Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 388: Planting the towering sky!

The Mujia brother’s brother’s Mu Jie received the rolling pin that Wu Hao had thrown over.

Before I watched the girl walk out with a rolling pin, the ridiculous words that my two brothers had just said were still in their ears.

"How does this girl carry a rolling pin?"

"I'm afraid she thinks that this rolling stick is awesome. Is it a treasure artifact? Haha."

"I am afraid of death, a great rolling pin, hahaha."

"If she uses this rolling pin to break my brother's arm, I will not avenge you as a younger brother."

"Know it, you don't have to take revenge."

These words are what my brothers have just said, and I can’t think of it now.

The younger brother Mu Chao glared at the rolling pin and was crying and sulking.

Mu Jie felt the whirlwind of the girl opposite, and his heart was cold.

Her brother and her are not at all a standard, and even her specific star rating can not be determined, indicating that at least two stars.

This girl is still really stunned, in order to stand up, even want our brother to be self-inflicted on the spot?

Although I didn't cut an arm, but I interrupted myself, who can get it?

Mu Jie suddenly thought of his father’s words that he had been thousands of years ago: when he went out, he knew that the current affairs were Junjie, and when he endured, he endured it.

The whole scene was quiet, only the sound of the river's light creaking. Everyone is watching his reaction.


A strong enemy is in front and there is no defense. Since she wants to stand up, she can't help herself!

Mujie slammed his heart and hit the right-handed rolling pin, knocking on his forehead.

I dare not use the Xuanqiu resistance, the front of the forehead lacking the body of the body is suddenly broken, and the blood flows down.

"Brother!" Mu Chao exclaimed.

Mu Jie's figure shook a little and quickly stood. The swinging hand indicates that there is no serious problem.

Presenting a compromise against the strong, he deliberately did not wipe the wound. The blood falling down the forehead dripped into the river and was quickly washed into a faint red mark.

This is what I saw for Wu Hao.

I have to say that Wu Hao feels very cool now.

This power to hold someone else's behavior in the hands is very addictive, but it can't be excessive. Wu Hao is thinking about it.

If the Mujia brothers did not hurt them in the conflict with the villagers, she would not force them to do so. A Xuanqi martial artist actually shot the villagers at random. Even if it is shocking, it should not be the extent of the fracture.

Do you want the younger brother to interrupt his arm?

Looking at each other's brains, there was a bit of softness. Wu Hao turned to look at the villagers on the shore, especially the villagers who had broken their arms and stood up and looked at them.

Wu Hao is the villager behind the Mujia brothers: "Yes, bitter and bitter. Mu Chao, do you want to interrupt your arm, ask him."

"..." Mu Chao’s heart was filled with unwilling emotions. As a Xuanqi martial artist, I have long looked down on civilians, let alone villagers in the poor mountain valleys such as Qingling Xinfan Village.

"Are you stupid? Go!" Brother Mujie blinked. The blood on the forehead gradually stopped diarrhea. But the blood marks are still there, and the eyes are also stunned.

Wood is a grin, my heart is that I have discounted his arm. How could I let me go? I am afraid I can't wait for this woman to kill me now.

Thinking this way, he slowly moved to the other side of the river and asked the new Fancun boy who had broken his arm: "Hey, I want to ask you..."

Then he said no.

Whoever to change, this is also difficult to ask.

How to ask?

[You said. Should I interrupt my arm and not pay? ] or [I don't want to interrupt my arm, is it good? ]. This is not a word!

Mujie knew that his younger brother was too hard to open his mouth. He quickly took a few steps on the river with blood marks on his head. He slammed the injured villagers on the shore and said: "The folks, the younger brothers just did not know how to deal with them. I also hope to forgive me. There are traumatic drugs for twenty-two, no, one hundred and two. The right to be our brothers is a bit of a dim sum."

He took a large amount of silver from his arms and placed it on a bluestone by the river.

