Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 413: Let you see if she **** blood?

Because the appearance of aging caused the children in the country to be afraid, even being smashed into a scorpion monster, but also rumors that it would **** blood, and then many villagers organized to catch monsters...

This game, which is in line with the current situation, has generated great interest in the county.

Finally could not help, she reached out and tried to move the boards on the floor.

Move away the small smugglers who spread the rumors, remove the horrible and horrible villagers, and try to escape to the bottom exit.

Moved and moved, the county owner frowned: "It seems that you are the most inconvenient."

It is the horizontal board that engraves Xiao Ruoyao, which makes beginners feel that they are the most blocking.

"Haha, I am sorry. But don't look at my way, I really want to come out and rely on me." Wu Hao was very happy to see her, knowing that she had a strong psychological foundation to get out of the shadows.

I continued to try, and less than a tea time, finally found the law.

"Yeah! I ran away!" The long-time lord took the generous board out of the floor and happily shook it in his hand.

She rarely smiled again.

"Is it fun?" Wu Hao asked.

"It's very brainy. But it's easy to get used to it." Nodded. "I took a lot of steps. Maybe there is a faster way? I just moved too many times."

Wu Hao let her test again a few times.

I can't think of the fastest steps in the future.

Sure enough, it’s a super smart little guy, Wu Hao’s heart praised

Wu Hao induced: "Have you noticed that if you want to escape, which one is the most blocking you?"

"Of course, this is your horizontal plate!" The handsome county chief smiled, but quickly shook his head seriously: "No, in fact, the most critical part of this game is this horizontal plate. Without it, this game is not enough. In order to become a game. With it, the whole board will only live, and it will have the meaning of moving."

"Oh, it’s embarrassing to be said by you." Wu Hao scratched his head.

The owner of the county has turned a blind eye: "It is not to praise you."

"Haha." Wu Hao smiled a few times without hesitation, and then reminded: "Which is the best way to escape the predicament?"

"Is these children? Or these terrible adults?" Yoyo moved his hands back and forth on the site.

Wu Hao deliberately sighed: "In fact, it is not."

"Ah?" You didn't react at all.

"After you take a closer look, which one is the most obstructive to escape from the predicament?"

"..." I have been watching it for a long time, and I don't understand.

"You put your own piece back. Go and see." Wu Hao said something.

I tried to put the big square that represents myself back.

Wu Hao helped her reset all the plates.

It is worthy of Wu Xiao who suspects that the IQ has reached 180. He has tried to move his fingers a few times and suddenly screamed.

She found out.

The most obstructive to escape from the predicament, in fact...

She said slyly: "Yes, it is me..."

That's right, the biggest piece is her own. Because the huge volume itself blocks the road, I feel that all the small plates are blocking the road.

This piece, herself, is the most obstructive reason for escape from the predicament.


"...why do I myself...the most hindering myself?"

The owner of the county is muttering.

Wu Hao whispered: "When other children see you look a little scared. When you start misunderstanding, do you have to argue for yourself?"

The county owner did not speak.

"I didn't help you to argue, because it requires you to speak." Wu Hao continued: "I am your friend, but I can't stand up for you. I can help you say a few hundred sentences, not as you say it yourself." ”

"..." Youyou County headed up in a dull manner, glaring at Wu Hao's mouth and Zhang Zhang, but did not know what to say.

"Boldly tell others, you are not a monster. It requires you to do it yourself, you need to take this step yourself."


at this time. There was a lot of noise outside the tree hole.

"Hey - here! There is a turban!"

"Yes. That's the little monster!"

"Yes! She was wearing this headscarf. When we picked it up, we found her terrible!"

It was when the two entered the tree hole. The fallen floral headscarf was found.

Hearing the noise of the outside voice, the county owner was scared and white.

Wu Hao gently grabbed her hand.

Roughly handed with some aging folds, it feels cool and cool.

"Come out! Come out!" More and more villagers gather.

Someone used the fork hooks of the valley to pick up the branches in front of the tree hole.

"Let's go out." Wu Hao gently pulled the long county owner.

"I... I am afraid..." There was tears in the eyes of the owner of the county.

"The most hindering you from getting out of the predicament is yourself." Wu Hao said loudly: "If you don't dare to move, you will be trapped there forever!"

"Yes, but they are so terrible..." The small body of the long-time lord shrank into the tree hole.

