Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 407: precocious? Then create a new toy!

Wu Hao intends to compete with the Long County.

It’s not right, it’s not a big fight. Wu Hao’s heart even corrected himself. No matter how premature she is, how mature her mind is, after all, a child.

The first time I met, the old-fashioned autumn was a set that I thought of in the Long County. Although the words are sharp and almost adult, they are prepared, but they want to marry a child.

It's like a child telling an adult saying that an adult will be hit by a lightning strike in an instant, or it will be dumbfounded or embarrassing.

Wu Hao was fleeing. It is a bit like a parent who is asked by a child [how did I come]?

Of course, the departure of Wu Hao is also a slap in the face, making the heart of the long county confess. The next time the two sides meet again, the long county owner will not dare to treat it with the same attitude.

After studying with Qi Wang and Qi Wei in the palace for a long time, they finally got very big support.

Perhaps it is the trust of the sovereign, perhaps the excellent performance of Wu Hao's past performance. After Qi and Qi Qi exchanged their eyes, they agreed with Wu Hao's request.

Wu Hao left the Qi Wang Inner Palace and returned to Tianbofu. He was fascinated by Qi Wang and Qi Wei. But I made a very excessive request for the royal family, I can't think of them.

This is actually quite unexpected. After all, it is now an age of orderly and respectful, and the requirements for the management of the county governor are quite out of identity.

Shizi asked for a farewell: "She is more naughty, hey, it is a mature and difficult to get along with, so I have to worry too much about Xiao Xiao."

"For anyone, seeing her will also have a heart of help, you are welcome." Wu Hao thought: "I want to do a few things. Can the world help me to fight?"

"Xiao girl please say nothing."

Wu Hao went to the study and drew a few drawings and handed them to the world.

"This is..." Shizi took the scratch.

Although the illustration is very three-dimensional, it is also very clear, but the world does not understand what it is used for.

"Give a toy for children." Wu said with a smile: "You naturally know who this kid is."

"..." Shizi was a little silent, and after reading the drawings, he smiled and said: "Xu girl's idea is good!"

Shizi immediately found the first-rate blacksmith shop and carpenter shop, and tried to make these sets of things out immediately. Moreover, I also found someone to draw a picture according to the drawings, and sent it to the Buddha.

"Nothing! Not to mention the drawing of the drawing to open up the new method, it is that this stamping technique is also written clearly, so that the blacksmith and the carpenter are expected to benefit too much." After the Buddha looked at it, he was surprised: "And the poor The framework algorithm is slightly involved, but it has never been seen to design such a clever thing. Although it is used for children's play, it is the average man who also has to pay a lot of thoughts."

Buddha Shuai is so addicted to the drawings that Yu Shizi must give himself a look at the creation.

Shizi is thinking: the dolls and other things made by Xiao Ruoyao were not accepted, and these toys are quite painstaking. Perhaps they just fit the sister's mind? Even if she proposed strict management of her sister. But if you are so worried, you can rest assured.

After the death of Shizi, Wu Hao entered the area of ​​Zongmen in Tianbofu.

Wu Hao and his lord have practiced the boxing time of half an hour, mainly focusing on an artistic conception of freely exerting randomness.

The boxing road opened and the two men began to feed the recruiting move.

What the Sovereign appreciates most is that Wu Hao will not make a second mistake.

What is Master's most afraid of?

Even if the disciple is stupid, once or twice, many times, the teacher will not be able to endure. But when the master is most afraid of the same mistake, it will be repeated by the apprentice.

But Wu Hao has no such problem at all. As long as she has been in a position, she will never commit any more.

This is the benefit of reciting the world's unparalleled? The Lord’s heart is very happy. So Master is really easy. I often hear that Master’s being foolish and angry, but he has no such troubles.

Only the lord has a small concern: such a teaching. Within two years, my old man can be hollowed out.

But for now, don't worry about this concern, let's teach as much as possible.

The lord wholeheartedly taught Wu Xing boxing's free application.

But soon, he found that today's apprentice is slightly wrong.

"You have no snacks." The Sovereign suspended the teachings of today, and Su Yan said: "What is not done?"

"I met the owner of the county today." Wu Hao did not insist on continuing to practice martial arts. Instead, he volunteered and asked: "I don't know if the teacher discovered any illness when he explored the meridians of the long county."

"No wonder you are distracted." The sigh sighed at the thought of the child: "When I looked at the meridians for her, the child's meridians actually appeared in their twenties or even 30 years old. It’s too late. It’s just because of the mystery, but it’s impossible to heal.”

"If her life is described by the sundial, it is equivalent to seven times faster than the average person, right?"