The young man with broken arm has been roughly treated by Ai Wei's head. Although the bone pain is still there, it is not painful. At this point he grabbed his arm with a cloth and saw the other person so polite. Although the words were very tired, but at least the meaning was clear, and the silver was put out.

The young man with a broken arm quickly swayed his hand: "Don't, can you fight the group?" Our house is thick and thick, and it will be fine for ten days and a half. You should not take medicine."

Brother Mujie quickly thanked him, but did not recover the money on the ground.

Mu Chao listened to this young man saying that he was a little blushing. I can't think of the villagers being so simple, they didn't even hate as much as they thought.

"Since I don't take the money, I still interrupt my arm for one-on-one compensation." Wu Hao's voice came.

This time she naturally sings the villain.

The wooden brothers were shocked. The young man with broken arm was anxious: "No need to use it, he has already been punished. His brother has broken his head and he does not have to interrupt his arm again. Why bother?"

Wood is super-squatting there and doesn't know what to say. I was helped by a person who was hurt by myself. If there is any other mentality, then it is really unfair.

Mu Jie turned his inquiries to Wu Hao.

"The brother who is like you is the blessing of the younger brother." Wu Hao nodded. "You are leaving. If you have any thoughts on Xinfan Village, or do the tricks of igniting behind the wind and pushing the waves, don't blame me." It is."

"Yes!" Mujie quickly nodded and thanked him.

Mu Chao also had to express his gratitude. Although he felt aggrieved in his heart, he thanked such a young little girl with a near-submission attitude. Xuanwu is respected, you can only bear it if you can't beat it.

Wu Hao’s mind turned and looked around.

Many people in the opposite village are a little embarrassed. It seems that they dare not believe that Xinfan Village has come out with such a master who can suppress Xuanqiwu, and it is still a yellow-haired girl...

In particular, the son of the village head of Neifan Village, biting a piece of cloth to stop the broken blood in his mouth, but spent a few hundred and two silver to invite two Xuanqi martial artists, did not expect this to be just arrogant The time of a tea break has already reversed the situation. He tried to say something. I also want to let these two Xuanqi martial artists take full action.

"East family, our brothers are not good at learning, not the opponent of the girl." After Mu Jie thanked Wu Hao for a long while, he took his brother to the water shore and went to the village head son: "Sorry, sorry, your commission is here. We The brothers went back."

He put a gray cloth bag in front of the village chief's son sitting on the ground, and turned and took his brother to go.

The son of the "呜呜" village chief jumped up from the ground and pulled Mu Jie's horse head. He refused to drop the fabric in his mouth and squirted blood. "Don't go, how can you fight?" The two brothers still can’t beat her with a yellow-haired girl?!”

Mujie smiled and was about to explain that the difference in the level of Xuanqi had reached the point where he did not need to do it at all, but he heard a burst of exclamation from the people around him.

what happened?

The brothers and the son of the village chief quickly watched it. It was Wu Hao who had no idea when he went to the river bank of Neifan Village.

Twenty steps away from the shore. She picked a towering big banyan tree.

The towering eucalyptus tree has a height of three feet to the height, and the two people can hold the weight. Although the crown is not dense because of lack of water, there are many green lychees, and the widest part is wide open for more than twenty steps.

Wu Hao is reaching out and clinging to the trunk. Although the posture is too small, she still made a posture to pull the tree.

She, she won't want to... The three men round their eyes together.

Don't be kidding! The **** was not even close to the trunk, and even half of the circumference was not full. But actually want to pull the tree? !

Everyone thought of this possibility, even if the villagers in Xinfan Village on the other side of the river looked at it.

"Sister, sister..." Xiao Mei muttered her eyes wide. I can't say more words for a long time.

Xiao Yu Xiao Niang is even more dry and can't make any noise.

Wu Hao is going to pull the tree?

That's right!

I will soon leave my family with my family, and Liwei must be exempted from the reprisals of the villagers. This prestige must be terrible.

