Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1049: Will not become a stinky egg?

What is hi 爹? When I was married to a goddess, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was able to get one and one, and I could not wait until I entered the room.

This is a term used in online jokes, miserable and self-deprecating to tell the sorrow of silk.

How pitiful, Wu Hao is full of resentment against this vocabulary. As a otaku, although not to the extent of a dead house, there are still some ideas of self-deprecating. The otaku's self-deprecation is a typical representative of a face laughing and crying in his heart. Of course, there are also many cheerful otaku who are ridiculed in the mood of jokes, which is a flavoring agent for life.

Wu Hao looked at the little wild boar's good teeth and thought that it was really unfamiliar or happy? Forget it, anyway, the IQ of the wild boar may not understand, Haidongqing's egg production should have nothing to do with it.

Is Haidongqing's egg fertilized or not fertilized? Wu Hao wanted to look carefully in the past. However, even if Hai Dongqing did not allow the owner to approach, Wu Yiyi probed the past, and its pure white feathers stood up and showed the state of the nest.

"Well, you hatch the eggs and concentrate on hatching." Wu Hao is no longer stubborn.

Anyway, it only takes about three days to know if it is a fertilized egg. Generally, if it is not a fertilized egg, it will become stinky after three days of hatching, and the female will automatically give up the nest.

But Haidongqing will lay eggs without fertilization? Wu Hao really didn't know. The hen will lay eggs without a cock. However, Haidongqing is an eagle after all, and may not be judged according to the standards of the hen.

Wu Hao has no clue and can only be busy.

"Go, let's find something that can increase the effect of the nest." Wu Hao greeted the little wild boar.

The little wild boar looked around with vigilance and felt that there was no danger nearby. Two words to Haidong Qing seemed to say that they went out, only to leave the room with Wu Hao.

In the greetings of [Zhou Girl Good Morning] and [To Zhou Girl], Wu Hao turned around in the yard. Didn't find anything good. Turning to the poultry farm in the backyard, she thought that she could use the feather pad.

"How about getting a chicken feather to give Haidongqing a nest?" Wu Hao discussed with the small wild boar.

The little wild boar did not understand, until Wu Hao gestured to indicate the few reed chickens, it seemed to understand.

Hey! The little wild boar rushed past as if it were an attack.

A few reed chickens suddenly screamed and fled.

A big **** rushed from nearby, as if trying to defend his hens.

But the little wild boar had a big round of eyes, and the **** turned into a feather duster in an instant. Shrinking on the ground did not dare to move.

Powerful domineering! Wu Hao looked at the little wild boar to release a feeling similar to the pressure, and scared the hens who had fluttered their wings to the ground and became a group.

Then, the little wild boar rushed up and pressed a hen down.

Wu Hao suddenly remembered the little wild boar to the sea east of the night before.

"When your wife is pregnant, do you want to do something bad? Don't you be afraid of being caught?" Wu Xiao smiled and thought that he would fly the wild boar.

But fortunately, the little wild boar just flung on the hen, biting the wild boar on the hen's tail and smashing the tail feathers.

The hen screamed, and the wild boar released it, licking a feather to run in Wu’s bedroom.

Still you have a conscience. Wu Hao nodded with satisfaction.

But soon the wild boar ran back. Put the big **** under him.

I will not change the taste on my day? Wu Hao thought very evilly.

But the little wild boar just stared at the cock's beautiful tail feathers, biting it down, then swaying the fat butt.

The poor big **** stood up from the ground and shook his spirits, trying to rekindle.

However, it is difficult to reinvigorate the glory of the past.

This is not finished, the little wild boar quickly ran back and rushed to the next hen.

Anyway, I experienced a chicken jump. No, it’s after the chicken bite. Dozens of chickens raised in the backyard of the Prince of Murray have become bare-chested chickens.

"The chickens in our house are not afraid of losing." Some people are still joking after being surprised: "The bald tails are all on our house."

They naturally will not interfere with the destruction of the wild boar, after all, it is the pet of Zhou girl. Zhou girl still didn't stop, where did they get them?

Even the accountant’s master smiled and asked: “We need to buy more chickens and ducks for the play?”

This is a slap in the face, and what do you say?

When Wu Hao returned to the bedroom, he was sure that he had become a down workshop. There are a lot of fallen feathers.

Haidong Qing picked the best feathers for his own nest. Excess or poor material, directly thrown into the outside.

The small wild boar is like a soldier standing guard, a serious look at the partition between the inside and the outside, protecting his wife and holding a nest.

Even the next person sent meat, and the wild boar did not ignore it. In addition to giving Hai Dongqing some meat in the nose, the rest of the time is dedicated to guarding there.

The inside has completely become a forbidden place. Apart from Wu Hao, others can't get in.

Even the old mother who is going to clean up is in the inevitable moment of feeling that her legs are soft. It turned out that the eyes of the little wild boar were staring at the cold and straight, and they simply did not dare to go inside.

Wu Hao came out with a strange appearance.

Look at the look of the little wild boar, are these eggs really a species of it?

Perhaps that Haidongqing is also a girl, and she has not had any relationship with other eagle owls.

But a bit too frivolous, right? The eagle-like dna and the pig's are completely impossible to combine coexistence! Not to mention the gap between the two major biological categories of birds and mammals, even the logarithm of the dna is not consistent, how to make the DNA split?

Could it be the effect of my mixed pills? Wu Hao suddenly thought of a point.

The evolutionary organism is a super-organism for the purpose of evolution. Is it just that a little ingredient from the digestive system can make the dna of the wild boar produce reproductive adaptability? Or is Haidong Qing also having the effect of a mixed-blood pill, and on the basis of their respective evolutions, in order to seek the strongest effect of co-evolution, what is the combination of dna in the midst of it?

Wu Yiyue thinks that the more he is stunned, he simply can’t think about it.

Shouldn't it be to create a new species?

But the probability of this genetic mutation will be very, very low, basically can be considered as a failure. Wu Hao is not optimistic about the future of Haidongqing's three eggs.

Will not become a stinky egg... (to be continued.)


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