Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 625: 4000 fine ride, no more

Wuguo, Wudu.

After the two interior ministers withdrew from the inner chamber, they whispered about the recent state affairs in the rest hall.

"In the princes, the most visible in the prince is the great prince and the solitary ink. Xuan Prince is still in the third place, of course, now it is not mentioned."

On the king, naturally refers to the king of Xuanwu. The two Ministers of the Interior have already learned that Du Gu Mo is a prince, and it is highly probable that the prince will inherit the Datong.

The prince of the Wu State was in Wudu, and he served as a spokesperson when Xuanwu Wang left. The character is the most stable, and the central operation is reassuring.

"The ruin of the Jin Dynasty is deep, and it is not enough. If it is not supported by the elders such as Bo, the channel has long been included in the territory. Qi is really tricky, and the rule of the king is clear, but it is not easy to find flaws."

"It is true. Qi is not only the super-class master of the Swordmaster, but also the younger brother who defeated Xuan Prince in recent days, Xiao Ruoyao, the woman's body is outstanding in the military array, can be described as a young girl."

"So this time, the king added another master to rush to Jindu to help. It seems that Jun is very able to see the Xiao Ruoyao."

"I am only afraid of the independence and independence of the character, and like the sword to go slant. If it is successful, it will be outstanding. If it fails, it will be lost. So..."

"So what?"

"He is afraid that he can't wait for the new aid from Jun, so he must do it himself!"

"Ah? He won't keep it according to Jindu?"

"Successful acquisition of Jindu is a great achievement, but what is the only way to keep Jindu? If you want to fight for inheritance, you naturally need more achievements."

"He will take the initiative to attack the Qi national aid army?"

"I think what I think, not ten."

Yes, this interior minister is quite insightful.

Solitary ink does have a lot of ambitions, and is even less satisfied with the achievements of the occupation of Jindu.

After all, the rebellion of the right-hand teacher and the Buddhist master arranged by Xuanwu Wang is the most important basis for the occupation of Jindu. The results I have achieved are discounted.

He wants to do it now. It is the Jindu, the Jin Dynasty King, the Qi Qi, and the Ruo Yao. Also, it would be better to get another beauty.

beauty? Yes, it is Gong Xiaolu.

Du Gu Mo, the palace road is the person around Zong Zhilian. I naturally want to get her after World War I. Moreover, it is also arranged that the manpower pays special attention to the beauty of the army.

This is a small problem. He now directs more than 20,000 martial arts squadrons to attack the Qijun temporary camp. He wants to fight this force in one fell swoop.

The squad of the martial arts team arranged by Du Gumo was really unexpected. Even General Yang and others are hard to think of, and the martial arts team that defended Jindu will suddenly launch a sneak attack. In the eyes of many officials, this is a bold way to abandon the congenital factors.

Who is the only one? A solitary fellow who was born in martial arts, did not follow the rules, and even lacked the traditional education of the royal family. He dares to do this! Like a stud, all his chips were slammed on the table.

If the North side of the direction of Jindu loses contact, Qi Jun must be very sensitive. However, Du Gumo only pulled out the probes in the east and south directions only one hour beforehand. The army was bypassed by Jindu in the north. It’s definitely enough to ridicule people when they take a circle to the south to launch an attack.

Not only that, but he also made a small effort to let the cavalry hoist the fabric at a cost, greatly reducing the vibration of the hoof to the ground. Nearly 10,000 cavalry slammed the ground and reduced the sound by at least one-third, which made the time perceived by the enemy even more delayed.

In exchange for any other famous general, even if Qi Wang personally sits in the town, I am afraid I have to go.

As long as the solitary ink sneak attack success. The Qi national aid army will inevitably collapse. The huge gains naturally also mean huge risks.

If I can't kill you, I will give you the chance to kill me! This is the representative.

Solitary ink is very bad luck. Actually met Wu Hao, the owner of this evolutionary body with extraordinary inductive power.

The eight thousand cavalry of the Wu State began to sprint in two places near Qiying Yili.

The rumble of the cavalry of the rumbling is accompanied by the sprint of various horses.

The ground was dug with a few half feet deep and a thick thigh hole, just like the vegetable field with nearly 10,000 radishes pulled out!

Hey - the horses and horses in countless runs were suddenly caught. Under the huge inertia, the horse legs broke and lost balance in an instant.

Hey, hula - the horse fell to the ground, and most of the cavalry immediately was thrown away. It fell dark and even slammed on the spot.

Even if it is not thrown out, it is smashed on the ground by a huge inertia, and only death is worse.

The horse fell to the ground with a large joint reaction, and the cavalry behind the horse had a certain probability of being tripped.

The rush is bigger than expected, but after all, the number of the first four thousand cavalry is quite large. The loss in the forcible impact is inevitable.

Sitting in the town of the infantry in the infantry array, watching the impact of the cavalry of his own side frowned.

He naturally broke the problem.

The surprise attack failed? !

Why is Qi Jun so fast? Not only are there horse traps, but also horse-stopping arrangements such as 绊马索 and refusal antlers. The observing spies arranged in the early morning clearly stated that the return of the Qiguo camp was only temporary and there was no defense at all.

