Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 395: Shiko’s decision to send Jin

With the pro-disciplinary disciples, Wu Hao went all the way to the lord, and went out to the Akihabara in Qiducheng, where the curfew had been curbed.

"Sister, how come you came back? Did you eat rice?" Xiao Mei had already waited at the door of the garden to look at it.

Wu Hao was outstanding in the river between the two villages, and her sister Xiao Mei became a brain powder. She was counting on living with her every day.

"Sorry, I learned the basalt in the lord and passed the time. Have you left the meal?" Wu Hao actually had already eaten at the sovereign. But the physical fitness did not reach the upper limit, and it is no problem to eat again.

Into the dining room, there are porcelain dishes on the table and the insulated meals are turned down, which makes Wu Hao feel quite warm.

However, when she realized that the amount of food was too much, she had a headache.

Xiao Meisheng is afraid that her sister is not eating enough, so the amount of food left is enough for two people, and it is still a strong man.

"Sister, is it enough to eat? Do you want to add some?"

"Is it cool? Do you want to be hot? My hands and feet are very good."

"Sister, eat more, see this dish chef is good."

Zong Zhilian and others left with a smile, leaving a lot of words to watch the lively tone: "If Yao Yao will be blessed."

Yunyun hurts without heart and lungs: "It’s good to have such a sister."

In fact, he has no other meaning, but when Yun Yunjiao listens, Liu Mei is upside down: "Brother, what do you mean? And I often go out to play back late, you have not given me a meal."

They quarreled and left to practice, and Mu Qingya was accompanied by Wu Hao, watching her dinner quietly.

She also wants to leave a meal for Wu Hao. But the skin is thinner. Seeing that Xiao Mei is ready, I will stop doing more.

In the eyes of her sister and Mu Qingya, Wu Hao ate the food on the table.

Also in the shackles of Xiao Mei.

"Sister, I went to Changle Court today."

"Sister, I tried to make a makeup today. But the woman is not very satisfied. Fortunately, Ai sister helped me to fix it."

"Sister, I used to make makeup and make money. I must study hard and buy a lot of jewelry for my sister."

correct. Wu Hao patted his head and put down the chopsticks and smashed down a string of jade bracelets from his wrist: "Xiao Mei, you put on a look."

Although Xiao Mei refused to ask, but Wu Hao said to help her to keep it or not to practice martial arts, it was successful to transfer the jade bracelet sent by the 姨云姨姨娘.

Not long after, Wu Hao had swept away the meals on the table.

Xiao Mei is very satisfied with Wu Hao's meal, quite a sense of accomplishment.

When Xiao Mei cleaned up the tableware, Wu Hao noticed that Mu Qingya seemed to hide something in his hand and wondered: "Qing Ya. What is your hand?"

Mu Qingya hesitated, suddenly determined to be as determined, lifted a pack of lotus leaf chicken legs to Wu Hao. Then she said in her hand: "Practicing Xuanwu consumes physical strength. Eat more."

"..." Can Wu Hao refuse? No.

So she stuffed a chicken leg into her stomach, and smiled with satisfaction: "The chicken legs that are clear and elegant, I feel so sweet."

Mu Qingya’s face was red, and Wu Hao felt that he had no white support.

Fortunately, the digestive power of the evolutionary body is like a blender, otherwise it is estimated that the average girl is not dying to accumulate food.

The physical energy slot in the mind is full, and the body shape will change a little bit. Wu Hao did not dare to eat more things at all.

If you eat too much, the body will digest the food in a full-bodied manner. Wu Hao now feels that he is propping up to a full balloon, and if he is not careful, he will have a breast enlargement.

Sleeping at night, Xiao Mei rushed to stay close to Wu Hao to sleep.

The happiness of the Qi people is not good to enjoy... Wu Hao is sandwiched between Xiao Mei and Mu Qingya. Secretly sighed.

Qi Wang’s inner palace.

"The story written by Xiao Ruoyao is really beautiful." Qi Wei in the bright candlelight, shaking a piece of paper and aligning with Wang Xiaoxiao: "No wonder you have been looking for her in the past few days. I still want you to look at the beautiful girl." The result is for this story."

"It’s just a story. The rhyme contained in this book is not only as simple as it is literally." Qi Wang leaned on the couch, and also took a volume of papers written by the eunuch, and slowly wrote: "The battle of Song Jin, The rise of the Mongols, the country has a strong flavor."

"I think there must be a story told by the old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life."

"I think so, it can't be from a 14-year-old little girl. Or is it a special kind of book that brings a special kind of instrument to the celestial body? No matter what, the story is wonderful. Qi Wang nodded: "Especially the Jin Guo's Yan Yanhong, but I am a very admired figure. For the woman she likes, she will get her hand if she wants to make her family break."

Qi Bai gave him a look: "You men will not hesitate to kill other men in order to get a woman."

Qi Wang laughed and said: "Do you want to kill other women in order to get a man?"

