Nightmare Attack

Chapter 955 Missing Person Notice

"Brother Fugui, can you see the figure's face clearly?" Huaiyi couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After confirming the room, his first reaction was that of Mu Wanming.

But seeing the figure was already the limit. The fat man shook his head, "I didn't see clearly."

No one wanted to go back to confirm now, and everyone decided to go outside the manor to look for clues as originally planned.

Not far from the manor, there was a street. As we walked, we observed that it felt like a small town in a Western movie, and it was a relatively depressed one. Almost all the shops on both sides of the street were closed. Through the cloudy glass, Through the window, you can see the crooked shelves inside and the garbage on the ground.

The further Bai Xiaojie walked, the more unsure she became. She often watched Western horror movies, and she actually felt that the scene here was almost the same as the haunted remote town in the movie.

Her experience is much inferior to Miao Qing and Liu Hui, and this is her second mission.

There are many pieces of paper taped to each dilapidated door. When the wind blows, half of the fallen paper slaps against the door, making a snapping sound, like white flags summoning spirits.

Jiang Cheng stepped forward and took off one. Because it took too long, many of the words on it were blurred. There was a photo in the middle of it, showing a man with a beard.

"This is a missing person notice." Miao Qing said looking at the photo.

"These...are all missing persons notices." Liu Hui looked at the papers posted on the shop door and window, turned her head, and said in a strange tone, "It's not just one person, there are many people missing in this town." "

Ouyang Huanbin turned to look at the other end of the street. There were missing persons notices on the doors and pillars on the street, "What happened here? How...why are so many people missing?"

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the missing persons notice, "But this should be our mission this time. We need to investigate the reasons why these people disappeared."

Just when they were about to continue walking forward, Jiang Zhao did not move. He turned his head and looked behind him. That was the direction they came from. Not far away was the wall of the manor.

"What are you looking at?" Huai Yi had a very bad impression of Jiang Zhao and was ready to kill him whenever he got the chance.

Jiang Zhao did not answer immediately, his eyes still stayed behind him. After a while, he stopped everyone, "Don't you think it's strange?" He pointed to the street with his hand, and then gestured to the location of the manor, "There are missing persons posters everywhere on this street. Notice, but there is no missing person notice near the manor.”

After Jiang Zhao's reminder, everyone felt strange, "There's something wrong." Liu Hui looked at the manor and said after thinking.

The manor is very close to here, and it seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time. The wall is dilapidated, but even so, no one posted a missing person notice on the wall.

No matter how you look at it, the manor's walls are much more conspicuous than these dilapidated shops.

With doubts, everyone continued to walk forward. Slowly, new discoveries were made. The number of missing person notices was gradually decreasing, and at the end of the street, they were almost invisible.

"There are fewer and fewer missing persons notices." Bai Xiaojie said with a hint of relief in her voice. She glanced at the black and white photos. She always felt like she was being spied on, as if there were photos somewhere she didn't notice. Everyone on the street was staring at her.

"We are getting farther and farther away from that manor." Jiang Cheng said suddenly.

Bai Xiaojie paused, and the next second, her expression immediately froze.

Valley camel

Miao Qing also realized the problem at this moment and lowered his voice and said: "The housekeeper asked us to sign a liability exemption agreement for staying in this manor. No matter what happens during our stay, we must bear it ourselves."

"I asked him what would happen, and he said he didn't know, because some people didn't find the body." Liu Hui said: "It seems that these missing people have similar experiences to us, and they also lived in that manor. Lost."

"The people who were looking for them knew this, but because they didn't dare to go near the manor, they had no choice but to post the missing persons notice on the street closest to the manor."

"So the focus now is to find out what happened in the manor." Jiang Cheng put his mobile phone in his pocket and walked forward with a group of people. There was a square within sight.

After arriving at the square, everyone really felt the desolation of this town. The pool in the center of the square had long dried up, and the paint on some nearby cartoon sculptures had also peeled off badly. At first glance, it even seemed a bit strange.

There were almost no people on the road in broad daylight, and the few he saw looked like zombies. Jiang Cheng shifted his attention to a house not far away.

The house looks very old from the outside, but the door is open and there is a sign saying it is open. It is a bar.

It was relatively dark inside. Jiang Cheng came to the dirty bar. There was a rustling sound behind the bar. Soon, a big man wearing a coarse cloth apron with red eyes came over and asked in a loud voice: "What do you want to drink?"

The strong man was half a head taller than Jiang Cheng, and his mouth smelled of alcohol.

"We want to inquire about something." Bai Xiaojie interrupted.

Unexpectedly, the big man glared at her and slapped a wooden board on the bar with a bang. Bai Xiaojie's face turned pale with fright, "I sell wine here. You want to ask questions without buying my wine?"

Miao Qing stepped forward and pulled Bai Xiaojie behind him, saying with a smile: "Sorry, it's our fault." He took out some money from his pocket and put it on the bar very naturally, "This is our first time here too, no. You know which kind of wine is the signature here, or you can decide whether this is a good idea or not. With just the money, you can make arrangements.

He found the money in the drawer in his room last night.

Seeing that Qian Dahan's face looked better, he grabbed the money and stuffed it into the small pocket outside his apron. Then he casually took out two bottles of wine from the dark shelves at the back and handed them to Miao Qing as if to deal with it, " Just these two bottles, it’s a bargain for you.”

Miao Qing still looked polite. After taking the drink, he did not leave. "Boss, I want to ask..."

"I don't know." The big man said as he wiped his hands on his coarse cloth apron.

"But we haven't asked yet." The fat man said in confusion.

"You don't need to ask." The big man crossed his arms and looked at the people in front of him with a look like I've already seen through you. "I don't know anything."

"But you took our money." Liu Hui wanted to struggle again.

"What I charge is the wine money, and I have already given the wine to you." The big man said.

"But didn't you just say..." Bai Xiaojie was also irritated by the man. He was obviously playing tricks on them. If he didn't ask questions, who would buy his wine.

"I've finished speaking. Either you sit down and drink obediently, or you get out of here immediately, you foreigner who doesn't know how to live or die..." The big man cursed, and Jiang Cheng smelled a hint of fear in the big man's words, especially It’s the phrase “I don’t know whether to live or die.”

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