Did you leak the news? How to leak?

He naturally wants to understand the reason of Wu Hao. It is a pity that although it seems that the other party seems to be prepared, it is too late to withdraw the cavalry impact command.

Once the cavalry is speeding up, there is no returning medicine at all.

"The second cavalry slowly stepped into the battlefield and stood by." Du Gu ink passed the order.

Although he did not deplore the human life, but for the sake of the battle, he still decisively pulled back the second wave of cavalry.

More than 8,000 cavalrymen were divided into two groups. So under this order, the rear four thousand cavalry forced the horse because of the large buffer.

The four thousand cavalry in front could not receive the order, and they had already rushed to the Qi army camp.

Du Gu Mo coldly took the first cavalry and rushed to Qi Camp, but in the mouth he gave another command: "Please prepare the women and prepare for the battle together!"

The subordinate immediately ordered.

Now the camp of Du Gumo is also a general character array, each of which is a mixed camp of swords and arrows.

There is also a strong basal corps in the center.

This regiment is led by a four-level Xuanwu girl.

The fourth level means that there are three hundred basalt soldiers who can fight at the same time. It is absolutely possible to destroy a fine army of 5,000 people.

Of course, this is the killer of the solitary ink, and it is only used at the crucial moment.

The character camp was originally a prominent arrow, purely the impact of the eight thousand cavalry.

Du Gu Mo is really willing. The girl in the middle of the army will be surprised. She looked at the situation of pulling back only four thousand cavalry, and she was in the heart.

Although nearly a thousand Xuanwu soldiers were ordered, they immediately began to prepare for the war. But she knew in her heart that her own commander had abandoned the former cavalry and completely gave up their life and death.

This woman will be a four-level basaltic woman, surnamed Qiu, the life of the spar is [Jing Yi's Huang Jade].

Although she deplores the loss of the four thousand cavalry, she has no objection to the will of the Lord.

Mercy is not a pawn. If the cavalry of the first line is reluctantly returned, it will easily cause chaos in this battle. Not to mention that the horse is not easy to pull up, it is easier to lead the army to chase after the killing, which will do more harm than good.

Therefore, the solitary ink is quite decisive, and the four thousand cavalry are difficult to recall. They rushed over and rushed over, only as four thousand bodies.

"Prepare for a frontal battle." Du Gu Mo arranged for the military squad to settle down. The cavalry returned to the battle and began to wait for the military camp.

The first four thousand cavalry, I don’t know that I have been abandoned. The non-stop has already rushed through the rotten vegetable land of the temporary small pit, and entered the antler refusal part.

Seeing the barbed stakes and other antlers refused to wait for the horses here, they also rushed up the scalp. There are also 绊马索 waiting for them. For a time, people turned over and countless.

"The second set of cavalry did not rush, but unfortunately." Wu Hao shook his head.

General Yang said: "If the second call is also rushed, the layout before our camp will be destroyed, and it will definitely rush into the camp."

Zong Zhilian said: "Why is the other party not strong?"

"It is estimated that I don't understand why we have refused to be in the south, for fear of further ambush?" General Yang frowned: "The other party's master will be worried, and the wrist will be deflated, and we will face the battle with us." ""

General Yang is not a long-term battle. The people around me thought about it and nodded.

It’s true that Du Gu’s cut-off arm-type abandoned cavalry has retained the full capital of the martial arts team to continue playing. Although the loss is not small, but the vitality is not hurt.

If it is a brain rushing to the Qi army camp, he is not sure if there are any traps.

"What do we do now?" Zong Zhilian bowed to Wu Hao.

"There is meat delivered to the door, can you not eat? First, these cavalry are packed up. Put the arrow!" Wu Hao ordered the crane wing array to go to the southern camp door.

It seems that there is no good thing for the cavalry of the Wu State to encounter Wu Hao.

Suffering from the four thousand fine rides of the Wu State, first of all, it was trapped in the horse pit, the horse sling, the antlers refused to the horse, and the two sides of the crane wing that had been prepared for a long time, had not been smashed and had already died and wounded ~ A sporadic hundred riders rushed into the gate of the camp, but they ran into a long gun array that had long waited for a long time.

Qi Jun, Chen Lin and Xue Qi, both generals, commanded the men’s pikemen to pack up the hundred rides at the cost of one to one.

After all, the cavalry's impact is large. Even if the long-range gunmen are fully arrayed, they will be killed by the high-speed cavalry. The horse corpse and the dead body have great inertia. After being shot through the rifle, they will still result in the death of the pikemen.

With the help of the land and the consumption of four thousand cavalry, the ratio of one to one deaths of only a hundred pikemen was already a great victory. After all, the cavalry is more than ten times more expensive than the pikemen. It belongs to the higher-level arms for the lower-level arms, and the Wuguo is dead.

The impact of the four thousand cavalry stopped abruptly in less than a hundred moments.

In the first half of the Qijun military camp, the bodies of four thousand cavalry were in ruins.

There is a weird sense of silence.

Some of the undead horses and the soldiers, the cicadas and the screams of screaming came faintly, making them seem more terrible on the battlefield. (To be continued.)

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