Nightmare Attack

Chapter 879 Conflict

"Is the news reliable?" The first thing Jiang Cheng wanted to do was to confirm the reliability of the news. After all, the scope involved was too large. Although the conflict between the top leaders of the Night Watch and the country was irreconcilable, a direct conflict broke out between the two sides. From Jiang Cheng's point of view, it was still too early.

Huai Yi nodded with a dark expression, "It's absolutely reliable. It's not just my brother. I also got some scattered information from other channels. When combined, it can also prove this."

After hearing the news, Jiang Cheng also became cautious, "What about the casualties?"

"We don't know where the Night Watch is at the moment, but the casualties of the military are not small. This is a raid launched by the Night Watch, and they deliberately chose to attack in the early morning." Huaiyi leaned forward unconsciously and said in a cautious tone: "And I heard that the ones dispatched are not ordinary people. They are an elite team. There are not many people, but there are a few guys in it who are quite difficult to deal with."

"Fortunately, the military was also prepared, responded quickly, and arranged for some people like us to change into their clothes and station nearby."

"The two sides fought for a while, and neither could do anything to the other. When the military support arrived, the other side withdrew, and when they left, they took away all the bodies of their own side."

"After dawn, the military sent someone to contact the night watchman. Unexpectedly, the night watchman didn't admit that it was their people who did it, and said it was... it was..." Huai Yi looked at Jiang Cheng and Fatty with some embarrassment.

"What are you talking about?" Fatty was listening enthusiastically. Seeing that Huaiyi was cheating at the critical moment, he couldn't help but ask.

"Say it was you Crimson who did it." Huaiyi whispered.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, then stood up and cursed the night watchman with his hands on his hips for being so evil. They Crimson had offended anyone. It was true that people were just sitting at home when pots came from the sky. Anyone who didn't pay attention would become a traitor.

In contrast, Jiang Cheng calmly picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

The Night Watchmen are not fools. There are not many forces that can summon so many masters in a short period of time. Apart from the Night Watchmen, there are only a few of them. You can count them on your fingers.

And under the secret management of the Night Watch, Crimson had the worst reputation. If the blame was passed to Crimson, no one could find fault, and the military could only swallow this dumb loss.

Rather than blaming the blame, Jiang Cheng was more curious about why the Night Watch took the initiative to attack at this juncture. After all, it had no advantage compared to the military representing the country.

Putting it into perspective, if Jiang Cheng was the decision-maker of the Night Watch, he would do everything possible to delay time and delay the tension with the military until the Abyss Plan was completely completed.

"Besides these, is there any other information?" Jiang Cheng looked at Huaiyi and asked, "I mean, is this the only conflict?"

Huai Yi nodded, "Yes, just this time. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ" After reacting, Huai Yi widened his eyes and looked up at Jiang Cheng, "Why, isn't this conflict enough? You still want to..."

"A piece of local news." A subtitle scrolled out on the TV opposite the sofa. The female host's voice was still calm, "A wildfire broke out in the Luoyunpo section of the Nanling Mountains near our city early this morning. A large number of rescuers arrived at the scene to participate. Rescue, the fire is currently under control. In order to prevent tourists from accidentally entering and causing danger, control will be implemented in the Qingluoyunpo section today. We hope that the general public will be informed that the station will continue to follow up on the follow-up situation of the mountain fire. "

"Luoyunpo." Jiang Cheng seemed to have thought of something and looked at Huaiyi.

Huaiyi quickly nodded and confirmed: "Yes, the location where the night watchman and the military exchanged fire last night was Luoyun Slope!"

I’ve been to Luoyunpo Jiangcheng once. The scenery was so-so, and there weren’t many serious tourists. Because the mountain roads are not easy to walk, most of them were hiking enthusiasts.

What are they... doing there?

hours ago.

Near Rongcheng, behind Luoyun Slope, there is a hidden deep place in the woods.

There is a dilapidated scene everywhere, many trees have been cut off, and in the distance there are wooden houses covered with camouflage nets. Most of them have collapsed, some are burnt black, and white smoke is still rising.

A middle-aged man in military uniform with a sullen face was patrolling around, followed by a woman who looked like an adjutant.

The woman wore a thick military coat that completely covered her body, revealing a plain-looking face.

There is no doubt that a fierce battle took place here not long ago. From time to time, there were people in military uniforms around carrying stretchers and carrying dark green bags back and forth.

The bag is not transparent, but judging from the convex shape of the bag, most of it can be seen as the shape of a person.

Everyone was busy, with their heads lowered and silent. A chilling atmosphere filled the forest, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a bit.

A middle-aged man named Chen is the nominal highest official here.

This was a secret base they temporarily set up, and it was also the command center for a top-secret mission. Unexpectedly, they were attacked before the mission even started.


General Chen paused, and the touch under his feet made him nervous. He pushed aside a layer of fallen leaves, and an arm suddenly appeared underneath.

What was connected to the arm was a mutilated corpse. The broken bones and broken leaves were stuck together with the soil, making it impossible to recognize the person's original appearance.

Judging from the camouflage net left on the body, it should be a lurking post arranged by the base. It would not be wrong to be an experienced soldier. Unfortunately, this time, the enemies he faced were a group of devils that he could not understand at all.

His finger was still on the trigger, but unfortunately the crisis came in an instant. Before he could react, he was smashed into a pulp by a huge force falling from the sky.

The gun was also twisted and deformed, completely useless.

Similar tragedies were everywhere, so much so that the experienced general couldn't help but wonder whether their opponents were humans or demons.

But one thing he firmly believes in is that no matter who the opponent is, they must be eliminated, no matter how high the price is!

If these guys are allowed to continue, similar tragedies will not only happen to soldiers like them, but everyone standing on this land will live in fear all day long.

There is a hidden cave entrance on the nearby mountain wall. There are many soldiers with guns on guard outside. This is the real command center. Fortunately, the attack last night did not affect this place.

There is a lot of space inside the cave, with some dark green military tents set up. They look sturdier than ordinary tents, and the area and space are also much larger, just like houses.

Walking into the tent in the middle, there was a long table inside, with three people sitting next to it. Except for one woman who looked normal, the remaining men and boys looked anything but decent.

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