Nightmare Attack

Chapter 894 Saint

Recalling what Shang Mo said before, it was easy to guess the identity of this figure. It was Shang Zuo, or to be precise, he was a ghost disguised as Shang Zuo.

The people who took the photos are undoubtedly Shang Zuo's parents.

As you can imagine, the fate of these two people will be quite miserable.

As if responding to everyone's speculation, Shang Mo nodded and said in a hoarse voice: "Later, I obtained these photos from the police through some methods. You..." As if recalling the scene at that time, Shang Mo's lips turned red. He looked pale and looked more than 10 years older.

Jiang Cheng reached out and took the few photos handed over by Shang Mo. When he saw them, they were all scarlet. There were broken bodies everywhere on the bed and on the floor in the bedroom.

The flesh on the corpse had been eaten away, and what was left was a skeleton with scattered pieces of meat stuck to it, and blood all over the floor.

Several young women looked away, as if they couldn't bear to look any further.

Shang Mo took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Since that day, Shang Zuo has disappeared and no one has seen him again. What the police can't figure out is that the surveillance cameras near his home are very comprehensive. , but there was no picture of him coming home or leaving home, not a single shot!”

"Humans definitely can't do it, and... and you have seen the photos, they were obviously eaten. How could it be done by humans? They must be ghosts! They are the ghosts sealed in the snowy mountains!"

"It's out..."

When Shang Mo said this, his shoulders trembled, his eyes turned red, and his whole person became hysterical.

Compared with Shang Mo's exaggerated performance, what Jiang Cheng cares more about is what he said, "It must be a ghost, the ghost sealed in this snow mountain!"

A man in a striped shirt who had not spoken before stared at Shang Mo and suddenly asked: "Why did you say there is a sealed ghost in this snow mountain?"

"How do you know there are ghosts in the snowy mountains?" Huai Yi looked at Shang Mo with suspicious eyes, suspecting that he still had some information that he had not revealed.

Perhaps because he was too excited, Shang Mo pulled the bag and poured out the contents. There were maps, compasses, some photos, and a few notebooks inside.

Grabbing a notebook and opening it, Shang Mo said: "This is the rumor I collected about this snow mountain. There is a saint's tomb on the top of Gawu Zhangde Snow Mountain, and this saint's tomb is related to the ghost I talked about. related."

"According to local legends, a long time ago, there was an evil spirit in the snowy mountains. It was violent and carnivorous. It often used blizzards to trap passers-by, causing them to get lost in the snowy mountains. Then it would kill them and the livestock they carried. Eat them all 6̳̳”

"The locals suffered from evil spirits doing evil, but they had no way to deal with it, until one day, a woman appeared."

"The woman holds a prayer wheel, is luxuriously dressed, and speaks in a pleasant voice. There is a large wooden box covering her head, and a pair of bright eyes behind the slit seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts."

"Although we can't see her face, everyone is sure that the woman must be a rare beauty."

"The most important thing is that she claims to be here to help deal with the evil spirits in the snowy mountains."

"The woman also made it clear that the evil spirit was stronger than her, and by going there she had made up her mind to die with the evil spirit. She had no other wish, except that after her death, the villagers could go up the mountain to collect her remains. Build a tomb where she died and guard her tomb for a hundred years.”

"No one is allowed to approach her grave for a hundred years."

"Early the next morning, the woman left and headed to the snowy mountains alone."

"According to legend, since the woman stepped into the snow-capped mountains, the nearby climate changed suddenly, and a rare snowstorm blew. At night, some people heard very scary cries and roars, coming from a very far away direction, even inside the snow-capped mountains. ”

"It snowed for three days in a row. On the fourth day, the sky suddenly cleared up. The locals had not seen such good weather for a long time."

"After waiting for a few more days, there was no movement in the snow-capped mountains. A few brave men tentatively walked into the snow-capped mountains. This time, the intimidating and eerie chill disappeared. Everyone understood that the woman had succeeded. The evil spirit disappeared."

"As agreed, the villagers found the woman's body on the peak, and then buried her with the highest local standards. In gratitude for her achievements, they called her a saint."

"This is the origin of the Saint's Tomb." Shang Mo took a deep breath and said.

"By the way, the locals call that evil ghost Duozhuoyeqi." Shang Mo shook his body, looked at everyone, and said in a low voice: "In our parlance, it means starving ghost."

"There are rumors that the locals later found the last words left by the saint near the saint's body, which recorded the saint's method of dealing with this starving ghost."

"She inhaled the starving ghost into her body through a certain method. Along the way, the starving ghost transformed into countless meats, trying to attract the saint to break her precepts. Once the saint ate the meat, the starving ghost would immediately escape from the trap and bite the saint. ”

"But the saint resisted the temptation. Not only did she break the illusion created by the starving ghost, she also climbed to the top of the snow-capped mountain and sat down cross-legged on the top of the mountain without eating or drinking until she finally passed away."

"The starving ghost was unable to escape in the end and was sealed within the saint's body."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng and the others probably understood why Shang Mo insisted that the ghost disguised as his grandson Shang Zuo came from Gawu Zhangde Snow Mountain.

He has a violent personality and loves to eat meat. These two things are completely compatible.

Now it seems that Shang Zuo and his group really found the legendary tomb of the saint by mistake. After that, I don't know what they did, and they actually released the starving ghost.

"I must find out what is going on. My useless grandson is fine, but my son and daughter-in-law, they are innocent!" Shang Mo clenched his fists, "I also want to climb to the top of the mountain and find There must be a way to deal with the starving ghost in the Saint's Tomb. My son and daughter-in-law cannot die in vain!"

"Don't worry, after everything is done, the reward promised to you will not be less." Shang Mo looked at everyone and said in a very sincere tone.

But it was clear that no one wanted to pay attention to him.

Shang Mo seemed to be completely immersed in his own emotional world and did not feel embarrassed. He packed up his things and stood up, "I have to prepare some things. You guys should get to know each other first. I also have the equipment you need for mountain climbing." It’s been prepared in advance and is in the backpack behind you.”

"If you feel bored, you can also go out, walk around, and get used to the climate here first, but be careful not to interact too much with the people here." Shang Mo's tone deepened, "Especially not with They said we were going to climb a snow mountain."

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