"Yes. It is very consistent. It wants to treat this symptom?" The lord thought for a moment and nodded. He simply ended today's teaching and waved his hand: "Since Qi Wang has something to do, and you are absent-minded, it is better to finish things."茯苓 Elders are in the back hall, you go find her."

Wu Hao thanked him and went straight to find the elders.

"Oh, this is not the pro-chief disciple of the lord, Xiao Ruoyao? Is there any water for him?" The elders also ridiculed Wu Hao at first.

However, after Wu Hao bluntly asked the situation of the county owner, the elders quickly recovered the right color: "The girl's illness, I have no way."

Wu Hao still patiently asked the elders to understand the aging.

The conclusion is still the same. There is no heavenly treasure that has changed its life and changed its level. I can save her.

The elders even sighed: "If there is no treatment, even if the above elixir delays the disease, I am afraid that I can't live the age of the cardamom."

Wu Hao nodded in the heart. This is in complete agreement with the prediction of aging. Although the medical science is not scientific in this era, the vision of Gaoming doctors is still very powerful.

"Now the Sovereign and Qi Wang have arranged for me to go to the Jin State. I need to go with the county owner and ask the elders..."

Wu Hao’s discourse did not finish, and the elders had already published a book and smiled: “I already knew it.”

With a bang, the book was thrown over, accompanied by the words of the elders: "Give you thirty years of time, give me a book back."

Wu Hao understands that this is what the White Elders and others have told her about their amazing memory. It seems that the previous price has been discovered, and there is not much to talk about.

Sure enough, it is the next volume of the Book of Medicine, and Wu Hao will complete this book. Just tens of millions of drugs in the world, the two books can not be counted, but it is much higher than the average person's medical standards.

After the book was finished, the elders of the elders took back and began to tell Wu Hao about the condition of the long county owner.

The elders have been involved in the treatment of the county governor for so many years. Qi is almost all over the world, but it has not been effective. Nowadays, relying on daily ginseng, velvet and other supplements to enhance the strength of the owner of the county.

Wu Hao secretly sighs, this is a cure for the symptoms. The problem lies in the dna of the county owner. It can be said that the evil fruit of the Qiwang old cow eating the young grass is the most suspect.

If you change to an evolutionary body, it is possible to make up for the damage of the dna by changing the appearance of the appearance, but now it is impossible to see. Only try to let the You County owner enjoy the happiness as much as possible in the short life of more than ten years.

It took a long time for the medical class to learn.

When Wu Hao left, Shi Zi was sent out of the house, and it was said that the objects shown in the drawings would be created early in the morning.

"Well, I will come early tomorrow morning." Wu Hao said goodbye.

When he slept at night, Wu Hao said to Mu Qingya and Xiao Mei about the illness of the county owner, but did not disclose the matter to Qi.

"Is there a premature illness?" Xiao Mei is incredible.

Mu Qingya was also surprised.

"So I plan to stay with her tomorrow, at night... maybe I won't come back." Wu Hao said hello in advance.

"Ah, I can hate this result." Xiao Mei grinned, but she could only helplessly: "Looking at her poor illness, I forgive her for stealing her sister."

Fortunately, Xiao Mei is not a unreasonable gimmick, and Mu Qingya has not expressed any objection.

Early the next morning, Wu Hao blinked and found that Mu Qingya had already packed up a small quilt.

"What is this?" Wu Yi.

Mu Qingya said: "If you live in the palace, I am afraid that you are not used to sleeping, so take the bed and be detained."

After the stroke, she folded the scorpion on her bed and tied it with her own quilt.

Wu Hao thanked him in his heart and asked: "Is this your beggar?"

"I was going to let you sleep a little longer, so I packed up my." Mu Qingya's sign language explained.

"Great." Wu Hao listened and will be held in his arms, deeply sniffed, and smiled: "Oh, take this to the palace to sleep, as if you are still with me~www This is your taste."

Mu Qingya’s face was red, and Xiao Mei was awakened by Wu’s words. He listened to a few protests: “My sister also took my beggar! I want to sleep on my bedding!”

There is something to fight for... Wu Hao is helpless, and when she left, she was actually taken with two rolls of shackles on the carriage.

It is the carriage of Shizi, and the old man of the autumn is coming to meet at the entrance of Akihabara.

"Xiao girl, in the future, not to be insulted, the creation of the drawings yesterday is ready." Shizi has long been waiting for a bag, it seems that he attaches great importance to Wu Hao's affair to the county.

On the way to the inner palace, Wu Hao checked the small things that were made in the carriage.

Shizi rode in the carriage and asked: "Xiao girl, I am going to ask what is the name."

"Don't want your sister to know the first name?" Wu Hao sold a pass. (To be continued.)

Ps: Please praise me on Monday! Please continue here.

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