. And Ganoderma lucidum retreats, often means that it is dead, ten or one, how can it experience nine times? It is precious to see the medicine.

Shi Zidao: "It's harder, we have to find a way."

Zong Zhilian nodded: "While the Jin State is undecided, there are signs of medicinal herbs. It will definitely be provided to Xiao Girls for treatment."

At this time, he did not call Ruo Yao, apparently showing his attitude as a temporary king of the Jin Dynasty.

The world nodded slightly. The current style is not suitable for representing the state of Qi, but people who know the details know the attitude.

The public also discussed some specific remedies, after determining the collection of various agents. There was a waiter in the palace who came to Zongzhi to report that the Xifeng Palace was damaged by lightning.

The servant leader who was a diligent guardian today also came to sin with sincerity and fear.

The level of the opponent is too high to prevent. Zong Zhilian did not blame the chief of the guards too much. After a little punishment, he pretended to pretend that "the Wu people are so powerful and thunderous!"

This is to say to the guards, to disturb the line of sight. As for how many people see the truth, there is no way to completely block it. At least on the surface, it is said that it is the thunderous palm of the Wu people, and he has compiled the name of the martial arts.

Everyone knows that Zong Zhilian’s doing this must have a reason, and he is not screaming at him.

The white elders wore the outer shirt after Wu Hao, and tried to infuse her with my ambition. The result is the same as that of the gold and silver mother-in-law, and the effect of introducing the meridians into the meridians is extremely poor.

It seems that her veins are completely destroyed, and I am afraid that I can no longer practice mysteriousness. The white elders sighed in the heart, still patience and tried to continue to instill for a long time, directly consuming the power of their own dantian, and then got up and meditated to recover.

Mu Qingya and Yan Yunjiao saw it from the side, and they respected the white elders even more.

"The first pot is good!" the medical officer called.

The ginseng-based medicine in a large pot is concentrated into three bowls, with a white heat.

"We will cover the medicine for the girl of Xiao!" Ge Ming, the centurion of the Xuanwu soldiers, stood up and held the first bowl with both hands.

The masking is to pour the potion back and forth between the two bowls, so that the hot air will be released as soon as possible.

The medical officer poured the concentrated medicine in the bowl to Ge Ming.

Ge Ming took the medicine with both hands and carefully handed it to the second centurion, and poured it from his bowl to the other bowl that he also held in his hands. The mouth said: "I am willing to give up ten years of life. Ask God to let the girl recover as soon as possible."

The second centurion also looked serious, and said in his mouth: "I hope to live in ten years, and ask God to recover!"

The third centurion also took the potion back and forth in the bowl to cover the cold: "I hope to live in ten years, and ask God to recover!"

Three hundred basalt soldiers, I can't wait for everyone to go through the potion.

It is a pity that there are too many people. If the three bowls of medicine are so over, they will not be hot, but they will be cool. Therefore, only the dozens of soldiers in front have this honor, and they will cool the mask for the girl.

The three bowls of medicine changed temperature and the medical officer sent it to the house.

I am willing to take a ten-year-old life, and ask for the peace and recovery of the girl. Three hundred basalt soldiers were kneeling under the steps, and the big men took their hands on their chests and prayed in disbelief.

Many people are still praying: Although I am only one of the dead, I am willing to exchange the number of women's lives with ten times life. Just let me die immediately, as long as the woman will recover, I also laugh at Jiuquan...

Zong Zhilian and others groaned, and could not help but feel that Wu Haocai had been in the army for several days, and he was so deeply loved by the public.

Compared with the previous situation of Wei Ling, it is really one day and one place. No one has any regrets about Wei Ling’s death, and Wu Hao is only hurt, but makes everyone rush for her.

"Breath! There is a breath that can be touched by the tentacle!" Soon after the potion was sent in, Xiaoyun Jiao pushed the window and shouted loudly.

The Xuanwu soldiers cheered in unison, and many people immediately kneeled on the ground and thanked God.

The crowd continued to discuss a lot, and the night was deep. This was the urging of Zong Zhilian as the owner of the Dong family.

Lu Yourong repeatedly looked back at the room where Wu Hao was injured. The gold and silver mother-in-law promised that she would come to help instill the mysteriousness tomorrow, and she left.

The Xuanwu soldiers refused to leave, and three hundred people were stationed outside the courtyard of the Feng Palace. Zong Zhilian provided a large supply of tents, but did not worry about nowhere to live. Yun Yun injured also found a rest room in the servant's door of the palace, and recently meditation to enhance the skill to understand the knife.

In the face of the weakness of the monthly master, he was very embarrassed. The birth of the knife was originally derived from a idiot. At this moment, he was unable to help heal, and he could only concentrate on the sword.

The cloud looked at the moon in the air, and thought back to the way the thunder and lightning hit his sweetheart.

A feeling of heartache hit again.

Hey - he pulled the knife out and pointed to the sky...

The old man of the winter stayed to protect the son of the world, and the white elders took a small bed in the hall of the dormitory. He does not rest, just sit on it and restore his mystery.

As a result of the hard work of Xuan Yue Dacheng, he was not only slightly injured after he entered the realm of Xuanyue. After that, it was a madness to catch up. After returning, I entered Xuanqi for Wu Hao, and the loss was not small.

Fortunately, Long Lao did not have the idea of ​​deliberately attacking, otherwise I was afraid that it would have been hurt.

This night, the miles have been anxious, and Qi and Wu have each received news.

Qi Qiben had already slept, and he was so shocked that he immediately sat up and dared to smack the content of the espionage.

I have just received the good news that Wu Hao has become a Xuanwu female, and she still has joys and sorrows, especially how to arrange the relationship of the world. At this moment, I was suddenly robbed of Wu Hao’s promotion, and the news from the thunder and lightning was suddenly paralyzed.

Soon, Qi Qi mobilized the harem treasury, and tried his best to raise the first-class medicinal materials to Jin.

After Qi Wang received the report, he was also worried. The sovereign was even more furious, and he was alone in the military camp with his fierce strength.

Fortunately, Long Lao and others took advantage of the profound efforts to rush back to Wuying ~ ~ Sansheng has been prepared, finally took over the censor's hair.

Unexpectedly, Xuanwu Wang actually sent some herbs after the sect left. They are all first-class tonics such as Shen Dan. After careful verification, there are no problems such as poisoning.

Then, even more amazing news came, Xuanwu Wang retired!

Hundreds of meteors explored horses and galloped on the southeastern border. It was finally confirmed that the 400,000 horses stationed by the armed forces of the armed forces on the border did slowly recede. Only the 150,000 troops that were originally stationed in the area were retained, maintaining the original establishment and distribution.

Qi Wang and the lord couldn't figure it out. Although they were all angry in the heart, they could focus on the state affairs and did not dare to move in the southeastern frontier.

Soon, the high-level officials of Qi State and Jin State faintly guessed the reason: the defeat of the Jinuo Raiders destroyed the overall plan of the Xuanwu King Blitz. The loss of two consecutive elite military forces has greatly reduced the morale of the Wu Kingdom and is no longer suitable for full-scale war.

Two days later, Xuanwu Wang called the emperor!

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