Referring to the Huajiang Peak at the entrance of Jian Jianzong, a mountain peak falls across the river. That is the kind of sectarian power that the peerless strongman traversed a giant mountain cliff and deliberately created.

As the saying goes, the other world has Lu Zhi deep and plunging willows, and there are female men in this world who are plucking into the sky!

I am going to be here. Take the towering sky as a general power comparable to the lying river peak!

Before Wu Hao, he aimed at the biggest banyan tree nearby.

Her heart did not start at the beginning, but in the eyes of the eyes, the moment of thought, the evolution of the body has begun to estimate very thoughtfully.

[The eucalyptus has a circumference of three meters and five, according to the upper branches and trees. The low vine root is as deep as six meters and extends over 150 cubic meters. The surface of the bark is fragile, increasing the difficulty of pulling out 30%, ... the comprehensive need for the body's sustained force can not be lower than ... Conclusion: The evolution of the body in the scope of the most powerful expansion of the universe, can complete the task! 】

awesome! This way, you don't worry about failure and shame. After Wu Hao’s heart was in mind, it quickly flew to the other side and hugged the big banyan tree.

At this time, Wu Hao completely inspired the five-star sacred spirit of the free power, and the evolutionary body was fully exerted under the control of her will.

Comparable to the seven-star level of Xuanqi, the evolution of the body provides a nearly fuel-like effect, this car comparable to the top engine loaded, oh, no, is the pile driver, fully launched!

The roots of the eucalyptus tree are painful.

Cough, cough, sputum, and the eucalyptus bark that Hug hugged could not resist the huge pulling force, and began to peel off from the clothes of Wu Hao.

If there is no Xuanqi body, I am afraid that Wu Hao’s clothes will be worn out.

Wu Hao puts Xuanqi a little more outside, and infuse it into the gully-like epidermis of the banyan tree pit to help the eucalyptus epidermis part of the hug to be more endurable.

The audience was quiet, only Wu Song and the river kept flowing.

Everyone has noticed that the branches of the canopy are rustling and constantly shaking. Even the main body of the trunk is shaking slightly. It seems that such a towering tree will be unstable!

That's right! The eucalyptus is deeply rooted under the roots of the ground, thousands of whiskers, and can be dumped with mildew.

Under the action of Wu Hao, such a surface girl and the actual finisher level of the pile-driving machine, they all made painful struggles, and then they were helplessly broken down under the force level of tonnage calculation. ...

The whole scene was a horrible voice.

It is the sound of the roots of the tree being broken by the giant force.

"Starting" Wu Hao began to exert strength, and a long drink in the mouth.

This soft girl voice. At this moment, people are listening but not a little bit pleasing. It is not because of the change of the sound line caused by the force. The sound is still very pleasant, but everyone looks at her actions and can't connect with a young girl.

Everyone has to look at their eyes, watching a petite girl holding a big banyan tree. Hey, hey, slowly start pulling it out!

Look, the trunk is getting higher!

Look again, the crown begins to sway!

Then, in addition to the piece of soil under her feet, the land within the seven or eight steps of the diameter has turned up!

The tree was pulled out!

My mother, is this something that people can do?

Many people have the feeling of seeing the fairy tales.

Although Wu Hao’s movements are slow, there is no time for twenty interest. The entire banyan tree was uprooted.

The thick eucalyptus is like a man who doesn't care for his beard for a few years, and he still has mud falling from it.

At least four or five of these roots are thicker than the girl's waist!

In the eyes of everyone, the Xiaojia prostitute, who is petite, is holding a trunk of eucalyptus that is three times thicker than her, and even with a whole tree, it is so pretty. No, it is horrible to stand there!

Although there is still a little bit of roots connected to the ground. But anyone can understand that this tree has been rooted in the girl!

This is not the most embarrassing in the eyes of everyone who are blindfolded.

Wu Hao suddenly stood up, with a big banyan tree jumped seven or eight feet high, deliberately jumped to the uninhabited shore of Xinfan Village across the river.

