Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 429: The taste is unforgettable, and the lips are still fragrant.

When Wu Hao and Mu Qingya hid in the hole, the broken dragon stone closed the hole, and Yin Gu was thrown away.

Fortunately, his level has reached the realm of the saints, otherwise he may not be able to stop the momentum, and the patriarch of the pity family will be shackled under the broken dragon stone.

"Pity of the family is really thief is not dead!" Yin Gu main hate. He shook his cockroach and shook the dust from his side.

From his point of view, the pity family should be annihilated, if you dare to resist it is a thief.

The loud noise of the falling rocks in the old ear was screaming constantly, and the mouth was also exclaimed. Because Broken Dragon Stone is less than two steps away from him, the danger is affected. The sound son is also about the same, it is considered to have returned a life, scared to breathe but sucked a lung dust.

Yin Gu did not care about the two people, immediately began to observe Capricorn around the hole.

After watching it for a long while, he was amazed at how profound the rich people had, and the broken dragon stone organs built during the heyday were completely searchable.

Yin Guzhu tried the luck of Xuanqi and pushed it on the Broken Dragon Stone. About 80% of the effort was shipped out, and there was no effect at all.

He hit a few palms on the rock wall around the stone cave, but the mysterious force of the cracked stone was not effective, because the rock wall here is very hard. In the heyday, the pity family chose this mountain and named it Pity Mountain. Naturally, considering the solidity of the mountain, it was built into a hole in the heart of the compassion.

Investigating in the heart of Yingu: The rock wall of the cave is hard, even if it is a master of the month, it will take a lot of effort to break through, and it takes time to take the unit. However, my old wounds have not healed in the past 20 years, and I can't use my long-term mysterious output. Naturally, I can't consider breaking into the wall. How can this catch Xiao Yao Yao?

At this time, the voice of the old man came: "The owner of the valley, the pity of the family is very deceitful. The patriarch is actually able to speak in words. Be careful that Xiao Ruoyao escapes from other cave exits!"

Yes, is there still another exit for this cave? Yin Guzhu is also impatient.

"Hey, there are compassionate words in the hole, they must learn in it and can't escape." Yin Gongzi hurriedly tried to regain his impression in his father's heart with his agile thinking, and actively analyzed for him: "At this moment, their position is not deep in the hole. Try to use the magic charm to entice them to open the organs and come out!"

it is good! Yin Guzhu immediately lifted the instrument again. The squeaky snoring sounded.

However, Yin Guzhu soon realized that there was a worries in the past: because the stone wall was very poor in the sound of the music, I was afraid that the sound of the magic charm could not be introduced into the hole.

And even if it can be introduced into the hole, it will be greatly weakened. In addition, the two women's strength is not weak, especially Xiao Ruo Yao, the resistance to the magic charm is very strong, it may be difficult to see results.

It was really like this. He played a long while, suggesting that the intention was to let the people scream loudly, but there was no feedback.

Yin Gongzi also realized that this move failed. Quickly brainstorming, and counted the heart to call: "Hey, this cave must have vents! Although it can not be vented, but can use poisonous mist or poisonous smoke!"

The old man didn't want to listen to the limelight, and quickly questioned: "Xiao Ruoyao wants to catch a living. If it is injured by poison, what can be done to affect the practice of the owner of the red ball?"

"Available non-fatal medicine, the kind of woman can't stand the most." Suddenly the thief smiled and said: "When they can't stand it, they will open their own organs from inside. They will export from other places. It is difficult to ban themselves for a while, but I am afraid that I will continue to find the shackles."

The old and the Yingu masters suddenly realized a subliminal laughter.

Yin Guzhu can not help but look at his failed son, perhaps the opponent is too special, leading to his serious failure? Maybe give him more opportunities?

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately began to search along the steep cliffs around the cave.

Although the pity family is very covert to the cave vents. But some hidden measures or trees have changed in the past few decades. Or die or erode, no longer have a full hidden effect. Pity Mountain has also been replanted with ginkgo trees. The changes in the appearance of the ginkgo are not small, and there will inevitably be hidden flaws.

Coupled with the eyesight and exercises of the Saints of the Moon, Yin Gu can hang for a moment. To reach the point where ordinary people could not, and soon found a faint vent on a piece of rock outside a dozen steps.

Yin Guzhu took out the drugs that harmed the good woman in the possession, and built a brief smoker mouth with fire, dead branches and other things, and then rushed into the cave with the help of the hurricane that Xuanli urged.

In the hole, Wu Hao suddenly found out that some drugs were introduced from some vents in the cave in the sound of the evolution of the body.

【caveat! Suspected poisonous attack! There is a substance in the air that is sufficient to affect the function of the body, in an emergency analysis. 】

I am dizzy, the pity is too watery, right? Actually let the foreign enemy find the vent. And Yin Guzhu, they actually

"Be careful! They actually poisoned in the vents! It is poisonous!" Wu Hao quickly reminded Mu Qingya.

