Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 398: The story of the horse thief and the skewer

The thin old man couldn't help but laugh, and nodded slightly toward the leader.

It is normal for this little girl to react like this. If there is a question and answer, whether it is right or wrong, it must be a problematic person.

"Taro, give me a look at the book in your hand." The horse thief leader stretched out his hand.

Wu Yiyi frowned: "This is what I like, why should I show it to you?"

"Just because I am the boss here." The horse thief leader: "Whether you are robbing me of the position, you first came to see, at least a little face to meet."

The horse thief leader has his own mind, and will not take it for granted that the girl is a good lamb to be sent to the door.

Wu Hao hesitated whether to pass the book.

"Little girl, you want to be our leader, you have to make a clean and honest example." The horse thief leader is quite provocative.

Wu Hao is like a radical law, throwing the book to the past: "Let you know what the thief should be. I think you are a gangster, but it is not right."

She looked around and there were two bodies that were thrown under the tree. And obviously it was tortured, and I don’t know if it was forced to ask which village’s garrison was so.

The horse thieves looked at Wu Hao’s face with some horror, but hardened and calmed down, but felt more at ease. This is in line with the reaction of the average woman. Even a woman from a well-known martial arts museum will not see the dead body without worry.

The horse thief leader turned over a few times: "The road is flying here... the strange name, Luffy, what he said is..."

"Become a horse thief!" Wu Hao waved his arm and screamed.

The horse thief leader wondered: "What does he want to conquer? He actually said yes..."

"Chongshan Junling!" Wu Hao shouted cleanly.

The horse thief leader determined that the girl was really familiar with the book.

Just flipped a few pages and picked a key word, she was able to answer the question. And although this book is a manuscript, many corners have been yellowed, not like temporary production.

Where did he know that Wu Hao was deliberately old.

She just wrote it a few days ago. Then put it on the fire and do a lot of old-fashioned operations.

This old-fashioned concept, in the era of lack of antique fraud, no one at all. Therefore, the leader of the horse thief is convinced that Wu Hao is obsessed with this book.

This book is actually a text version of "One Piece" adapted by Wu Hao. The comic book and the animated "One Piece" have been turned into "The Horse Thief", although there are many things that are not strict enough. But for the standards of this era, it is already too much.

The thief leader was only able to flip at first, but he was quickly attracted.

He didn't know much, and many of them didn't know much. They looked very hard. They quickly called a thin old man: "You come to me."

What content book? How do you still want to listen to him? Other horse thieves feel strange.

The thin old man took the book to his hand and saw the first page of the opening. Wu Hao jumped out of the horse: "You don't have much meaning, I am writing!"

She looked around and found a large stone as a table. Take a block of stone as a slogan: "There is wealth, fame, and rights. Every man in the world, the horse thief, Gore, before he was executed, said a word, let the people of the Central Plains All of them flocked to the forest... Want my treasure? Then go find it in the mountains..."

All the thieves are wrong first, how can this little girl talk to himself?

At this time, the horse thief who was exploring nearby came back. Made a safe suggestive action to the leader.

Continue to patrol. After the horse thief greeted the horse, he turned and listened to what the little girl could tell.

The life of horse thieves is very boring every day. Wu Hao’s voice was pleasing to the eye, not to mention the story of the newly adapted Horse Thief, which immediately attracted all the horse thieves.

Even the most skeptical horse thief leader and the dog-headed division of the old man, I was fascinated.

Wu Hao’s storytelling is about two hours.

She always talked about the storyline to the place where she was deceiving, and she stopped. Cried: "I am hungry. Do you have anything to eat here?"

The horse thief is listening to it, and it is a bit unwilling to be slammed. They are not the martial artists who are more valuable in their own weight, and suddenly they are noisy.

"What to eat, talk quickly!"

"Let's eat a hungry!"

Wu Hao brows a pick and pulls the whip from the waist. He slammed into the two most fierce horse thieves: "Give me food! Otherwise I will kill you!"

The beaten horse thief tried to resist, but was quickly smashed by Wu Hao.

"Oh, a few more!"

"Ha ha ha! This girl is delicious!"

The rest of the thieves did not help, but they were still alive and kicking.

The leader of the horse thief also listened to the feeling of being positive, and quickly asked people to send dry meat.

"Hey, what's this!" Wu Hao ate two squats on one side: "It's hard to eat. The salt is too much, the meat is too old, and the dryness is too big..."

"You have the ability to do it!" A pony thief in charge of the food squats.

Wu Hao waited for this sentence. I didn't expect the other party to take it out so easily. I immediately yelled and said: "If you have food, I will do it! Let you taste what is delicious."

"Mothers will cook."

"Little lady is trying to marry someone!"

"No, it’s the spring of running here!"

The horse thieves are even more embarrassed.

Wu Haoli slammed his whip and got a little honest.

The thief’s leader squatted and said to the old man: “Do you feel this gimmick...”

The thin old man’s eyes whispered and turned: "Is there a problem?"

The horse thief leader shook his head: "Don't you think she feels a bit like Mrs.?"

The thin old man slammed his thigh: "It's a little bit of that!"

"Just got her toss But what she does, she must eat first!" The thief leader whispered.

The thin old man nodded, quietly going to tell a few to accompany the horse thief.

Although the horse thieves are temporarily stationed here, the basis for the pot cooking is still set up.

Only the dishes can't be done, but the barbecue and other materials are not lacking.

Wu Hao moved his hands to express the scent of the barbecue.

Most horse thieves have no wariness, snoring and snoring, while eating whip and eating delicious. Anyway, the horse thieves have long been accustomed to the wind and sleep, and Wu Hao's whip did not exert the mysterious power, the skin is thick and thick, they naturally do not even take the whip.

The horse thief leader and the thin old man stared at the girl himself and also ate the skewers, which was safe and non-toxic. But the two, the pro-accompanied and the patrolling horse thief still did not eat her barbecue.

They will not trust her easily. (To be continued,!

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