Nightmare Attack

Chapter 892 Seat

Through the gap under the seat, looking from outside to inside, he saw a pair of red high heels, a pair of square leather shoes, and a pair of old cloth shoes with mud stuck to the corners...

Sure enough, there is someone!

No, to be precise, these should be ghosts trapped on this bus and unable to leave!

Jiang Cheng acted relatively calmly. He did not immediately look away and stand up. Instead, he moved his gaze from bottom to top and slowly looked toward the seat. But just a few seconds later, he stopped suddenly. Google search reading

His gaze stopped just above the waist of the "person" on the seat, close to the chest, and he couldn't see the other person's face.

But this was enough, because from his current angle, he could just see the "people" on the seats all maintaining a posture, with their waists turned and half sideways, facing his position.

Jiang Cheng immediately realized that these guys were twisting around and staring at him.

Withdrawing his gaze, he took advantage of the moment before he finally stood up to quickly glance at the rows of seats in front of him. What made his spine shiver was that there was a pair of legs under most of the seats on the seemingly empty bus.

After standing up, Jiang Cheng took a breath slowly and his expression returned to normal.

The fat man stood still and neither moved nor stayed still. He was a little nervous. After Huaiyi said that, the fat man felt that there were ghosts everywhere now. Maybe there was one lying on top of his head, and he couldn't tell... under his feet. He even stepped on one.

"Follow me." Jiang Cheng glanced at the two of them and said in a calm voice.

Jiang Cheng took the lead to walk towards the front seat, and Fatty Huaiyi followed immediately. The Fatty walked these few steps in fear. The seats nearby seemed empty, but he clearly felt the ill intentions from around him. His gaze was in more than one place.

But just after following Jiang Cheng's instructions and sitting on a seat about 4 or 5 rows away from before, the strange feeling of being spied on immediately dissipated.

Jiang Cheng leaned back in his chair and relaxed a little. It seemed that his guess was correct. He would be stared at by those things very quickly while standing in the car, and he had to find a place to sit down.

Also be careful to avoid seats with "people" in them.

Fortunately, he found this place. All three seats in this row were empty.

After confirming that the area was temporarily safe, Jiang Cheng and Fatty Huaiyi explained what had just happened. Huaiyi's whole face was distorted after hearing that he almost sat on the lap of a high-heeled female ghost.

"Be careful." Jiang Cheng glanced at him and lowered his voice to remind: "You sat on someone else's lap without permission. If this were the case in ancient times, someone would have to marry you."

Huai Yi almost cried when he heard this. He looked at Jiang Cheng with a sad face and said, "Brother Jiang, do you think you are quite humorous?"



A strange sound attracted the attention of the three people, like a heavy metal wheel rolling.

Fatty sat in the back, Huaiyi was in the middle, and Jiang Cheng sat in the seat closest to the aisle. The three of them turned their heads almost at the same time and looked behind them.

The thick mist like water was stirred, and a figure slowly walked out.

When they saw the figure clearly, the three of them were stunned for a moment.

He was a man who was dirty, his clothes and shoes were in tatters, and he couldn't even tell his age. Through the holes in the chest of his clothes, one could see his protruding ribs.

The man was extremely thin, but the obvious contrast was that his bone-like hands were holding a large, seemingly heavy cylindrical object, with a rocker attached to the bottom.

As the man shook his wrist, the cylindrical object continued to rotate, making a "buzz--buzz--" sound.

Jiang Cheng knew that this was called a prayer wheel, and it was generally common in Tibet. He had seen it a few times, but this was the first time he had seen such a big and luxurious prayer wheel.

The prayer wheel has a golden luster, as if it is made of gold. It is also inlaid with various gemstones, such as turquoise, as decoration. The extremely luxurious prayer wheel and the man's dirty appearance form a distinct contrast. Compared.

The three of them understood that this unusual-looking man was the person who issued the mission this time, and he was also the disciple who died on the bus before.

What they need to go to this time is his door.

"I have something to trouble you." The man looked at them and didn't salute. He just stood there in a daze, his eyes expressionless, as if there was no emotion at all.

With the lesson learned from the last time, Jiang Cheng readily took over the task this time, "Master, please tell me."

"I have a disciple who is lost and needs your help." The man said as he turned the heavy prayer wheel, and the two voices actually overlapped strangely.

Jiang Cheng originally planned to ask more detailed questions, but the man dressed like an ascetic monk was unwilling to say more to them. He looked out the car window, as if leaving everything to the illusory fate.

After the car stopped, the three of them got out of the car. Then the scene changed. When Jiang Cheng opened his eyes again, he was already in a dark room. The room was small and shabby. The only lighting equipment was a burning oil lamp. small lamp.

He sat up and reached out to touch his body. He felt something special, a bit prickly, and it was the fur of an unknown animal.

After calming down, Jiang Cheng began to observe his surroundings with the help of dim light.

The walls of the room are uneven and made of stones. The gaps are filled with a mixture of mud and hay. The workmanship is quite rough.

There is no door, only a curtain cut from animal skin is hung, and light shines in through the gap.

There were footsteps approaching, and soon, the curtain was opened, and a face poked in, "You're awake. Come over as soon as you wake up. There's a meeting soon. I'll be waiting for you."

He was a man, about 60 years old, wearing outdoor gear and looking very professional.

Unable to figure out the other party's details, Jiang Cheng waited until his eyes could slightly adjust to the light outside before he walked out. Within a few steps, he was led into a large tent by the man.

There was a brazier for heating in the middle of the tent. A group of people gathered around the brazier. Jiang Cheng saw Fatty and Huaiyi at a glance, but as soon as their eyes came into contact, the three people immediately looked away, as if they didn't know each other.

After finding a random seat and sitting down, Jiang Cheng discovered that in addition to the man who brought him here, there were seven other people in the tent, four men and three women. They were all not very old and looked like newcomers to the workplace or college students.

The elderly man naturally sat in the first place. After scanning his eyes, he lowered his voice and said, "I feel really bad that I have come all the way to find you all, but I think if you can help me in this situation, I dare to help." Mine is all yours."

The man stood up, walked towards the side of the tent, and lifted the curtain of the tent window. The blinding light shone in, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but pause.

Outside the window, there is a towering snow mountain.

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