The fire candle is weak, but the vagueness can still see something flying like a dusty smoke.

There is also a bit of a sweet smell in the nose, Mu Qingya quickly grabbed his mouth.

Wu Hao slammed a piece from his dress and squatted on Mu Qingya's mouth.

At this time, Mu Qingya also tore off a piece of cloth on his body and helped Wu Mouth to cover his mouth.

They couldn't help but laugh at each other. But the situation is dangerous, the atmosphere is completely wrong, and I quickly hide in the corner of the cave where there is less smoke.

There are more than 20 steps in the depth of the cave, because you have not learned the voice of mercy, so don't worry about it.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that the ancestors of the Pity family will consider the safety of the exit, and may have just met the Yingu Lord when they just went.

At this time, the metallization sound in Wu Hao’s mind suggests: [The end of the identification of the aerosol-like substance, the harmful component is... hormone interferon! Intensify the secretion of human hormones, mainly invaded by the pulmonary circulation of the respiratory system, and the body can be affected by the evolution of skin pores to avoid being affected! Do you need to switch the breathing mode? 】

Can the skin breathe? Wu Hao was overjoyed and the evolutionary body was very good.

But think about the human skin can breathe, but the amount of breathing is very small, not enough to meet people's oxygen needs. In addition, many animals, such as greens and crickets, can breathe through the skin, so it is not surprising that the evolutionary body can evolve this ability to adapt to survival.

Switch the breathing mode! Wu Hao took the initiative.

The faint sweet fragrance in the nose could not be felt. Wu Hao made a hand and moved Mu Qingya’s hand on his mouth to her side.

Mu Qingya quickly shook his head to stop, Wu Hao said: "Nothing, the magical power seems to be good anti-virus ability, I can breathe inside, oh, is the first breath."

Mu Qingya nodded, but no more than a dozen, her face began to turn red.

Later, she was standing side by side with Wu Hao, and she had some legs soft and began to lean against the wall of the cave.

Oh, it’s not good! Cloth and silky nose can not resist this kind of pit female medicine? Wu Hao gradually reacted.

Yin Guzhu, they are too odious! I don't know which one is out of my mind. I used this medicine to force the woman to go out to the door.

Wu Hao understood that they intended to be themselves, and Mu Qingya was implicated.

Mu Qingya's breathing gradually rushed, and even the hands covering his mouth and nose were a little trembling.

How to do? How to do? Wu Hao was in a hurry, and quickly helped to tighten his mouth, and found that Mu Qingya's soft and smooth little hand was just like a fever.

Look at the blush, under the faint light of the long flames of orange and yellow, Mu Qingya's double eyes are like peach blossoms on the water.

Wu Hao’s heart moved and suddenly came up with an idea.

She violently pulled Mu Qingya's trembling hand down, revealing thin lips, and then plugged it up with her own mouth.

The cloth covering the nose and mouth fell, and the water was exchanged in reference. Wu Hao transferred his breath to Mu Qingya.

The skin of the evolutionary body undergoes non-toxic breathing, and oxygen is exchanged in the lungs, but it is a place that provides a higher concentration of oxygen.

Wu Hao also urged the body to promote the body's oxygen content.

I don’t think that the evolutionary body, which has always been unreasonable, has feedback at this time: [According to the requirements of the soul, in the emergency state, providing a better survival mode for partners who are able to survive, providing indirect breathing supply to the lungs, and oxygen exchange capacity of the lungs. Upgrade. 】

Mu Qingya just knew that she was slightly poisoned, and she was struggling to resist the weird feeling of the body. She just relied on the long-standing girl to struggle to maintain a clear mind.

But at the moment when Wu’s lips were stuck, her mind became chaotic.

I didn’t think about it. It’s that Xiao Ruoyao is helping herself. There is no empty space to understand the precious fresh air.

More intense than the drug, Mu Qingya trembled. I don't know how, my body is even softer. If it wasn't for Wu Hao who was leaning against the wall, she was afraid to fall to the ground.

Nothing cares about anything, nothing cares. Mu Qingya just closed his eyes at this moment, subconsciously ten fingers and tighter.

The heights of the two women are similar to each other. The chest is just right. The soft spots were slightly deformed by the pressure of each other, and she did not notice it.

Mu Qingya felt that the whole person had to melt.

Although the girl’s shackles are reminding her that doing so is against the world is definitely not right.

But there is one thought left in Mu Qingya’s heart.

Because it is Ruo Yao, so I wish to be eternal at this moment...


Then, in the cave of the singer's ban, the stun of the wall, a strong girl put another weak **** the wall, hands and fingers, and the red lips meet...

Only the lips have a cool touch, but the heart of Mu Qingya is getting hotter and hotter, and there seems to be a feeling of gestation in the depths of my heart.

The so-called: evil thieves poisonous, residual light shadow long; taste can not be forgotten, with the lips still fragrance ... (to be continued...)

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