God! Holding a towering tower, can you jump so high? !

But this is not the most shocking.

"Inverted to plant the heavens!" Wu Hao suddenly screamed.

The big banyan tree slammed in the air. The entire canopy turned over and volleyed. Wu Hao turned over to the top of the towering sky, and put the big tree on his foot and slammed it to the ground.

Everyone felt the ground suddenly tremble and then trembled.

The river that was still quietly flowing, like a stimuli, jumped in place. There are countless splashes.

Many splashes of water splashed on the faces and faces of the villagers closer to the shore. But they didn't move, they didn't have the heart to hide and wipe, and they were all staring at the girl who was planting the tree again after pulling the tree.

The villagers have been unable to exclaim. They looked at their strength and were taken away. They only used to grow their mouths.

There are countless branches and broken trunks that are broken.

Wu Hao was infused with the seven-star power of the mysterious gas into the trunk of the banyan tree, and after strengthening the hardness of the tree, it was inserted into the river bank with great force.

Even if there were bluestones on the banks of the river and black mud as the base, her mysteriousness was hard, and the largest canopy of the banyan tree rushed into the surface.

"Let's go deeper!" Wu Yusheng was afraid that there would be too many miscellaneous branches, and it would be unsteady. It would be like a percussion. Holding the trunk, the force was pressed a lot: "Let's go deeper!"

It is like violating the physics. If the world has this theory, it will be under the sinister power of Wu Xie’s seven-star power, and the towering roots will be inserted into the river bank of Xinfan Village.

If the branches did not fall off, they would be stuffed into the ground.

The part that is still exposed on the ground is the trunk of two feet high, and...

Replace the root of the canopy!

Whether it is Xinfan Village or Neifan Village, everyone is looking at it for a long while.

The weird planting, the eucalyptus and the veins covered with mud, sway like a canopy of a canopy.

Although there was a mess on the ground and scattered branches and leaves, no one dared to deny that this was a feat.

Planting the towering sky!

The three-foot-high ginseng banyan tree in the inner part of the village was pulled out to the new village, and it was re-planted into the soil under the roots of the head. It became a symbol-like existence.

This is simply a deterrent monument that intends to infringe the dignity of the new village!

The river has regained its sorrow, but everyone is still sucking in air.

Half a sigh, or Wu Hao first sighed with a mysterious sigh, shocking the dust and leaves falling from the body, and said: "Well, it is not often planted, the technique is not good, everyone will see it."

Not often planting trees... the technique is not good...

Neifan village people have an impulse to scream.

Which one can you plant so often? Whose tactics dare to compare with you?

It is difficult for them to accept that such a scary female warrior will come out from the opposite hostile village.

Not to mention that this kind of backcountry has never been seen, even in the developed areas such as Qidu, it is difficult to see.

Such a huge project not only requires the mysterious toughness of lasting force when pulling the tree, but also results in a considerable loss of Dantian's mysterious gas consumption. Which military person can ignite the mysterious spirit like Wu Hao?

"The fairy reincarnation!"

"Women Valkyrie reincarnation!"

A variety of muttering sounds sounded Opposite, Mu Jia brother brother Mu Jie crying face, but also with the blood on the forehead, toward the head of the village of the village of a fist: "East, That's why we don't dare to do it with her."

The younger brother, Mu Chao, complained: "Don't say that you have to break your hands, you just have to break your hands, and you don't dare to hang out."

However, the son of the village chief of Neifan Village, who has also swayed Wu Hao, has already sat down on the ground and is almost scared to cry.

When I finished, how did I offend her?

Such a woman, if you are rushing to marry, I dare not want it! I don’t know why this village chief’s son is thinking about it:

With such great strength, she said that she would be a widow when she took two shots. Even if she uses a little force in the middle of her legs, I am afraid that the man will be broken...

Then she has to live alive... (to be continued...)

Ps: If you look at the protagonist and you are addicted, please give me a compliment!

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