"It is true, at least I got you, I don't know how many women want to kill me. As for your position in the harem, I have been saddened to die at any time in the past few years." Qi Tong also had to approve and clicked on the paper: "This I don’t like to succumb to the weak temper. Since I’m loyal to the husband, why did I finish the Yan Honglie? I also made my son’s surname for more than ten years. It’s really shameless! If you only want a child, you can entrust it to Yan Honglie, anyway. I didn't see him. I can't say it."

"In fact, it is quite humanity to take care of the weak. People are different, and the sorrows are less. After that, if you change to be you, hold your child in the river in the morning, you are the one."

Qi Qi proudly raised his neck: "Of course, how can the enemy raise a child? How is she so stupid, even for more than a decade, I don’t understand it is the trap set by Yan Yanlie? It is estimated that I lie to myself and dare not go. Think over there."

Qi Wang nodded: "Hu is not willing to think so."

"But in any case, she is too defeated to teach her son." Qi Qi said: "Wan Yankang is the blood of the Song Dynasty, but did not teach him, but instead raised a little wolf."

"Wan Yankang is not incomprehensible." Qi Wang sighed: "The second move of the second child is like this, refused to lose that possibility."

Qi Wang said that naturally it is the second prince of Qi.

Qi sighed: "Do you know that the second child wants to toss, but also condone him?"

"The fourth is more suitable for being a king than him, but the second child does not understand, and he does not want to understand. He should understand that he is not as good as the fourth, but he does not want to admit it." Qi Wang suddenly sighed: "But this is awkward, is it true? Don't give him a chance?"

Qi Qi shook his head: "Know know, if the fourth child is forced to kill the second child, you don't feel bad."

"Since he was born in the home of the emperor, if he always wanted to be a leisurely prince, he would naturally take care of his life." Qi Wang firmly said: "But he has the ambition to smash the society, so he should be prepared to be killed by other heirs. I This will not plead for him."

Qi Tong expressed his understanding and reminded: "It is the general who wants to guard against the point. It is because he hurts the strength of my country."

"So after half a month, the Jin Guo, I intend to let Wei Ling go with the Xuanwu soldiers to follow the fourth, and the general's attitude. If he refuses..." Qi Wang's eyes flashed in the cold.

The state's military dispatch is based on the basic concept of the country, and it cannot be affected by the interests of the overall situation.

Wei Ling was trained by the generals of the generals, but in the eyes of Qi Wang, Xuanwu women could not use this scarce resource as a private soldier, but only under the control of the royal family.

If the generals do not follow the king's dispatch, and Wei Ling is not allowed to walk with the world, it is a great challenge to the king. It is necessary to consider how to clean up.

There is a reason for Shizi to leave Qi State for the time being.

The head of the Jinguo Zuoguo Shibo has already met Qi Wang, and quite arrogantly proposed the will of the prostitute proposed by Jin Wang.

The relationship between Qi State and Jin State cannot be destroyed. What kind of horns can the Jin Wang draw? Is it true that the little daughter who wants to be a good girl is a quality girl? !

Qi Wang was furious, although there was no attack on the face of Bo, but he slammed the table directly after returning to the palace. Even the precious and serious Wu Hao’s papers were stunned, which made it seem stunned.

At that time, Qi Qi saw that Qi Wang was angry, but instead he did not follow the anger, but a good word of persuasion.

This is a kind of cleverness and a kind of cultivation for the prostitute. It is also an attitude that appeals to men. Originally, the younger daughter was asked to be a hostage.

As a biological mother, her little baby daughter was asked by a brain-dead king to be a quality woman. Can she not be big? Qi Qi was a famous small pepper on the rivers and lakes.

In the case that Qi Wang has been furious, there is no fire on the fire.

She wisely chose not to get angry, but to convince Qi Wang to be patient and to maintain the friendly alliance between the two countries.

Where is the scorpion that is so reasonable? Therefore, Qi Qi can occupy the position of the Zhengzheng Palace, and it has been unshakable for 20 years.

The lord found a close for a long time.

Shizi just rightly proposed that he personally went out and took his sister to Jin. Prepare enough gifts such as gold, silver and medicinal herbs, and draw on some of the important ministers around Jin Wang, and try to ask Jin Wang to relax the conditions of quality women. Let Jin Wang see that her sister is indeed weak, not suitable for being a quality girl, can she be replaced.

In this way, the attitude of the world to bring the younger sister personally, and then the ministers will help each other, and things will be eased.

Qi Wang and Qi Yu thought for a long time, and even consulted the opinions of the Sovereign, Buddha and others to determine that this is the last resort.

The Wu Kingdom is too strong, the Qi State is difficult to support, and the same door relationship with the Jin State cannot be cracked.

Only the world, the small county owner travel, this is absolutely necessary to protect. Qi Wang even puts close-up masters who are close to each other.

At the same time, the Buddha Shuai suggested that Xiao Ruoyao go with him.

The sect agreed to agree afterwards. After all, although the disciples should be cared for, they still can't live the hen for a lifetime. They always have to go out and experience it. This time, with Shizi’s long experience in going to Jin, it’s much safer than going out alone. Why not?

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