"Although the rebuttal may not be useful, but you need to work hard to do it before you can make a final conclusion." Wu Hao firmly said: "Get up, go to argue! I am your friend, no matter how difficult, multiple burdens, as long as you try With hard work, I will pick you up with you!"

The long-necked owner of the county was relaxed and was pulled out by Wu Hao.

There are more than a dozen villagers standing outside the tree hole, each holding a hatchet, a sickle, and a long pole hook.

Some of the villagers have roared eyes, some have some doubts, and some have a scared expression.

There are still a few children who are close to the adults, who have just played with the yo.

Everyone in the adults holds a torch, which seems to be aimed at [the otter] monster.

Should they say that they are ignorant? Or can you understand their love?

Wu Hao looked at the hearts of the villagers and sighed. Or to put it another way, they actually don’t know how to fear the monsters. Only when there are many people, I hope to destroy the monsters that may hurt myself and my children.

Fortunately, this group of people has not yet fallen into madness, otherwise they will pounce on the moment they see themselves and the county owner.

The villagers now see Wu Hao and they are a little surprised.

Wu Hao is very popular. But the children around her have a fearful image of aging.

Because the monsters are preconceived, the villagers are more and more afraid to look at them.

It seems to be really like a otter monster. When the thing goes ashore for a long time, it will be dried and wrinkled, just like the skin of the old man. The appearance of this child is aging, and many parts of the skin are creased.

However, the little girl who is with her is not like a monster at all, but more like a girl from a good family. I am afraid that many young people will secretly inquire about who is this family who has booked a relative?

The long county owner felt very scared when the eyes of the villagers stared at him. He moved to Wu Hao and hugged her legs.

Wu Hao’s out-of-town people were hesitating, and they gently pushed the back behind their legs: “Come on. It’s not a monster. It’s up to you to argue.”

I tried to lick from the back of Wu Hao. I saw the farmer's knife and fork held in the hands of the villagers. It was a glimpse of the villagers and children, and then they shivered back.

Wu Hao patted her on the shoulder: "Remember? Just the game, I want to escape, but the most obstructing the road is myself."

"The obstacle... is yourself..." snorted.

Only five years old, she still can't think too deeply. But the maturity of the mind far exceeds the advantage of ordinary people, and she gradually understands that this is to be brave and overcome the weakness of the heart.

Take a deep breath and look out from behind Wu Hao: "I..."

The villagers are quite simple, taking advantage of such a small child. Although it is suspected of being a monster, it seems to be able to speak? I was curious to hear what I heard.

"I..." The voice is small.

The long county owner took another deep breath.


"Monsters -!" A child screamed and pointed.

Long and shocked, but the excellent generation of inheritance and personal strength, so that she has a courage from the bottom of my heart, screamed out: "I am not a monster!"

After a long scream, he was relieved and gasped, as if he had lost all his strength.

"Good! Your argument is great. There is no more direct and concise rebuttal than this." Wu Hao took a very nice little shoulder and said: "Next. Give it to me."

Wu Hao looked around. I saw that the villagers had subconsciously surrounded themselves.

"You folks, I can understand your fear of the child being hurt by the monster. But please think about it. If it hurts a good person, the rule of law in the country is strict, I am afraid that it will take a life to death. Do you want to try the law easily? Whose child is willing to have no father? Or is there a father who becomes a criminal?"

Wu Hao opened his mouth. I want to persuade in a strong relationship, not to defend first.

This is a kind of speaking skill. During the period, the content of the child is worried about the child. As long as there is no loss of reason, people will take a look at it.

"As for whether this little child is a otter I hope everyone will give me a chance, there is a very easy test method." Wu Hao took out the machete.

The villagers were so scared that they stepped back and shook their hands.

The second step of Wu Hao is to threaten the secret. This way, the villagers will know more about it. The other party is afraid that it will be a military, not a good bully.

Wu Hao put a knife on the wrist, and the bright red blood suddenly rushed out, even ticking off the ground.

"Oh!" The villagers were a lot of exclaimed.

She twisted again and leaned down to slam the wrist to the long mouth.

Long is watching Wu Hao cut his wrist and was horrified, and the small open mouth was just under the wrist of Wu Hao.

Salty blood in the entrance, scared her to scream, squatting back and hiding, and the mouth also rushed out to vomit the blood of the entrance.

"Does this child not **** blood?" Some villagers reacted.

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